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Chapter 59 History of the Spiritual Penance Society

Chapter 59 History of the Spiritual Penance Society
I couldn't help but put my face on the car window, trying to look forward, I only saw the Winged Man and Fire Eater falling down almost at the same time.

It's not too late.


Mo Ge fired another shot.


The falling Fire Eater exploded in mid-air. This explosion was probably enough to blow itself up to nothing, and the Winged Man would definitely be burned into a piece of charcoal.

I was about to admire Mo Ge's marksmanship, when suddenly, directly in front of him, almost at the same level as the ground, three figures of winged figures suddenly appeared, sticking to the road and rushing towards the commercial vehicle where Mo Ge and Lin Wan were. go.

Half of Mo Ge's body was leaning out of the car window, and he was still holding a sniper rifle. It was almost impossible to dodge at this time.

I almost screamed.

At this time, two bright colors shot out from the car quickly and accurately hit the two winged men galloping up.

There were two more bangs, and the two winged men flew with flesh and blood. The guy who was not hit was also blown away by the impact, like a kite with a broken string.

At some point, the window of the commercial vehicle I was in was knocked down again.

At this moment, Shao Guangyi stretched out his hand out of the window, and I saw from the side that he already had an extra submachine gun in his hand.

There was a coherent and rhythmic gunshot, and the Winged Man rolling and falling on the side of the road outside was immediately bloody.

Then, he calmly withdrew his hand and said with a smile, "Isn't this bloody bad?"

The car windows were closed again, and the rain of flames in the sky gradually became thinner. Before we knew it, we had left the coastal road, and I was already overwhelmed by the cooperation of Mo Ge, Zhu Ming and Shao Guangyi just now.

What kind of sensitivity and tacit understanding is needed to fight such a smooth battle.

The speed of the car gradually slowed down, and I was finally able to sit still. I turned to look at Shao Guangyi, who just smiled and said, "Hehe, these guys, fortunately, their weapons are not advanced. If they have a lot of advanced weapons and equipment , this battle will be difficult..."

I frowned, and couldn't help being a little puzzled. I asked, "Do they...don't have weapons? It seems that most of them have weapons embedded in their bodies, or rely on the advantages of their bodies to fight."

"That's right... After all, the nature of the Divine Body Penance Society determines that they cannot have advanced military equipment... However, they are already very terrible military equipment..."

I don't understand.

Shao Guangyi turned his face slightly and glanced at me, probably because he saw my puzzled face, and said, "You probably don't know the history of the Ascetic Society of the Spiritual Body, do you?"

I nodded.

Shao Guangyi said: " join the resistance organization, you must know yourself and the enemy. The history of the Divine Body Penance Society is one of our compulsory courses."

I suddenly became a little interested.

While continuing to drive, Shao Guangyi began to tell: "The Divine Body Ascetic Church is known as a branch of Christianity. After Martin Luther founded Protestantism, New Christianity and Catholicism were completely divided into two factions. Protestants advocate simplicity in all rituals, and Catholicism In the end, it seems that only two of the seven sacraments, 'baptism' and 'communion', were retained, which also allowed Christians to no longer spend extravagantly and perform flashy so-called ceremonies. It stands to reason that this can also be regarded as the first in Western religious civilization. This is a good thing. But the Divine Body Penance, which has always been inclined to the Catholic Church, resisted strongly, thinking that Martin Luther's reforms were essentially guilty of 'blasphemy'. However, at that time, the Divine Body Penance was only a Very small branch, so no one cares about them, and some people don't even know they exist, and don't consider them Christians."

"Because of this, the Divine Body Ascetic Society has continued to grow and grow in the cracks. At the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century, that is, the stage when Western religious ideas continued to flow into China, the Divine Body Penance Society also began to emerge. At that time, there was a moderately influential movement in the United States—the 'Jehovah' holy spirit rectification movement."

"During the movement, they declared that no matter Protestantism, Catholicism, Orthodox Church, or Judaism, they are not the orthodox sons of "Jehovah God", let alone the people saved by "Jesus Christ". "

Shao Guangyi coughed and said, "Haha, isn't this a piece of crap? Let me tell you, there's no such thing as authenticity or authenticity in religion. Believe it or not. It's just for psychological comfort."

I didn't answer his words, just listened quietly.

Shao Guangyi continued: "This movement was suppressed, but it didn't cause much impact. Afterwards, this 'Divine Body Ascetic Association', like a clown, tried to set off several so-called religious movements, but they all failed. It didn’t work out. Perhaps the leaders at the time finally realized that they would never be able to make it to the stage of history if they were so muddled, so…they started from another aspect to strengthen their own strength.”

"What I'm going to say next is all rumors." Shao Guangyi glanced at me again, paused, and continued, "It is said that they have tried every means to infiltrate the government agencies of various countries, cannibalized the top government officials, and even aided some terrorist organizations. There are also rumors that they and The incident at the World Trade Center was also somewhat related..."

"Why, they have something to do with **?" I asked in a low voice.

"I can't tell." Shao Guangyi smiled, "It's all in the past, and it's not a domestic thing, I don't know."

I can only nod.

Shao Guangyi continued: "However, these are actually just rumors. There are definite proofs. The biggest time they played was in the 80s of the last century, and it was also the first time when our resistance organization fought them on a large scale..."

"What happened?!" I asked.

"At that time, I was still serving in the army, so I didn't know the situation of the rebel organization, but I heard that the rebel organization had fought with them for many years, but there had been no formal large-scale confrontation. The special envoy—which was also approved by the Chinese government—mainly discussed the anti-terrorism activities against a series of cult organizations such as the Divine Body Penance, Eastern Truth, etc. You must know that at that time, the United States did not define the Divine Body Penance Although it is illegal to teach as a cult, it is not a crime to join the sect. At that time, it could be regarded as a consultation between the Chinese side and the Americans on this matter."

I looked at Shao Guangyi.

"However, at that time, a group of biochemical soldiers that no one had ever seen before broke into the venue of the Sino-US talks, and had a fierce battle with the negotiators and guards... In the end, although the group of biochemical soldiers were all wiped out, But many people present were also infected to varying degrees, and even the senior leaders who were sent to negotiate had to be treated in isolation after returning home, as for what happened afterwards, it is beyond my knowledge.”

"They're crazy," I said.

"Hehe..." Shao Guangyi said lightly, "Maybe they firmly believe that what they did is right?"

"However, since that time, countries around the world have begun to fully characterize the Divine Body Penance Church—that is, the Divine Body Penance Church—as a cult organization. People and materials, especially weapons, important food, and economic resources, are not allowed to be funded. Organizations and groups related to this sect. That's why, they have always been poor... Ha, I said poor, just a lack of supplies. They can still buy weapons from terrorist forces, but in very limited quantities. "

"What's more..." When he said this, Shao Guangyi's expression suddenly changed and became a little dignified, "What's more, they are more keen on changing the body of human beings than weapons. This kind of change makes them Their bodies are stronger than weapons... Hehe, that also makes them scarier than weapons... You saw that too... right..."

Hearing this, I have mixed feelings in my heart.

This is called history.

Although in this period of history, there are still various doubts that I can hardly discover.

I couldn't help but shook my head and said, "What is it that makes them do these things for that illusory so-called belief, even at the expense of themselves and massacre of others?"

Shao Guangyi was silent for a long time, and suddenly asked me: "Do you have faith?"

"I..." I was a little stunned and remained silent for a long time.

Shao Guangyi smiled "haha" and said no more.

(End of this chapter)

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