global variation

Chapter 52 Bloody Battle

Chapter 52 Bloody Battle

Mo Ge ignored my astonishment, and continued: "The modified June [-]th type in your hand has the shortest range, and it can't hurt them in a large area, so now you are in command, you are on the top of the building, and you can clearly see the movement below. , and then use the miniature walkie-talkie on your shoulder to tell us all the situation below and the location of the enemy, did you hear me!"

Only then did I understand that Mo Ge ran up and down and rushed to my side just now, just to ensure that everyone installed the miniature walkie-talkie.

This guy is indeed one of the most experienced on the battlefield.

Sometimes I really don't know what she will do next.

"Now, except Ah Meng who also occupies the high ground, everyone can hear you! Do you understand?" Mo Ge said quickly again.


At this time, the fire-eaters who rushed up later launched a ruthless flame attack, and beams of flames spurted out from their broken arms. I really can't understand how these strange guys put the flamethrower put into the body.

Not far away on the second floor.

Suddenly, a broken arrow shot straight down, and in an instant, there was another explosion in the middle of the road.

This time, the two fire-eaters seemed to have predicted in advance, and they actually hid behind the flower bed and trash can in a few steps. Their movements were so fast that they were completely inconsistent with their huge bodies over two meters high.

On the side of the bus station, the sniper gun fired from Mo Singer, and accurately hit the guy's backpack behind the trash can.

After a while, the fire eater started to burn all over, and after a while, Mo Ge shot again.

The flames flickered, and the trash cans, the guardrails of the flower beds, and the flesh and blood that had been all over the ground flew up together.

Another fire eater not far from the hit guy was also sent flying by the powerful impact and fell to the ground.

However, the guy soon struggled to his feet again.

Since Mo Ge fired two shots just now, his position had already been exposed, so this time, the Fire Eater immediately raised his hand to aim at the position of the bus stop.

Mo Ge put his gun on his back, turned around and prepared to escape into the alley next to him.

But at this moment, I saw, at the other end of the alley, two ordinary infected people were running staggeringly.

They should be the survivors of the battle, but when they heard the noise from here, or smelled the smell of flesh and blood, they stood up again.

"Mo Ge! There are enemies in the alley, you can't go!" I didn't dare to shout loudly, so I had to repeat, "Have you heard that, you can't go there! Mo Ge!"

But at this time, Mo Ge had already reached the entrance of the alley.

I'm about to cry out.

On the intercom, Mo Ge said coldly, "One time is enough! It's noisy!"

The voice was still in my ears, I saw her body dodge, and her feet stepped on the roof of a family's anti-theft net at the entrance of the alley in a few steps through the narrow wall. At the same time, the burning fire from the fire eater just now The bomb exploded next to the station pillar, sparks flew everywhere, and black smoke piled up.

The ceiling seemed unstable, unable to support Mo Ge for too long, not to mention she was carrying a sniper rifle.

But she didn't seem to be afraid. I saw from a distance that she was crawling on the sloping ceiling to ensure that the contact surface was large and the ceiling would not collapse so quickly. It was as if she had drawn out her pistol that she carried with her.

On the ground, the fat man Zhu Ming had already rushed to the entrance of the alley, sideways to hide, and was about to ambush the two infected people.

The fire-eaters who had released the incendiary just now moved forward.

This kind of infected person's head is really not working well, it's just that his limbs are well developed.

From the actions of the few members of the resistance organization, I'm basically sure that they have some experience in fighting this kind of thing, but in comparison, Lin Wan, who has been hiding under the flower bed, seems helpless and at a loss.

"Lin Wan, pay attention to the road on the right!" I couldn't help reminding.

"It's okay." Lin Wan didn't answer, and the fat man spoke first, "My position can control both sides."

My heart relaxed a bit, but at this moment, I suddenly discovered that there seemed to be people gathering on the roof directly in front of me, and that position happened to be directly above the fat man Zhu Ming.I was taken aback, and quickly said, "Zhu Ming, watch out for the top of your head!"

"Ah?!" Fatty obviously didn't react at this moment.

The voice was still there, and on the roof of the building, two wingmen had already fallen straight down.

I saw Ju Ming at the entrance of the alley rolling low and rolling, and the falling body of the Yiren was only about one meter away from him, but luckily he survived the disaster.Moreover, when he stood up, he didn't stop moving, but turned his wrist and flew out two knives.I couldn't see the trajectory of the flying knife clearly, but I saw a winged man convulsed and collided with another winged man flying to the sky again. In a flash of light, flesh and blood splattered, and the body of one Winged Man had already fallen, while the other was blown out and fell straight into the window of a residential area on one side. It is unknown whether he died or died.

"Thanks..." The fat man seemed to let out a long breath and said to me on the walkie-talkie.

I didn't reply, the crisis was far from over at this time, the two infected people in the alley, Mo Ge without the help of the fat man could only shoot to deal with it, under two shots, the two infected people fell down one after another, but got up again, after all Pistols were of little use to them, and Mo Ge on the ceiling couldn't use a sniper rifle at all.

I can probably guess Mo Ge's plan. Originally, she planned to cooperate with Fatty to kill the two uninvited guests.

She shot from the ceiling to prevent the two people from speeding up and attacking Fatty, making sure nothing would go wrong, and Fatty killed them directly with explosive throwing knives, so as not to give the two uninvited guests a chance, nor to let the slightly stupid Fire Swallower After discovering it, the design target will be shifted.

However, the fat man just rolled over to the entrance of the alley in order to avoid the Yiren. If Mo Ge didn't make a move, the two ordinary infected people would very likely fall on the fat man Zhu Ming directly, and the consequences would be disastrous.

At this moment, although Mo Ge saved Fatty, he exposed his goal.

Sure enough, I saw that the fire-eater in the middle of the road had turned his "gun" and aimed at Mo Ge diagonally above the alley.

Lin Wan's crisis is over, but Mo Ge is in danger.

I said loudly: "Mo Ge, jump down, you have been discovered!"

I saw Mo Ge hastily turned over, ready to roll down from the ceiling, but at this moment, a "fire bomb" had already been fired from the arm of the fire eater.

There was an explosion, the flames were dazzling, and thick smoke billowed.

I saw Mo Ge flying down from the ceiling of the anti-theft net, grabbing the window lattice of the residential building on the other side with one hand.

Fortunately, the so-called incendiary bomb was exactly what Mo Ge said, and it wasn't as scary as it looked.

However, at this time, the two infected people on the ground had already got up and walked towards Mo Ge and Zhu Ming. I heard Zhu Ming on the walkie-talkie say: "Damn, throw away the last two knives!"

I panicked for a while, but quickly regained my composure, and said, "Lin Wan, your position is right at the point of the gun, quickly suppress them with firepower!"

Although I was worried about Lin Wan, it seemed like she was the only one who had nothing to do at this time.

Lin Wan stood up from behind the guardrail of the flower bed, and fired several shots at the entrance of the alley, but it seemed that the shooting was ineffective, and the two infected people barely retreated into the alley.

Mo Ge turned over and landed, and shot two more shots at the alley.

When the opportunity came, Mo Ge quickly untied the sniper rifle behind his back. However, the moment he was about to shoot, I saw the fire-eater in the middle of the road raise his right hand again.

"Lie down!" I yelled hoarsely.

With a sound of "huh", a puff of thick smoke accompanied by bright yellow flames rushed towards the entrance of the alley, sweeping past, at what time, the entire entrance of the alley was already filled with thick smoke, and I could no longer see the situation over there clearly.

"How are you?" I said aloud, "How are you?!"

"Ahem, it's very noisy!" Mo Ge's voice came over.

I feel a little relieved.

"It's okay." Fatty Zhu Ming also said, "That guy has a gap between his attacks, quickly find a way to take him down...cough cough..."

"Where is Lin Wan?" I asked again.

"I'm fine, take care of yourself," said the intercom.

I gritted my teeth. At this time, the thick smoke gradually dispersed, and the figures of those people appeared in front of my eyes. I was a little relieved, but I knew that they had only escaped a catastrophe temporarily, and death was still one step away. step after all.Zhu Ming's throwing knives have been thrown, Lin Wan's marksmanship is inaccurate, and Mo Ge is the only combat power, but the only thing in his hand that can deal with the opponent is a bulky sniper rifle.But at this time, Ah Meng disappeared again...

(End of this chapter)

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