global variation

Chapter 53 Blood Pool

Chapter 53 Blood Pool

At this time, I saw the figure staggering forward in the alley at the same time.They also seemed to be affected by the thick smoke - Mo Ge told me before that the fire eater's attack does not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy. I don't know if these two guys have been burned by the flame just now.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but seem to have an idea.

However, the method I thought of was too risky.

At this moment, I was extremely contradictory in my heart. Just as I was about to dismiss my thoughts, I caught a glimpse that the fire-eater and the two staggering forward infected people seemed to have formed a double-team for Mo Ge and the others.

"Hurry up and find a way, otherwise no one will be able to escape!" The fire-eater hadn't attacked yet, and the two infected people still hadn't slowed down. This was the most important juncture——on the walkie-talkie, Zhu Ming's tone seemed extremely anxious.

"I'll shoot the fire-eaters away, you guys get rid of these two freaks!" Mo Ge said.

"No, as soon as you stand up and the flames of the fire eater spray on you, you are finished!" said the fat man.

"It can't hit me!" Mo Ge said, "Lin Wan, give the gun to Zhu Ming!"

Although I have a strong desire to survive, I can't take care of so much at this time.

Rather than letting Mo Ge and the others take risks on the same level as the Fire Eater, I'd better distract the target.

I quickly took out the modified [-]-type from my arms.



Three shots in a row.

At the same time, as expected, the fire eater on the ground suddenly turned around, and a beam of fire rushed straight towards me. I turned over and dodged, only to feel the heat wave crashing above me, like a tide rushing, or spreading , It's just faster than the tide, more violent than the swaying, I was pushed out by the sudden impact and fell heavily to the ground.

Oh shit……

This incendiary bomb is more powerful than any one just now!
Do you want to take special care of me? !

The moment I landed, not only did I feel my bones and even my internal organs tremble, but the two hands I used subconsciously to resist when I dodged just now were also in burning pain. When I raised my arms, I found that the back of my hands had been crushed. There were many scalds, and the sleeves were burned to a scorched yellow color. When the cold wind on the roof blew, the cold and hot alternated, like ice and fire intertwined, and the pain was unbearable.

I barely supported myself to stand up, and there was a call from the intercom on my shoulder, but the voice was already a little hoarse, probably because the intercom had been damaged by the high temperature.

"Did you hear that? Chu Tingsheng, answer!"

I couldn't tell if it was Lin Wan's voice or Mo Ge's.

I reluctantly sat up, gritted my teeth, and said, "I'm not dead..."

"Can you still go?" The voice on the other side became very calm, I guess it should be Mo Ge.

"Reluctantly..." I moved my limbs a bit. Although I fell heavily and my ankle was slightly sprained, I couldn't walk anymore.

"You go to the top of the building to see if the surrounding enemies have been cleared." After confirming that I was not dead, Mo Ge began to give me orders. I was depressed for a while, but I still followed her instructions, picked up the pistol that fell on the ground, Slowly moved to the edge of the roof and looked around.

The haze cleared.

I saw that the fire-eater who attacked me had been blown to pieces, and I could barely guess which pieces of charred and smoking corpses on the ground might be his remains, and the two infected people at the entrance of the alley had also been blown up. Their heads fell to the ground, and they both died on the side of the flower bed.

It seems that my attracting firepower just now really played a big role, and I can't help but feel a little bit of a sense of accomplishment.

"It's clean..." I slowly spit out three words.

After a while, Mo Ge, Zhu Ming and Lin Wan came out from under the fence behind the flower bed and returned to the road full of bones.

"What about Ah Meng..." I couldn't help asking.

"Still in the building, we have to find her quickly." Mo Ge's tone was also a little eager.

I said "um", and ran downstairs with a limp, and it took a lot of effort to catch up with them.

Before arriving at the tall building that Ah Meng climbed into just now, I suddenly felt an inexplicable nervousness.

I was a little afraid of seeing something I didn't want to see. I was afraid that the dreamy little girl would die in front of me in a cruel way.In the past few days, I have seen too many mutilated and horrific corpses. It seems that no matter what kind of person was alive, death will happen in an instant, and it will happen in the most swift and inhumane way, which will make people shattered.

I don't know what would go through my mind if I saw that little girl end up in a pile of bones and rotten flesh.

The corridor was dim, and there were many corpses piled up on the stairs, making it difficult for us to walk.

After a lot of difficulty, we came to the door of the private house on the second floor. Tianyou Road is a place where wealthy people live in the suburbs. The single-story area of ​​this building is also quite large, and the floor structure is very special.

Behind this door, there should be a large and empty room - and Ah Meng should be inside.

Inexplicably, Mo Ge had already stepped forward and opened the door without discussing with any of us.

I clenched the gun in my hand and moved to stand in front of Lin Wan.

The door ahead was unlocked.


There was a grinding sound.

A figure rushed towards us, I was so frightened that I raised my gun hastily, but a stream of thick blood spread towards my face, I had to protect Lin Wan and take two steps back, standing still Fatty Zhu Ming and Mo Ge in front of us also stepped sideways to dodge.


The figure fell in front of us, motionless.

Only then did I realize that this guy has no head, and it looks like he should be a dead infected person.

I took a deep breath, collected myself, and followed Mo Ge to the house.

The room was dark and gloomy, but I could still see my surroundings.

All this weirdness surprised me.

I saw that there were bloody handprints everywhere on the walls, on the ground, and even on the ceiling, ranging from deep to shallow.

The bodies of six ordinary infected people fell in the middle of the living room, all of them had their heads smashed and blood flowed freely.

Ah Meng was sitting in the middle of this group of infected people, holding a dagger blankly.

Ah Meng has never used a dagger to fight, whose dagger will it be?
"Ameng!" Mo Ge rushed forward and hugged the stunned girl in white. At this time, her white clothes were already soaked in blood, and her face was splashed with bright red. In addition, her skin was very fair. Her face was even paler, and in this dark and gloomy environment, she looked a little mysterious and strange.

"A Meng, what's the matter?" Mo Ge asked repeatedly.

"It's okay, Sister Mo Ge...just..." We also gathered around, Ah Meng raised his hand, and the dagger appeared in front of us.

"Xiao Xia's dagger." Zhu Ming whispered.

"You... where did you get it?" Mo Ge asked.

"Just now... there was an infected person who was holding this dagger in his hand and wanted to attack me..." Ah Meng said.

"What?! Xiaoxia's dagger is in the hands of an infected person?" I couldn't help being stunned.

Beside him, Ju Ming sighed heavily.

I suddenly understood.

If the weapon is lost, that person must be in danger. It seems that these infected people often don't use hot weapons, but cold weapons will probably always be the spoils of war.

"'t be sad..." Mo Ge didn't seem to know how to comfort her, so he could only say, "We have to leave here quickly and go back to the base..."

"Hmm..." Ah Meng stood up slowly, she didn't seem to be seriously injured.

The moment I left the room, I looked around again, looking at the bloody handprints all over the walls and ceilings, I was able to simulate the scene just now in my mind...

It can even simulate Ah Meng's grief and indignation when he saw Xiao Xia's dagger.

She alone used her special ability to snatch the dagger and kill five infected people in a row.

I suddenly didn't know whether I should feel lucky or sad.

In the future, if someone who is very important to me leaves me one day, will I also go crazy, and will I burst out with such terrifying power?

I'd rather not see that day if possible.

The moment he walked out of the residence, the sky and the earth were blood red.

At this moment, we actually ushered in the sunset after the rain.

The sunset seemed more gorgeous and dazzling than usual.

"Fuck...why should it be so appropriate..." Fatty Zhu Ming cursed secretly.

I sighed, dragged my injured leg, and followed step by step. At this moment, the sky and the earth in my eyes became a line, forming a huge pool of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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