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Chapter 63 Perfect Healing

Chapter 63 Perfect Healing
I had only worn bandages for a day, so I took them all off and soaked myself in the hot water running down from the shower.

The wound on my body didn't feel pain, I just felt that it had been too long since I had received this kind of baptism.

From the day when Lin Wan escaped from the rental house to now, it seems that more than ten years have passed.

I stayed in the bathroom for a long time, even I didn't know how long it was, until I was hot and dizzy from the steam coming up from all around, and I walked out of the bathroom slowly When he came out, he didn't even bother to put on his clothes, so he weakly tore off a towel next to him, wiped his body hastily, and rolled into the bed.

There seems to be a temperature control device in the room, the temperature is suitable, and the quilt is very warm.

I was in a daze, my five sense organs seemed to have lost their effectiveness, and I fell into a deep sleep.

Time in dreams is always illusory.

Even if you spend your whole life in a dream, you only wake up for a few hours.

This time, I was awakened by someone.

In a daze, I felt a hand gently scratching my chest, making me stand upside down with hairs all over my body.

The ambiguous caress was like a dream, and I couldn't help myself.

Opening my eyes suddenly, I saw Lin Wan sitting on the edge of the bed. I was so frightened that I hurriedly got up and almost hit my head on the metal wall behind me.

With a calm face, Lin Wan withdrew her hand and said, "I guess that's your reaction, it's really useless."

I was still in shock, looked at her, and said, "You...what are you doing?"

"What do you think I'm going to do?" Lin Wan said lightly, "Also, think about what you are doing now."

I was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but look down, only then did I realize that due to "excessive fright", I had already got out of the bed and stuck to the wall, and at this time - I wasn't wearing any clothes at all. Clothes, everything is visible at a glance.

I said "ah" and wanted to pull the quilt, but Lin Wan held my hand down.

I am even more confused and nervous, what is she going to do?I don't know if it's an illusion, but I think her expression at this time is very blurred and ambiguous.

"Why are you nervous? I've already said it. To me, your naked body is nothing more than a test object, no different from organs and human tissues soaked in formalin." She said, "Don't Make it look like I'm going to do something to you."

Having said that, I will be embarrassed no matter what, right?

I said: "If you have anything to say, wait until I put on my clothes..."

"No, no clothes," she said. "Lie down."

How can I be obedient this time, I asked loudly again: "What are you going to do?"

"Idiot." She took a step closer, put her hand on my chest, and said, "Look!"

I froze for a moment, looking down at my chest.

"And your thighs, arms..." Her hand brushed across her body. This time, my nervousness turned into doubt.If I remember correctly, there should be burns all over my arms, thighs and chest, but now the fact is that there are no scars at all except for some small wrinkles and subtle scars—here All the wounds healed? !In just one day, the scalds and burns of that degree were completely repaired and healed.

"This, did you do it?" I couldn't care less about my embarrassed look, I raised my head and asked.

"Of course not." Lin Wan said, "I don't have the ability."

"Then, this is..."

"This is my strange point. Although the concentrated liquid has the ability to enhance resistance and self-repair and heal, other people's wounds that take about a month to heal, you may only need a week. However, there is no evidence that this concentrated liquid It can allow people to heal their bodies in such a short period of time." Lin Wan frowned and said, "The shortest recovery time I expected was at least three days, but, the wound can basically heal in just one and a half days. The scab falls off and new skin regenerates..."

"Isn't that good?" I was actually a little excited, and said, "In the future, if you take part in a battle, you will be injured on the first day, and you can go to the battlefield again the next day. Isn't that bad?"

"This is science, it's science about human life and health!" Lin Wan said sharply, "The occurrence of any special event may have unimaginable consequences for the overall research. As long as it is unreasonable, it is definitely not a good thing! "

I don't understand.

Lin Wan shook her head and said, "You don't understand at all. In scientific research work, everything changes rapidly. As researchers, we can only make every step of the way so that everything is within the range of prediction, and there is no room for error. Here, no matter how quickly One step, one slow step, may be an abyss.”

I slowly got back under the quilt, looked at Lin Wan for a long time, and then slowly said: " don't have to worry too much, I don't feel any discomfort...really..."

"I hope you're okay too." Lin Wan shook her head, stood up, picked up a paper cup of water from the table beside her, and came to me with two blue pills in her hands, and said, "Come on, take your medicine." .”

"This is the last time..."

"Yes, but I have already done the second processing. According to the symptoms you reacted later, I have improved your body. Now the base has equipped me with a separate laboratory dedicated to the research of this medicine. It is also much more convenient to do things." Lin Wan returned to the bedside.

I closed my eyes slightly, nodded, patted the medicine into my mouth, and drank the glass of water in one gulp.

When I returned the paper cup to Lin Wan, I couldn't help staring at her face.

She is very haggard, pale, with bloodless lips, and big bags under her eyes. The current appearance makes people think that she is much older, and she is not at all like the Lin Wan I know, the so-called "goddess".

I couldn't help feeling a little distressed, and said: "You... have a good rest, don't work so hard, you are still injured, and you will go to work as soon as you come back..."

"Well... I will be more relaxed when the base equips you with other nursing care." Lin Wan pursed her lips and said, "However, you don't have to worry about me, I will be fine."

"I...I hope you're okay too..." I echoed her words back to myself.

Lin Wan smiled lightly and said nothing more.

"By the way," I asked again, "what time is it, and how long have I been asleep?"

"You have slept for a long time, it is eight o'clock in the evening, if you are hungry, you can go to the restaurant downstairs by yourself." She said.

I was silent for a moment, summoned up my courage, and extended the invitation—in college, I tried to extend the invitation countless times, but the words came to my lips, but I always swallowed them—I asked, "You, you...won't you accompany me?" Shall we go get something to eat together?"

"No need." She smiled lightly, "If you want to invite me to dinner, you'd better wait until the war is over." After finishing speaking, she left the room.

The electronic iron door slowly closed.

It was rejected after all.

It's just that being rejected at this time, I don't feel sad, I just feel inexplicably desolate.

After the war?When was that?

I suddenly wanted to drink a glass of wine. When I was in college, I didn’t like drinking or smoking. Every time I touched alcohol and tobacco, it was always related to entertainment. Now I really want to have a drink, or even get drunk.

I walked out of the room, and the electronic door closed behind me. It was tightly closed. I turned around and took a few steps into the elevator. After a while, I came to the restaurant downstairs.

The restaurant is bright, spacious and clean. It looks more like a well-designed banquet hall than a military barracks canteen.Everything here, for example, is also made of metal, showing the fortitude of the barracks, but the design style is softer and more flexible than other places. The swivel seats, the cabinets full of wine and drinks embedded in the wall, the long The long bar, as well as the bartenders and beautiful waitresses behind the bar, are dazzling.

I went to the bar and ordered a beer casually.

I don't know much about wine, and I have never been to a nightclub. It is definitely the first time I have enjoyed a restaurant of this size. I can't help but feel like a "countryman" coming to the city, and I am a little trembling.

The waiter put the beer in front of me, I took two sips, and soon became a little dizzy.

I began to look around with great interest, watching the people coming and going in the restaurant, and suddenly, I saw a familiar figure.

I couldn't help standing up.

The man was sitting on the sofa not far away from the wall, smoking a cigarette, with a dignified expression.

(End of this chapter)

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