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Chapter 45 Mutual Suspicion

Chapter 45 Mutual Suspicion
I endured the pain, tried not to let the people around me see it, and followed them forward quickly, but the terribly hot feeling all over my body eroded my mind little by little, and I began to feel dizzy.

The night was getting deeper and deeper, and everything around me began to become blurred in my eyes. There were no lights in the city, and it was difficult to move at night.

Mo Ge took out a miniature flashlight, and a beam of white light stretched forward. Although this light is much stronger than other flashlights, it is just a corner of light, and it is difficult to see the whole picture of the road ahead. Everything is still elusive at this moment , I don't know when, those monsters whose night vision is still beyond ordinary people will jump out of the darkness.

For example, that group of vicious dogs that kill people.

Mo Ge shook the flashlight, as if to confirm whether it could be used normally, then turned around and said, "I'm not afraid of the dark, your eyes are not as good as mine, so take the flashlight."

She glanced at several people, but before she said anything, the fat man waved his hand first and said, "I'm not afraid of the dark either."

Mo Ge ignored him, this guy is like this, it is rare for him to be serious, and more than half of what he said was joking.

In the end, Mo Ge's eyes fell on me, he handed me the flashlight, and said, "Come on, you go ahead."

I don't know why she made such a choice.

In order not to let them see that I was unwell, I reluctantly took the flashlight, pretended to be calm and said: "Okay, don't worry."

After finishing speaking, I walked to the front of the whole team, and Mo Ge was almost shoulder to shoulder with me. I don't know if she was deliberately defending me.

My hand holding the flashlight was shaking all the time, I don't know if Mo Ge has discovered it.

I gritted my teeth and moved forward as fast as I could.

This road is very quiet. At night like this, I don't know what section of the road it is, nor where it will lead, and I don't know what is waiting for me ahead.

Gradually, I felt the lightness under my feet, and the apparently flat road seemed to be pouring to the side at this moment. My walking was also deep and shallow, and it became more and more difficult to stabilize and balance.

"Are you okay?" At this moment, Mo Ge spoke calmly.

But I know this guy is starting to get a little wary, she's just like that, and I can probably get it even in the short time we've spent together.

I gritted my teeth, shook my head, and continued to walk forward, and quickened my pace.

However, the body is not listening after all.

About 100 meters away, my feet were weak and I fell down.

I felt someone pull me, but I already felt so heavy that I didn't have any strength at all.

The flashlight rolled to the side, and I watched the beam of light sway not far from me, then stopped, stopped, and stretched into the distance.

There are several people around me, the voice is a bit noisy, it seems that someone is calling my name, asking me what's wrong - but all these are getting farther and farther away from me, as if from another time, another space.

It was as if I had sunk into the bottom of a calm lake, the heat turned into ice cold, the pain and throbbing turned into deep drowsiness, and my body actually felt a little comfortable—I just wanted to sleep comfortably.

But at this moment, I suddenly felt that a few pills were shot into my mouth.

I was taken aback, and the drowsiness was dispelled a lot at once.

"Don't sleep! Chu Tingsheng, listen, now that you're asleep, you're finished." It seemed to be Lin Wan's voice, the voice that was a little far away just now became very close this time.

"Don't sleep." She repeated again, "You have already taken the medicine, and you will get better soon, just hold on for a while."

I felt my body being pushed aside, and I sat down against the concrete wall.

And at this moment, the hot and dry feeling, together with the bursts of cold, had begun to gradually weaken.

Did those pills really work?Lin Wan saved me?Didn't she say she was out of pills?What are these?I became more and more confused, but no matter how much I wondered, it didn't seem to make much sense at this time.

I try my best not to think about other things and to be calm.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and there was silence around me. When I opened my eyes again, I found that my eyes had adapted to the darkness around me. I saw Fatty and Mo Ge, one on the left and one on the right. Standing not far from me, like two guards watching everything on the road, they seem to be guarding my safety.And Ah Meng squatted aside, with a blank expression, not knowing what she was thinking.As for Lin Wan, she put one hand on my wrist at this time, as if she was checking my pulse. After a while, she slowly said, "You're awake... the situation is alright, your heartbeat has stabilized a lot."

"Thanks to you..." I was still a little dissatisfied with her.

She ignored my taunt and said, "How are you feeling? If you still feel uncomfortable, rest a little longer before leaving."

Mo Ge also came forward, stared at me for a while, and then said, "Are you sure you're okay?"

I shook my head, moved my hands and feet, and after confirming that I was all right, I stood up against the wall and said, "It's all right now, let's go."

"You're sure you can go." Mo Ge confirmed again.

I nodded.

I thought she was just checking it out, but what I didn't expect was that just as I was about to walk away, she suddenly pulled out a pistol and said coldly to Lin Wan, "He's fine, you should explain your business clearly." .”

"I have nothing to say." Lin Wan replied calmly.

In an instant, the atmosphere became tense. Although I don't like Lin Wan, I also hate her for deceiving me, but at this moment, we are all grasshoppers on the same rope after all, and we must help each other. I feel uneasy; more importantly, I feel that Mo Ge has always equated me with Lin Wan. If Lin Wan is killed by her, I don't know if I will be the next one.

At this time, Zhu Ming also came forward, looked at Lin Wan and Mo Ge in some astonishment, and said, "What are you doing? The base hasn't arrived yet, so you started fighting yourself?"

Mo Ge snorted coldly, and said, "She kept saying that there was no medicine left, but at this moment she took out the pills to save Chu Tingsheng—I just want to know how many things she is hiding from us. "

"If it is necessary to tell you, I will naturally say it." Lin Wan frowned deeply, even in this darkness, I could still see her stern expression.

Ju Ming on the other side began to smooth things over, playing his usual role as an old peacemaker, saying, "Hey! Isn't it great to be able to save Tingsheng? Don't you still want Chu Tingsheng to die here? It doesn't make sense!"

"Before returning to the base, I want to ensure everyone's safety." Mo Ge said through gritted teeth.

"Everyone's safety, not including me?" Lin Wan sneered.

These two people are already at each other's throats, and they are inseparable.

I didn't know what to say for a while, but I actually wanted to help Lin Wan, after all, she saved me just now, but indeed, I also had great doubts about her at this time, and I still clearly remember that she repeatedly emphasized that But, there are no more pills.

"If you keep yourself safe, I will naturally guarantee your safety, but now, I'm not sure if you will bring disaster to everyone." Mo Ge had already loaded his pistol.

The atmosphere was extremely tense, and even my heart was beating faster and faster at this moment, as if it was about to pop out of my throat.

Suddenly, just as Lin Wan and Mo Ge were at loggerheads, there was a sneer in midair, which was especially eerie in the dark night: "Hehe, before the pursuers arrived, you guys fought first, really!" interesting."

The voice seemed to come from hell. It was dull and hoarse. Although the enunciation was still clear, the voice was like sawing wood. It was so unpleasant that it made the hair stand on end.

Amazed and terrified, I turned my head to look up, and there was a guy wearing a windbreaker with flesh wings floating in mid-air. That long windbreaker fluttered like a banner in the dark night.

I couldn't see his face clearly, but the way he appeared was so intimidating that I took a few steps back in fright.

But Mo Ge turned his gun and pointed at the floating monster in mid-air, asking sharply, "Who is it!"

(End of this chapter)

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