Chapter 46
The guy in mid-air patted the two-meter-wide wings on his back, let out a sharp hiss and said, "Ha, don't you guys know me? We just met during the day."

"Wingman!" I couldn't help exclaiming.

This guy is undoubtedly the guy standing on the rooftop directing the group of Winged Men to attack, the infected person in the windbreaker.

This guy can actually speak, and what he said is logical and fluent.

I realized at this moment that we may have encountered a formidable enemy that we have never seen before.

"You..." Mo Ge probably thought about the other party's identity, and said, "What do you want to do?" This sentence has lost confidence, we don't know the other party's strength at all, and some things are difficult to confirm.

"To make a long story short," the guy suddenly stretched out his hand, pointing in the direction of Lin Wan and me: "Hand over these two people."

"Hehe." Mo Ge laughed, "Impossible!"

"Then I will not be polite." The infected person said in a muffled voice, "You are very good today. You have killed many of our brothers in the Lord. Now, I will wash away this sin with your blood."

"The main thing for you is whether you will cry or laugh when you see you like this?" Mo Ge continued to retort coldly.

"Shut up!" The guy seemed to be angry. He shook his body, jumped up a few meters, and lifted his right hand. At this time, I found that his right hand didn't seem to have a palm, or even a complete arm. The one facing us, It's a black hole in the muzzle - I don't know if I read it wrong - this guy seems to have implanted a thermal weapon in his hand!
"Run!" the fat man yelled.

Without any explanation, the few of us have already rushed into the alley beside the road.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, which was extremely shocking in the night sky, followed by the sound of cement and gravel cracking.

The shot appeared to be hitting the entrance of the alley.

Sure enough, that guy's arm has turned into a powerful single-shot rifle.

Fortunately, we have always chosen to take the alley. If we are all on the street at this moment, this kind of gun can kill us in just a few minutes.

"Spread out!" the fat man said again, "He's the only one."

"No!" Mo Ge said loudly. I don't know if he was worried about everyone's safety, or because Lin Wan would run away. In fact, at this time, Lin Wan couldn't run away at all. Her hands and legs were still injured, and she was alone. You can't go very far in the dark.

Everyone has not yet reached a consensus, but in the midair, a black shadow soars again, and the fleshy wings reflect the moon, and the falling shadow is particularly frightening.

"Boom!" Another shot.

"Ah!" I heard Lin Wan's cry, and when I looked back, she had already fallen to the ground.

She was hit? !

I instinctively turned around and ran towards Lin Wan, forcibly lifted her up, and continued to force her with difficulty under the cover of the eaves on one side.

"How are you?!" I asked her anxiously.

"I'm fine, my leg may have been injured by his shot." Lin Wan said, "It's fine, you go by yourself, I can move."

"I'll take you away!" I said loudly.

I wanted to recite her, but I couldn't help feeling uneasy considering that reciting her was undoubtedly letting her block bullets for me.As soon as I said these four words, I made a move, and regardless of whether she agreed or not, I immediately hugged her and ran forward.

At this time, I found that almost every time I endured the torture and test of monsters, there was a period of time when my physical strength was several times or even dozens of times stronger than usual. At this moment, I happened to be in this "explosive period", holding Lin Wan, in the narrow and rugged narrow streets full of bricks, gravel, and garbage, I walked on the ground like a hurdler, and I seemed to have thrown the guy in the air far away in a short time.

Although the thing in the air is powerful, its eyes are not particularly good, otherwise we would have been smashed to pieces by him.

After adapting to the dark environment, I soon reunited with Mo Ge and the others on the other side of the alley and narrow street. At this moment, Ah Meng sat on the shoulder of the fat man Zhu Ming again.

"Are you all right?" Zhu Ming said when he saw me running over with Lin Wan in his arms.

I quickly replied, "She's hurt."

"Damn it, I have to find a place to hide..." Zhu Ming seemed very conflicted.

But the Winged Men didn't give us a chance to get entangled. Suddenly, under a few screams of the cracking wind, I saw seven or eight black shadows flying one after another in front of me, and they were clearly a group of Winged Men .

Looking back, the guy with the hot weapon just now was also nearby.

There are interceptions in front, and chasing soldiers behind.

We are surrounded again.

"Hateful!" Zhu Ming said loudly, "What the hell is going on!"

"How about...I'll go with them." Lin Wan, who was held in my arms, suddenly whispered, "They must be interested in the new concentrated liquid, I'll go with them, you guys leave."

"What are you kidding!" I said loudly, "How could I hand you over to those monsters?! And they said they were going to take you and me away together, how could I run away?!"

"Hehe, Lin Wan, don't be naive." Mo Ge also said, "Do you think these mindless things will negotiate with us?"

The voice was still there, and Lin Wan suddenly took out three cylindrical things from her arms, which seemed to be precision machinery, and the ends of the cylinders shone with turquoise light spots, reflecting the texture of the metal, showing a A different kind of mystery.

"What are you going to do?!" Isn't this a grenade, isn't it their glory bomb?
Could it be that Mo Ge had suicidal thoughts again?
Mo Ge ignored me, and ordered to himself: "I will count one, two, three, and everyone will run away. When running, cover your ears!"

I didn't know what to do, but Ah Meng seemed to have understood something, and asked Zhu Ming to put himself down, put away the crossbow arrows, and covered his ears with his hands.

"No time! One!" Mo Ge had already started counting.

I couldn't help Lin Wan cover my ears, but I didn't dare to put her down. At this moment, she tried her best to bury her head in my arms, stretched out her hands, and covered my ears.There was a throbbing in my heart, and I had mixed feelings for a while.

"Two! Three! Run!" But Mo Ge had already issued the order, and I started to run wildly. After running a few steps, I only heard a loud noise from behind. Even if I covered my ears, I felt dizzy and even had a headache The pain of being shattered, I hurried back to the side alley, trying to use the shelter of the house to reduce the pain.

And the weird noise didn't last long, but after a while, the surroundings seemed to return to calm, and I had been staying at the entrance of the alley for a long time.

I stood silently for a while, at this moment, I realized that Lin Wan's hands had been hanging down, not covering my ears.

"Lin Wan?" I calmed down and called softly.

No answer.

"Lin Wan?!" I called her name again.

Still no answer.

What's up with her?What's wrong with her? !I hugged her tightly, and was about to continue shouting, but Mo Ge's voice came from behind: "Don't call her, she probably passed out, hurry up, if you don't want to die!"

Everything came too suddenly, this is probably the battlefield, there is no time for mother-in-law, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, and children to love each other.

I didn't dare to think about anything else, and immediately followed Mo Ge to the other side of the street.

When I stopped, I found that the fat man Zhu Ming and Ah Meng were safe, and the group of winged men in mid-air had disappeared.

Lin Wan still didn't move, but I still seemed to be able to feel her breath.

"What happened to her? What was that just now?!" After the crisis was over, I still couldn't help asking.

"The shock grenade transformed by the resistance organization, I once heard... I heard from Xiaoxia." Mo Ge paused, "The hearing of Yi people is far stronger than the vision. This kind of shock grenade is not very powerful, compared with ordinary military and police use. The stun bombs are less harmful to humans, but, I think, they may be of great use to Winged Men."

"Facts have proved that you are right." Fat Zhu Ming can still smile playfully.

"Then Lin Wan?"

"She's just weak and injured again. She didn't have time to cover her ears just now and she was stunned. She should recover after a while." Mo Ge said, "You should take care of yourself first."

"Lin Wan..."

After listening to Mo Ge's words, and recalling everything that happened in that short moment just now, I feel an indescribable feeling in my heart.

(End of this chapter)

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