global variation

Chapter 61 New World

Chapter 61 New World

Of course I dare not make any misleading actions, here I can be said to be trembling, walking on thin ice.

However, after walking through a not too long passage and getting on the elevator, my heart calmed down a little.

And the moment the elevator door opened, I felt like I had stepped into a new world.

I never imagined that this mountain, which is used as a playground, is so unique.

The location we are in is similar to the outpost, it is a circular corridor, but the corridor road is much wider, and the front is not a closed wall, but the surrounding floor-to-ceiling glass, through the glass, you can see every floor here They are all circular designs, like a deep well hundreds of meters deep, and we live inside the walls of the well.

The top of the well is as bright as direct sunlight.

That glow is enough to saturate any corner of this well.

I stuck to the floor-to-ceiling glass and looked down.

The "bottom of the well" seemed to be a very wide prototype training ground, and I even saw entertainment venues on the lower floor—I saw basketball hoops, running tracks, and people who were exercising and relaxing.

Looking ahead, on the other side of the well wall, in the floor-to-ceiling glass of the lower floor about [-] meters away, I can see a spacious banquet hall and auditorium—while the upper floor seems to be the dormitory of the soldiers, with people coming and going, not solemn , but also leisurely.

It's just that on one side of the corridor on each floor, there is a metal gate several meters wide, which is not known for its purpose.

Looking back, I realized that the corridor here is wide and clean. Although it is a military base, there is nothing luxurious about it, but it has a special thick texture.

There is a row of resting seats every few steps in the corridor, and there is a door every few meters, which should be the accommodation compartment.


I couldn't help admiring secretly.

At this time, I was suddenly slapped on the back by the fat man.

I was shocked.

"Hey, country people come to the city, right? Have you never seen it? Does it look good?" He said with a playful smile.

I was so embarrassed that I could hardly speak, and it took me a long time to hold back a sentence in a low voice: "It's so luxurious, are you here to serve as a soldier or to enjoy it, you resist the organization... huh?"

" don't understand this, right? We are all dead soldiers of this country. Since we entered this gate, we are not prepared to get out alive. If people like us are not treated well, it will be too inhumane Alright." Fatty Zhu Ming put his hands behind his head and said lightly, then he paused and said, "Just take a good look around, I'm going to report to the chief, bye..."

After speaking, he turned around and left without looking back.

Then, the people who came with us left one after another and went to various places to report. In the end, only me, Mo Ge and Lin Wan were left.

Mo Ge looked at Lin Wan and said, "Shouldn't you report it too?"

"Are you sure they won't kill me directly?" Lin Wan said.

Mo Ge smiled, his smile was cold and dry, and he said: "Are you afraid? If you dare to do it, you must dare to take it? Besides, hasn't Zhang Chu already called for you?"

"Hmph..." Lin Wan curled her lips, turned her face, looked at me, and said, "Be careful not to get lost."

I quickly waved my hand and said, "What are you talking about, I'm such a big man..."

"That's not sure." She gave Mo Ge another meaningful look before turning and leaving.

After Lin Wan left, Mo Ge and I stayed alone with some indescribable feeling in my heart, a little bit of depression and fear, but it was also mixed with some other thoughts, which I couldn't make sense of.

Mo Ge sized me up and said, "Is your body still able to handle it? Should I show you around, or take you directly to your residence?"

"Abode?" I was stunned, "Is there my residence here?"

"Don't worry, from the moment you are approved to join the resistance organization, we will solve all your worries as soon as possible. All you have to do is obey the order, and then, desperately destroy those hateful infected people."

I nodded, thought for a while, and said, "Why don't you take me for a walk."

She nodded slightly, didn't say much, and walked forward, and I followed behind her, strolling in this building that seemed like a dream to me.

"There are four elevators on each floor, three of which can be used at will." Mo Ge said as he walked, "There is another..." He pointed to the one on the side of the circular corridor opposite the floor-to-ceiling windows, which is several meters wide "This elevator is a troop elevator that leads directly to the base's assault exit and will not open unless ordered to do so in wartime."

I nodded.

"There are more than [-] meters up and down here, but the place where we are active is only twelve floors, and each floor is about five to six meters high. As for other locations, there are installations, power generation, water supply, etc., all of which are embedded in the mountains. Inside the body, it is placed between the living area of ​​the base and the outer protective plate. These are the things we depend on for survival. The most important thing we guard the base is to protect these facilities from being destroyed. Therefore, it seems comfortable and luxurious here, but Everyone who lives here needs to be vigilant all the time, pay attention to every detail, and take precautions, especially now, in wartime."

"I see……"

Mo Ge continued: "We are on the ninth floor. From the sixth floor to the tenth floor are the residences of soldiers and officers. Everyone's residences are the same. Usually, there is no need to classify them into different grades, but in wartime , but must absolutely obey the orders of superiors.”

This time I didn't speak.

She continued: "The eleventh and twelfth floors are the headquarters and offices, the fifth floor is the restaurant, and the second to fourth floors are gyms, indoor sports fields and other recreational facilities. In addition, you should see that the auditorium is also there. , However, generally speaking, no one will use that place, unless it is those leaders who talk a lot of nonsense."

"The bottom is the recruit classroom and training ground. You must keep these in mind and don't go to the wrong place."

She was like a teacher, with a threatening tone in her tone.

I can only nod.

"Your room is on the sixth floor. There are a lot of recruits living on the sixth and seventh floors. They are all young people who were screened or voluntarily joined the resistance organization after the outbreak of the infection." Mo Ge said, "Most of them have already been injected with antibodies and concentrates , in the future, they will be your comrades in arms."

"Oh... well..." Here, I can only be the answerer.

"What's the matter?" Mo Ge suddenly looked at me with great interest, and said, "Aren't you eloquent? Why can't you say a word now?"

"What else can I say?" I rolled my eyes and spread my hands, "I've come to this point, I can only accept what you give me."

"It sounds like..." She took a step closer to me, and I subconsciously took a step back.

"It sounds like you're still blaming me for using you, don't you?" Mo Ge said.

I shook my head and said, "It doesn't matter."

Mo Ge smiled faintly: "However, I still owe you a 'thank you'." Her calm and gentle tone made me irresistible, and I couldn't show her face.

I sighed, and in embarrassment, I had no choice but to change the subject: "Take me to my residence."

Mo Ge nodded without delay.

We took the elevator to the sixth floor. My room is the third one next to the elevator. It is very easy to find. The door of the room does not need a key, only fingerprint verification is required to open it.

"The door here..." After entering the room, Mo Ge said to me, "The verification system not only verifies your fingerprint, but also your genetic code. Yesterday, Lin Wan compiled and matched your genetic structure overnight. The system of the outpost has been released to the database of the headquarters, so now that you are a member here, your code has already been added to all the certification systems of the rebel organization, do you understand?"

"Does that mean I don't need to deliberately report to anyone?" I asked.

Mo Ge nodded and said: "You are still injured, stay in the room and rest. After a while, I will bring you all the materials and certificates you need. You should read it carefully and bear in mind that starting tomorrow, you To enter the probationary state—although you are still resting during this time, since you have entered the barracks, you must join the team, understand?"

Mo Ge's tone returned to sternness.

I also involuntarily stood upright and said, "Understood."



Mo Ge gave me a standard military salute.

(End of this chapter)

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