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Chapter 55 Inside the Base

Chapter 55 Inside the Base
Turning the stairs and the corridor, there is another tightly closed iron door, which is no different from the door of the emergency exit, but the sign on it is not an emergency exit, but the words "computer room, no idlers are allowed to enter".

Probably even if a shopping mall customer accidentally enters this stairwell, and sees such words, he will immediately go back home, and he will never become suspicious.

Above the iron gate, two surveillance probes shone with a faint light, even in the corridor where the white lights were flickering, the color was slightly dazzling.

This door was only opened after the internal personnel contacted. After opening the door, we finally entered a slightly spacious place.

This is a room of about [-] to [-] square meters, without any decorations, except for an elevator door on the left.

In front of the elevator door, two soldiers armed with live ammunition and wearing bulletproof vests stood coldly. The moment they entered, they immediately aimed their guns at us.

I was startled, but the fat man Zhu Ming patted my shoulder, said with a sly smile, "Don't be afraid, brother, the battle will get bigger in a while, and the rebel groups are all nervous."

I frowned, and got into the elevator at the gunpoint of those two soldiers.

The only person who entered the elevator with us was the leader soldier. After entering, he took off his helmet and revealed a sharp face. He didn't look young anymore, at least he was much more mature and stable than the rest of us. , with vicissitudes in the slightly blue eyes, and there are already some crow's feet at the corners of the eyes.His expression is calm but not numb, calm but kind. For some reason, I think he should be a reliable person.

He looked around everyone, and his eyes fell on Lin Wan and me. First of all, he looked at Lin Wan and said, "Are you the researcher who developed the advanced concentrated liquid?"

Lin Wan just nodded slightly.

"No matter what the organization says," he said, "you're talented."

Lin Wan didn't reply.

Then his eyes turned to me again, and he looked at me with great interest. After a long time, he said slowly, "You are her test product."

Although this sentence made me feel a little disgusted, when it came out of his mouth, I felt that I didn't want to refute, so I just smiled awkwardly.

He returned a smile too.

The elevator door opened, he didn't say anything more, and led us to continue walking outside.

There is a circular corridor outside, and the walls are made of alloy. I finally have the feeling that I have arrived at a "real military secret base". The decorations outside are really too low-grade.The overhead light is bright but not glaring. In the corridor, there is a closed door every few steps. It may be an office or a command room. There are soldiers standing in front of each door. The special forces seen on TV are similar.As long as we pass by them, within one meter, they will definitely point their guns at us. I am always worried about their guns going off.

This atmosphere is very tense.

Soon, we were brought to a door, which was obviously different from other rooms. There was something similar to a miniature TV in front of the door. When we walked past, the older soldier in the lead raised his hand and pressed the door. After downloading a series of numbers under the WeChat TV, the TV responded and displayed a small box. The soldier pressed his thumb on a device next to him, and a message similar to that of an Iphone5s appeared in the lower right corner of the TV screen. The kind of fingerprint recognition system on the image comes.

However, this must be much more advanced than the fingerprint recognition system on an ordinary civilian mobile phone, I think.

After the fingerprint recognition, the door still did not open, but an interface for entering the password appeared.

"How about it? I said that the resistance organizations are all nervous." The fat man Zhu Ming on the side said to me again in a low voice, "This is supposed to be the commander...that is, the headquarters here. Guess how many layers of protection there are? "

I shook my head and said, "Triple?"

"Quadruple." Fatty Zhu Ming said with a smile, "The first is a public code, which is the first code entered by the squad leader just now. This code is known to all those who are approved to enter the rebel base. When this string of password characters is input, the machine has actually recorded the inputter's fingerprint once and compared it. The fingerprint comparison result will confirm the identity of the inputter, and call out the inputter's file from the terminal computer program. According to the different identities of the rebel organization, the files are also divided into different levels. If it is a first-level file, it means a senior official or a secret service member of the rebel organization—that is, the type of person who is most difficult to be imitated, kidnapped or killed—this is The door will open automatically. If it is not a first-level file, it will enter the next step of verification."

"It's complicated." I also responded in a low voice.

"That's it." Fat Zhu Ming said with a smile, "The second step is fingerprint identification. This verification is actually to prevent some people from cutting off the palms of anti-anti-resistance organization personnel for verification. So two comparisons were performed. The fingerprint The identification button is a very tight device. It can accurately identify whether the case is a living hand, a dead person, or a fake fingerprint made with an impression. Therefore, unless those people put the resistance organization members living people tied here, otherwise it would be impossible to complete the verification."

"Fuck..." I secretly rolled my eyes.

"If the file level is even lower, like this soldier, you have to enter the third level of password," the fat Zhu Ming continued, a chatterbox who couldn't keep his mouth shut, "It's not that you need to enter the password. The password is the so-called genetic password. Members of the resistance organization are all injected with concentrated liquid. When the concentrated liquid is fused with human genes, it will produce tens of thousands of different combinations and form a unique genetic structure. These structures will be recorded in case, enter into the computer, and use a string of numbers and characters to correspond one by one with a mixed password, at this time, he has to enter his own string of passwords, a wrong number or a letter may cause the alarm to sound."

"I understand why you dare to tell me this." I pouted and said.

"Why do you think?"

"Because I know I can't even enter this door."

"Hey, hey." Fat Zhu Ming said with a smile, "You will have a chance to go in sooner or later."

"However, I still have a question." At this moment, I suddenly thought of another matter, and couldn't help but glance at Lin Wan.

"You mean her?" The fat man lowered his voice, then he just shook his head and said, "She has privileges."

At this time, the terrifyingly complicated door in front of us finally opened, and I felt that I had completely entered a world that I didn't understand at all. Perhaps these complicated designs and terminology were too complicated for Lin Wan and the others. It's commonplace, but for me, it's far beyond my acceptable range.

On the other side of the door, there is no special place, there is no computer and controller with countless screens as imagined, no sophisticated and weird instruments.

It was just a table with two computers on it. Of course, the style of the computer was unprecedented in the market. It was thin and simple. In front of the computer, I saw two people.

I remember these two people.

Song Yi and Zhang Chu, in addition, there is a long-haired woman, that woman is wearing a black leather jacket similar to Mo Ge, with yellowish hair, when she turned around, I couldn't help swallowing.

Although this woman is wearing a jacket, she is not conservative at all. The jacket is draped over her body, and inside is a black deep V-t-shirt. However, her breasts are so big that they almost seem to be squeezed out of the collar. I mean it. I admire the two men with super concentration in front of me——Zhang Chu and Song Yi.

This woman is about the same height as Mo Ge, or even taller. When she saw us, she brushed her hair and said flatly, "Here's a new friend? He's a handsome young man."

"Be careful when you speak." Zhang Chu didn't wear sunglasses this time, and his eyes were as sharp as eagles. He stared at me with a stern expression, which made me feel a little chilly all over.

"You're going to scare new friends like this, right? Master Zhang." The woman curled her lips. Suddenly, I felt that she was a bit like Mo Ge, not because she looked similar. This woman's appearance was very different from Mo Ge. Mo Ge is the kind of person who looks innocent but has a stern look, and she is obviously much more mature. No matter who sees her, she will feel that she has experienced many things in the world, but she is still agile-the only similarity between them is that their gestures Between them, there is a so-called murderous intent.

(End of this chapter)

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