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Chapter 64 Old Classmates and New Rivals

Chapter 64 Old Classmates and New Rivals

"Zhang Ziyang!"

I couldn't help calling out, and quickly approached the man sitting on the sofa.

The man suddenly looked at me as if he had just woken up from a dream. He seemed to be at a loss for what he saw. After a while, he stood up and said in a daze, "You... Chu Tingsheng, you are here..."

"Zhang Ziyang..." I couldn't help but have mixed feelings.

The last time I saw him was three days before Valentine's Day. I still remember that he was standing in the corridor outside the dormitory smoking a cigarette, and he was still struggling with what gift to buy his girlfriend on Valentine's Day.

Thinking about it now, everything seems like a lifetime away.

", you survived, it's really you!" Zhang Ziyang was also very excited, as if he didn't know where to put his hands.

I quickly said: "Sit down, sit down and talk!"

He nodded.

"You, too, joined the resistance organization?" I asked.

He sighed heavily, and after a long time, he nodded slowly and said, "Everyone got separated..."

"Scattered?" I was stunned.

He smiled wryly and said, "We were evacuated under the escort of the army. There were nearly 1 people in the school... Hehe, how could the escort come here? On that day, there were shuttle buses, military vehicles, and carloads of cars going back and forth to pull people outside the school. We were the only ones. There are two big cars in the dormitory building...Unfortunately, on the way, the convoy was attacked several times, and many cars were left behind. Our car was besieged by infected people on the highway, which was terrible It' so scary..." When he said these words, he seemed to be trembling, and repeated "too scary" several times, and every time he said it, his voice became a little lower, as if he recalled being attacked again horrific scene.

I can understand his feelings, why didn't I escape by chance in the attacks and battles one after another?
"Do you know... Qi Hao, Chen Min, they are all dead, they died right in front of me, they were bitten to death by the infected." Zhang Ziyang called out the names I was familiar with, my classmates, even mine. Roommates—and the collection of these names is a "death list".

"Guozheng, your roommate..." Zhang Ziyang took a deep puff on his cigarette, "He obviously escaped, and in order to save his girlfriend who was in another car... was ripped open by two infected people , the intestines flowed all over the place, and no one died, hehe...he was right next to me, stretching out his hand, begging me for help, I wanted to save him, but the soldier next to me held me down, saying...that he had died It's hopeless. That feeling, do you you understand..."

"Stop talking..." I shook my head and stopped in a low voice, "Stop talking about this, can you tell me, has anyone survived?"

"There were more than 60 people in our car, and less than ten people survived." Zhang Ziyang smothered his cigarette butts, and said in a trembling voice, "They were all picked up, and they may have been sent back to their hometown, or they may have been sent to the I was taken care of by the asylum in Guangzhou... I don't know, I was the only one who stayed, because I will never forget Guozheng's eyes, I will never forget that those classmates were killed and dismembered... right in front of me, I I will never forget it. So, I will kill them, those bastards, those freaks, I will kill all of them..." Zhang Ziyang gritted his teeth and punched his thigh.

I didn't know what to say, I just felt that my heart was blocked, like a big stone was weighing heavily on my chest, and I had nowhere to move it.

Even the wine in the glass can't pour out the hard block at all.

"By the way..." Zhang Ziyang sniffed, as if he had managed to restrain his emotions, changed the subject, and asked me, "How did you get here? Did you also inject antibodies and concentrates?"

I nodded, feeling very confused, and said, "I don't know how I got in, hehe..."

"Ha...Actually, who knows how and why I got in?" Zhang Ziyang said, "Who knows what happened recently?"

"Yeah, I really don't know." I said.

Indeed, until this moment, I was still in a trance, as if I was having a nightmare, but this was not the scariest thing.The most frightening thing is not not knowing the past or the present, but the incomprehension of the future...

Zhang Ziyang asked again: "What kind of concentrated liquid are you?"

I shook my head and said, "Me? I'm a mixed type, I don't understand either."

"Mixed..." He pondered for a moment, then suddenly said, "You...I heard that one of our group of recruits volunteered as a test subject and was injected with a genetic fusion ratio of 17 kinds of beasts. Concentrate, that person, could it be...could it be you?"

After hearing what he said, I couldn't help but sneered, and said, "So, the official said, I voluntarily injected... I'm pretty great, ha..."

"Huh? Isn't it? Could it be..."

"No..." I quickly smoothed things over and said, "That's right, that person is me, I just want to make myself stronger."

"You're really good." He patted me on the shoulder and said, "If it were me, I don't have that kind of courage. What if my body can't bear it?"

I sighed again, and looked ahead quietly. At this time, there were a few female soldiers drinking by the bar. They should also be newcomers, not wearing uniforms, and their gestures were slightly frivolous, unlike Mo Ge, Tu Shu and Lin Wan has a special temperament like that, no matter how you look at it, she looks like a school student.I stared at those people for a while, and suddenly, one of them stood up and walked towards us.

For us?
I couldn't help straightening my collar.

"The concentrated solution I injected was 'Cheetah'." Apparently, Zhang Ziyang didn't notice this, and continued, "It's the weakest kind, it can only increase the speed of sprinting and increase explosive power. Tell me, I He was there to fight, not to be a deserter, so why run so fast."

I kept staring at the girl who came over, and said absently, "That's not necessarily true, explosive power... is also very important on the battlefield, right?"

"What's wrong with you? You're absent-minded, what's the situation?" Zhang Ziyang finally noticed the strange expression on my face and asked.

I frowned slightly, alluding to the front.

When he turned his face away, the girl had already come to us, with her hands on her hips, staring at her, wondering if she had had a few drinks, her face was slightly red, and she looked very arrogant.

This girl is about our age, wearing a loose black top with a devil-like face pattern in the middle, and tight jeans on the lower body, which outlines a slender and sexy curve, but what I noticed is that she has a The pendant appears to be a cross.

"What does it mean to stare at someone's lower body?" The girl was indeed a little drunk, and the words were drunk when she spoke.

"Huang Qian, what are you doing?!" Unexpectedly, Zhang Ziyang knew this person, and when he saw him, he immediately stood up.

I also stood up with Zhang Ziyang and looked at the girl's face.

The girl's eyes are big, but she seems to have put on light makeup, her nose bridge is high, her lips are coordinated and sharp, and her chin is sharp. No matter how you look at it, she is a girl with good features and a fair face. However, at this moment, her expression makes me like it no matter what. Can't get up.

"I'm not looking for you today." The girl named Huang Qian pushed Zhang Ziyang unceremoniously, turned to stare at me, and said, "You are Chu Tingsheng, right?"

"Yes, what's the matter?" I asked.

Huang Qian sneered, looked me up and down, and said, "Humph, you look like a pretty boy, why are you the one who injected the comprehensive concentrate?"

"Sorry, I don't know why." I sighed, "If I could pass this power on to you, I would definitely give it to you without hesitation..." To be honest, I really don't know. There are also people who are jealous.

She must have no idea how much pain this concentrate has caused me.

"Don't come here." She said bluntly, "I just wanted to see you for one thing. I wanted to see what you are capable of. You just joined the resistance organization today, and you were assigned to the special warfare training class. The most powerful potion."

"What special warfare training class? I don't know." I frowned.

"Don't pretend, take the move!" Before I finished speaking, the girl suddenly took a step back, raised her hand and punched me in the face with a right uppercut.

(End of this chapter)

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