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Chapter 62 We Are a Group of Living Dead

Chapter 62 We Are a Bunch of the Living Dead
In this chaotic city, what I lack most now is a sense of belonging.

When I was fleeing, I wanted to go home countless times, and I also took action, but I still came here after all. Whether it was a coincidence or a coincidence, this is fate.

I don't know why, but Mo Ge's military salute suddenly gave me a special sense of belonging and responsibility.

It's just that this sense of belonging and responsibility was wiped out after a few minutes because of a certificate.

After Mo Ge saluted me, he temporarily left my room.

I looked at the surrounding furnishings. All the facilities here also have a metallic feel, and everything is basically embedded in the wall, including the iron frame folding bed on the side, the TV above the table, the table and chairs, and the bed. The cabinet at the top, everything is connected to the wall and can be used after being pulled out. If you don’t want them to get in the way, you can also push it back or fold it back into the wall.

There is even a computer on the table next to it, the display screen and keyboard are also connected to the table, and the host is sealed in a metal wall. Probably, if such a computer is damaged, it can only be repaired by a special person.

I strolled to the bathroom and bathroom to have a look again. Sure enough, everything was properly arranged as Mo Ge said. The only thing we have to do is to wait here, wait for orders, wait for training, wait for war, and wait for death.

I sat down at the computer desk, took down the paper cup hanging on the wall, and took a cup of hot water from the electric tea stove on one side of the wall, waiting for Mo Ge to return.

After a few minutes, Mo Ge pushed open the door of my room.

I froze for a moment and said, "Don't you want DNA verification?"

Mo Ge said: "Here, there are five people who can enter your room at will. Your immediate boss, Zhang Chu; your team leader, me; your doctor, Lin Wan; and there will be two nurses for you tomorrow. Now it is Special matters, special care for you."

"I..." I was a little annoyed, it sounded like most of the people who could enter my room casually were women.

"Don't worry, I will knock on the door before I come in." Mo Ge said again, and put a stack of documents in front of me.

I browsed briefly, and except for a set of genetic codes that should be memorized, the others seem to be some regulations and agreements, and I am not in the mood to read them for the time being.

But at this moment, I suddenly saw a copy of a document.

A "death certificate"!
A copy of my "death certificate"!
I quickly pulled the file out.

I read it right, it is indeed a proof of my death, account cancellation, etc. What does this document mean? !It will mean that my identity is completely obliterated in this world. I, Chu Tingsheng, will no longer be a person in this world. I am already dead. I am already a living dead.

"What is this for?! What is this?!" I raised my hand, holding the piece of paper, unable to contain my emotions, and said loudly to Mo Ge, "Tell me."

Mo Ge said with a blank expression: "During your escape, you have been listed as a wanted object by the Z City Public Security Bureau. We have investigated your information. You are involved in several cases of assaulting the police, murder, theft, robbery, etc., so to speak. , Before the riots of the infected, all the cases that happened near the university town were blamed on you."

"So what!" In fact, I can guess this kind of thing. If the so-called police target is me, he will definitely do this. In this way, he can use a large number of police forces to arrest me, or I just found a chance to kill me, and no one would suspect anything. However, the situation is different now. Now that the whole city is in chaos and the city government is finished, what is all this? !

I yelled: "Even if I'm a criminal, the whole city is paralyzed now, and City Z is finished, what do I do?! Why do you want me to die! Why!"

"This is one of the systems of the rebel organization. From the day you joined the rebel army, you have been a cell in the huge body of the rebel organization. You must draw a clear line from the former you to avoid leaving any trouble. No matter what It doesn’t matter whether your past crimes were framed or true.” Mo Ge said coldly, “It’s not just you, everyone who joined the resistance organization here is dead.”

"Impossible!" I yelled, "What about Lin Wan?! Lin Wan can still go to school, isn't she already in the resistance organization..."

"Do you think her real name is Lin Wan?" Mo Ge replied, "The name is just a code name, it doesn't matter what she is called... You must know that the organization wants to throw a group of researchers into the society and fabricate some identities to It’s a very simple thing to deceive people’s eyes and ears!”

I gritted my teeth and said, "Okay, I get it, I get are doing this just to lock us in the resistance organization and make us a tool and a weapon forever and ever , is it? From now on, we are no longer alone, so we cannot escape, even if we leave secretly, there is no place in the world!"

I finally understood why Lin Wan was so desperate at that time.

"You can think so, but if you know the situation of the resistance organization, you will understand that we did this not only to lock you up, but more importantly, for the safety of everyone here."

I gritted my teeth, leaned against the back of the wall, sat down slowly, lowered my head, and said dejectedly: "So, from the moment I joined the rebel army, my family, relatives, and friends have all received the news of my death." Is it?"

"Yes." Mo Ge said coldly.


"If you can live until the end of the war, maybe you still have hope to justify yourself." Mo Ge added, "If you are lucky, maybe one day you will suddenly be resurrected."

"Forget it." I said with a hoarse voice, "As long as we leave here, we will be like the living dead. No one will admit that we live in this world."

"The living dead, are they scary?" Mo Ge still raised his face.

"What do you mean?" I suddenly felt that there was something in her words.

Mo Ge was silent for a moment, and said, "You have lived for more than 20 years, haven't you?"


"If someone is destined to be a living dead, wouldn't you be worse than you?" When Mo Ge said this, his expression changed slightly.

"You, you mean..." I was stunned.

Mo Ge didn't pay attention to me, but the corners of his mouth curled slightly, like a sarcasm, like a wry smile, then turned around, walked out, and said as he walked: "You should think about it carefully, we can live until the end of the battle , it is already a blessing, so what if you are a living dead for a while? You are so sure that you have really lived, and you are so sure that people with status can live in peace forever?"

After leaving these few words that made me feel uneasy, Mo Ge closed the door and left.

I glanced at the copy of the "death certificate" again.

At this moment, my mood was very low, and I couldn't find an outlet to resolve it, but at the same time, I couldn't find a better way to solve the situation in front of me.

I poured the half cup of unfinished hot water on myself. It was hot and painful, but it made me sober up a lot.

Chu Tingsheng, oh Chu Tingsheng, you don't care if he is a living person or a living dead person, let's talk about it if he lives, as long as you can open your eyes, see everything in front of you, be able to move and speak, everything, isn't there still hope? What are you doing with so much?

——I said to myself, it's the only bit of self-comfort I can give myself.

The room is still silent, and there is no one around, but at this moment, my loneliness comes from the deepest heart.I was thinking, is every soldier of the resistance organization so lonely?As the cells that promote the operation of the huge body of the resistance organization, we survive to fight; death is also a matter of course, and no one knows.

I don't know if it's worth it.

But I know, probably at this moment, I have no choice.

Thinking of this, I sighed, stood up, and walked slowly to the bathroom. The river water was at its maximum, regardless of the wounds all over my body, and drenched from head to toe...

(End of this chapter)

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