global variation

Chapter 54 The Outpost of the Coastal Mansion

Chapter 54 The Outpost of the Coastal Mansion

The whole street became dead silent, except for the footsteps of a few of us, there was no other sound.

After I walked a few steps, I finally couldn't help but fell down. The fat man Zhu Ming stretched out his hand to support me. My arm rested on his body, and the burnt place was still burning and painful.

I gritted my teeth and moved forward step by step.

"I said..." At this time, Zhu Ming's snarky flaws were once again exposed, "I said Lin Wan, your new drug is too unreliable. You only consider physical fitness and attack power, not shock resistance. You Look at this burnt."

"The synthesis of this medicine by 17 kinds of jungle beasts is now the limit, and it seems that no animal has perfect resistance to flames." Lin Wan said solemnly, "There is no medicine in this world, which kind Weapons are what make a person invincible.”

"Hehe... I'm just talking about it." Zhu Ming said, "By the way... doesn't Lao Song still have the ability of rhinoceros hide? Why don't you add a little to this medicine, at least it can withstand falling."

"The strengthening of muscle tissue must involve changes in the function of the epidermis. The physiological structure of rhinos is different from those of carnivorous animals. I don't take the risk. Song Yi is born with a strong body and does not need to further strengthen the muscles, so he was injected with enhanced anti-inflammatory drugs. Concentrated solution of striking power, and my medicine is mainly designed for ordinary people with the most ordinary physical fitness."

"Well, I don't understand anyway." Zhu Ming said with a playful smile while supporting me to go forward.

"I really can't see it, so you are so cautious when researching." Mo Ge on the side said angrily with a gun on his back.

Lin Wan didn't answer.

We walked towards the end of Tianyou Road, and the setting sun was setting in front of us. The bright red turned into a piece of dark blue, and gradually turned to deep black.

The more blurred the surrounding area, the darker and quieter it is, the more tense it is.

There are fewer and fewer corpses on the ground. However, this does not mean that there has been no battle here. On the contrary, I feel that the further you go to the end of the road, the more intense the battle there. The avenue should be the place where the battle is the most tragic.Although there is no entity here, the ground is covered with blood and charred black. The bus station, roadbed, concrete walls, newsstands, and the glass doors and windows of small road sign shops are full of such eye-catching colors.

And when the night fell, all of this was merged into the darkness, and only a faint smell of burnt smell could be smelled.

"The battlefield has been cleared." Mo Ge said, "It seems that it is time for a truce..."

She looked around and quickly ordered: "Follow me."

A few of us followed, and I felt that my legs and feet were a little better, so I waved to Zhu Ming, and then I straightened up and walked forward.Among these people, Mo Ge has the best eyesight, and I should be next. At least my eyes, after adapting to the dark environment, can barely distinguish the colors of some objects. Capabilities previously unavailable in concentrates.

There was no one to be seen in the street, and there was no light at all, but after turning two corners, we suddenly came to a long and narrow road by the sea.

There are street lights here!
" there still electricity?" I couldn't help asking in surprise.

"There are three places in City Z that are not powered by the Jinwan Seaport Power Plant." This time, the fat man Zhu Ming answered first, "One is the military camp in the northern mountainous area - it is said that there are some advanced equipment or secret weapons stored there, haha, that's just There are rumors... but the military camp was abandoned two years ago, and the army was transferred away; the second is the coastal city of the outlying island, which is a satellite city of this place, and...haha, there are other reasons...then this is here."

"This road... isn't the duty-free building in the city?" I was a little confused, "I remember this is a shopping mall, McDonald's, Starbucks, Pizza Hut... Go upstairs and you will find duty-free clothing, famous brand stores and so on..."

"You're right." Mo Ge replied, "This is a duty-free shopping mall, but since the government recognized the rebel organization as a military-affiliated defense organization, this is the outpost of the rebel army."

She paused, walked towards the empty shopping mall, and said, "Haven't you ever wondered why there are only a few hundred shops in a shopping mall with a floor of thousands of square meters?"

"Store...screened?" I asked.

"This is one aspect. On the other hand, there are at least thirty safe passages that cannot be opened in this shopping mall. Those are not corridors at all, but outposts of rebel organizations. We, stay in this building. The core part in the middle, the huge prototype column that looks like decoration in the middle of the first floor, is our base..."

At this time, we have come to the steps before the hall on the first floor of the shopping mall. Through the huge glass door, I can vaguely see the "towering" column in the shopping mall.

I remember that several sculpture exhibitions or car shows were held here, and I also came here as a part-time volunteer. At that time, all the exhibits were placed around the column. At that time, those things were set off by this column, and they looked magnificent. , don't have a flavor.I would never have imagined that behind this pillar, there would be hidden heroes secretly defending the city. Thinking of this, I felt an indescribable feeling in my heart.

Perhaps, there are many unsung heroes in this world who have saved the city, the country, and... the world without people knowing.

But our comfortable life is often just an appearance.

Only a middle-aged person can understand the undercurrents and treacherous clouds under the bustling city.

"Huh... the city government built a tax-free building, and specially designed a base for you..." I couldn't help but said, "You guys really have face..."

"Huh? Face? The tax-free building is a product of the 80s of the last century, and it was renovated at the beginning of this century... You know, the 80s of the last century was the time when the predecessors of the rebel organization were closest to the government. At that time, the rebel organization almost incorporated Formed a regular army." Fatty Zhu Ming folded his hands behind his head, "However, this is an old story, anyway, being with you is like being with a tiger!"

"Zhu Ming! Enough talk!" At this moment, Mo Ge stopped.

Ju Ming just smiled lightly.

The few of us walked up the steps together and came to the glass door.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of several guns being loaded from the glass door.

In the darkness, there seemed to be several soldiers guarding it.

"Mo Ge, captain of the Seventh Squad of the Garrison District of Z City, the resistance organization, report!" Mo Ge immediately gave a military salute.

"The first squad of the resistance organization Guangzhou Life Fortress Garrison Area, currently... concurrently serving as the liaison officer of City Z, Zhu Ming, report!" The fat man also waved his hands in salute.

"A Meng, a member of the Seventh Team of the garrison area of ​​Z City, the resistance organization, reports." Ah Meng's voice seemed a little weak.

After the three of them reported their home, the glass door still didn't open.

"Who are the other two?" Someone asked over there.

"Lin Wan, a researcher in the underground laboratory of the Fortress of Life." Lin Wan said calmly.

I heard, whispers started on the other side of the door.

I couldn't help but move to Lin Wan, subconsciously wanting to protect her, but she patted me on the shoulder and said in a low voice, "Forget it, it's okay, I still have value in me, they won't do anything to me Sample."

"What about you!" Someone asked again, and I knew it was me, so I took a deep breath and said, "My name is Chu Tingsheng."

"Chu Tingsheng..."

"He is my mission target." Mo Ge added.

The other side seemed to have figured out the situation. I saw the figure with the gun standing upright and walking towards us. After a while, the glass door opened, and the leader saluted us, to be more precise, he saluted Mo Ge, and then , we followed those soldiers and walked to the right side of the shopping mall together with Mo Ge.

At first I thought that we would come directly to the pillars like those in those American blockbusters, press a button of some high-end atmosphere, and then after a while of inspection, the originally intact pillars suddenly opened a deep door. Don't be fooled.But the fact is not like this at all. The fact is that I followed them to a safety exit. The safety exit door has been open for a long time. It looks like a sealed ordinary iron door, but it is actually controlled by electronic equipment. After the people inside contacted, there was a "beep" sound from behind the door, and then two soldiers opened the door, one left and one right.

The back of the door is not grand, it is just a deep cement walkway leading to the ground, it seems that after going up more than [-] steps, it starts to go up in a circle - I know, this time we have really reached the inside of the column.

(End of this chapter)

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