Chapter 58

"Why? My face is not very pretty, you don't have to look at me like that." Lin Wan rolled her eyes.

I hurriedly said: "No...I...I mean, you should go and deal with your own affairs quickly."

"Then after you tidy up, go to the lounge next to you to rest." She didn't shirk anything, turned and left the infirmary. However, when she reached the door of the infirmary, she suddenly turned her face and looked me up and down again. Once again, calling out: "Hey!"

I was in a trance at the time, not knowing what I was thinking, and was pulled back to reality by her call.

"Ah? Why?"

"It's nothing," she seemed to hesitate for a while, and said, "If you feel uncomfortable, tell me right away, don't... don't make me worry."

I let out a "huh", and suddenly felt that a long-silent feeling was awakened in my heart, which made it difficult for me to calm down.

After Lin Wan went out, I stayed in the infirmary for a while before getting dressed and leaving.

The clothes Lin Wan chose fit well, and when I left the infirmary, my body was already much more comfortable.

It's just that there are always people pointing guns at me in the corridor, which makes me more or less uncomfortable.

I immediately followed Lin Wan's instructions and came to the lounge on the side.

Although the lounge was empty, with only a bed and a set of metal tables and chairs, at least there was a place to sleep.

It's been a long time since I've touched an actual bed.

However, when I lay down, I couldn't fall asleep completely.

I felt like I was always half asleep and half awake, the lights and shadows in front of my eyes overlapped, my mind was racing, and I couldn't calm down at all.

Only this time, I didn't choose to get up.

Lin Wan said, let me not worry her, just say this, I must force myself to take a good rest this time.

I don't know when I fell asleep in a daze. Early the next morning, Lin Wan knocked on the door and called me out, saying that I was about to leave, and the time was very tight.

Now I am not only the Chu Tingsheng from before, but I also have a more important identity, that is, a soldier of the resistance organization, and the first duty of a soldier is to obey orders.

I was pulled into the silver business car almost in a daze.

That car seemed to be the one I used to send Mo Ge to the hospital when I first met Ah Meng and the dead Xiao Xia.

I don’t know if it’s to guard against us, but Lin Wan and I were escorted by two groups of people. Lin Wan was escorted by a team led by Mo Ge and Ah Meng, and I was escorted by the soldier who led us into the headquarters of the resistance organization yesterday. Take an escort.

The sky was still gloomy, and it seemed that this winter rain was going to last until the next spring. I was sitting in the co-pilot, next to the soldier, and I felt very at ease with him handling the vehicle.

Maybe some people have a kind of personality charm that makes people feel reliable.

When the car was driving on the coastal road, the soldier stretched out his hand and said to me in a friendly manner, "Shao Guangyi, your name is Chu Tingsheng, right?"

I also stretched out my hand and held him tightly: "Senior Shao Guangyi."

"They're all comrades in arms. I'm just a little older. There's no need to call me senior. If you think it's appropriate, you can call me Brother Yi, and I'll call you Brother Tingsheng."

I suddenly felt very kind, and nodded with a smile.

To tell you the truth, I've been treated like a prisoner all this time, and I'm a little flattered that someone is being so nice to me now.

This Shao Guangyi looks to be at least 35 or [-] years old. His steady demeanor probably comes from his rich experience. While driving the car, he asked me: "What did you do before?"

I replied: "I am a college student..."

"College student, huh, I used to be a college student, but I went to the army in my sophomore year. By accident, I ended up here." He said with a smile.

I also smiled back, turned my face, and looked out of the car window. Under the gloomy sky, the sea was also covered with gloomy clouds and mist. A sense of terror, in this sense of terror, at the same time, there is endless depression.Even the high-rise buildings in the city on the other side of the bay have been covered by the fog at this moment, looming, like a demon castle on the top of the cliff.

Just as I was looking around, I suddenly saw a small black speck piercing through the clouds and fog in the middle of the sky.

Then, the second, the third...

I have had some special experiences in the past few days, and I instinctively realized that those things were probably aimed at us.

I quickly turned my face away and said to Shao Guangyi, "Brother Yi! There's something over there!"

Shao Guangyi was still driving, but he took a quick glance to the side. He didn't seem to notice anything, but he didn't dare to neglect, and immediately picked up the car walkie-talkie next to him, and said, "Mo Ge, Captain Mo Ge, please reply."

A hoarse machine over the intercom said, "Say it."

"There seems to be a foreign object in the sky above three o'clock." Shao Guangyi said.

"I see." The intercom said, "A group of Wingmen with Molotov cocktails, pay attention to the stability of the vehicle, and you will be fine when you drive off this coastal road."

"Understood." Shao Guangyi responded, and then he reached out and pressed the window control button to completely close the car.

"It might be a little hot." At this moment, he just smiled lightly, and then kicked the accelerator.

My whole body couldn't help leaning forward, and I couldn't help grabbing the back of the chair casually.

At the same time, I saw, outside the car window, several balls of fire had already fallen from the sky, and the side of my car exploded, the light was dazzling, and sparks splashed everywhere, which looked extremely terrifying.

The more the commercial vehicle sped forward, the more fireballs fell from the sky, like a rain of flames. However, the car circled around and kept dodging, but none of the fireballs hit the roof of the car.

Although I was dizzy in the carriage and finally fastened my seat belt, I still admire this soldier Shao Guangyi with all my heart.

This is simply a car skill that can only be seen in American blockbusters!

However, at this moment, suddenly, I saw a flash of light in the mid-air directly in front of me, and a huge fireball flew straight in our direction.

"Sit down!" Shao Guangyi yelled, probably slamming on the brakes.

I felt that my body was about to be strangled in two by the seat belt, so I gritted my teeth to stabilize my figure.

That bunch of flames exploded with a muffled bang less than 50 meters in front of us—this is not an ordinary incendiary bottle, it is definitely a “thrown thing” rather than simply being thrown from the air down.

"Shao Guangyi, are you all right?" Mo Ge's voice came from the walkie-talkie.

"Barely safe." Shao Guangyi replied.

"Be careful of concealment, there is a winged man flying over with a fire eater in the sky ahead." Mo Ge said over the intercom.


After Shao Guangyi answered, he sneered secretly, and said in a low voice: "The Winged Man leads the Fire Eater, so he thinks he is a fighter?!"

The voice in the carriage was still there, and another fireball rushed towards us, and hit the flower bed not far from us, when the flames shot out and the smoke rose everywhere.

The commercial vehicle started again, and I felt that my body was weightless again.

This time, the speed was faster than before, and it rushed straight towards the direction where the fire was flickering.

I couldn't help but feel a little scared instinctively.

But the driver next to him was not afraid at all, and his speed was getting faster and faster.


"Swipe!" Another two balls of fire came head-on, and I only felt the car shake violently, as if all four wheels had left the ground.

The two fireballs were miraculously dodged, and there were two muffled sounds behind our vehicle.

At almost the same moment, I saw through the window of the business car, not far from us, the car that Lin Wan was in passed us at a faster speed, and in this speeding car, Mo Ge was half body He has already reached out of the car, holding a sniper rifle in his hand, his figure is stable and motionless.

I couldn't help but sweat for her.


With a loud noise, a ball of fire exploded in the center of the road less than ten meters away from her, and she had maintained her shooting posture for a long time without fear.

I feel that she must be counting at this time, right?

Sure enough, gunshots rang out crisply and neatly at this moment.

In the distance, high in the sky, a ray of bright red actually came out.

(End of this chapter)

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