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Chapter 74 I want to step over the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood!

Chapter 74 I want to step over the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood!
The monster's movements were extremely fast, and the shots were quite intensive. I had to dodge and dodge, and I couldn't stand up all the time.

You know, this ghostly place is extremely narrow, if I continue to be passive like this, sooner or later he will cut me into two pieces.

A few people not far away seemed to have been entangled. Judging from the chaotic voices, there seemed to be more than two "mutant winged people" in the corridor. Shao Guangyi and the others had no time to help me.

Realizing this, I prepared to fight to the death, kicking my feet hard upwards.

The winged man was weighted by my abdomen, but the extremely elastic muscles made him stabilize his figure quickly.

It doesn't matter, I just need his short hesitation.

Taking advantage of the concentrated liquid injected into my body, I quickly withdrew, put my hands on the ground, and withdrew backwards. I reached out and grabbed the door frame, and used the strength of my waist to get up. No matter whether I aimed or not, I aimed at the person in front of me first. A black shadow fired a shot.

The mutant winged man was blown up by the special bullet and retreated quickly, and we immediately distanced ourselves.

My tense nerves suddenly relaxed a little.

Fortunately, when I stepped out just now, the Yiren focused on attacking my head and didn't notice it, otherwise I would probably have broken a leg by now.

I had already opened another hole in that winged man's chest, and his movements were obviously slower, but it was still relentless and rushed towards me.

However, this time, after walking a few steps, I suddenly saw Li Jin sprinting up from behind the winged man, holding his knife horizontally, and stabbing a group of spears into the winged man's back.

Immediately afterwards, the winged man trembled all over.

"Hurry up and shoot, I won't last long!" Li Jin said loudly.

I quickly rushed forward, put the gun against the guy's forehead, and pulled the trigger.


Fragments of blood, brain tissue, and bones flew up and scattered in all directions.

Li Jin and I hurriedly withdrew, the body of the mutant winged man staggered for a while, and finally fell down.

But everything is far from over. Before we could catch our breath, we only heard a few violent crashes. The doors of several nearby wards were slammed open by something from the inside. The door frame and door panel flew out at the same time and hit the opposite wall. , scattered and cracked in all directions, and at the same time, the mutated wingmen, like wild beasts released from the slaughterhouse, screamed and rushed out of the corridor one after another.

There are only four of us here, how can four of us wipe out so many wingmen in a short period of time? !
"Let's go!" Li Jin rushed to my side and yanked me violently. Without thinking about it, I rushed back towards the gate together with him.

"Boom! Boom!" The doors of the two wards in front were also knocked open at the same time, and two winged figures leaned out.

"Bastard!" Li Jin raised his gun and pulled the trigger.

At the same time as the bullet flames flew out, I saw a flash of lightning.

A winged man was pierced through the chest, his body convulsed and fell to the ground.

And at this moment, I fired the only two bullets left in the pistol, blowing the head of the other Winged Man to pieces.

"Quick! My electricity can only paralyze him for a while!" Li Jin reminded.

I dare not stay where I am. Although I want to save Shao Guangyi and Wu Lun, I no longer have the ability.

Li Jin and I rushed out of the corridor, the white light shot out of our hands was shaking, and my body seemed to be on the verge of falling.

When I came to the first floor, I realized that the door to the safe passage on the first floor had already been closed. Sure enough, we were discovered, and those guys were going to lock us up and slaughter us in this building.

"What to do!" I cried inwardly.

Li Jin didn't show panic, but his movement of looking around made me see his anxiety: "We have to find another exit..." He said, his eyes rolled away, and he looked to the side, I found , there is an elevator door at the corner not far away, but the elevator door is open and should have been abandoned, so we didn't consider going from here when we came up.What's more, wouldn't it be easier to be double-teamed in a closed space like an elevator? !

"What do you want?!" I asked in surprise.

"Elevator!" he said.

"Why, you want to generate electricity?!" I couldn't help being stunned.

"What nonsense, those guys will catch up soon, you quickly hide in the elevator, I will lead them away!" Li Jin said.

"Are you kidding me!" While speaking, a mutant wingman who seemed to have been injured stumbled down the corridor. Before I had time to change the clip, I grabbed Li Jin's pistol and pointed at the wingman. The person was shot in the head.

The winged man took a few steps back, but didn't stop. It seems that I still can't discharge the electricity with this gun.

However, while he was hesitating for a moment, I pulled Li Jin to the elevator door together: "The elevator is like a cage, even if you can barely close the elevator door to resist for a while, it will be difficult for me to get out after a while, you lure me away How long can they stay away?!" I looked around and changed the magazine vigilantly.

"Then what should I do?" Li Jin said eagerly, "The gate has been sealed, and the doors of all the rooms on the first floor are closed. I don't know if there is any danger inside."

"Walk together!"

I can't help him questioning, this kid is younger than me after all, and obviously has more technical experience than combat experience.

I pulled him and ran towards the other side of the corridor. Behind him, the winged man had already caught up again. I turned around and shot, but neither of the two shots hit the opponent's vitals.

In desperation, I grabbed the needle holder next door that had fallen to the ground and threw it at the winged man.

Although, under the action of the concentrated liquid, my arm strength is different from ordinary people, but after all, the situation is urgent and the strength of my arm is not stable enough. Although the needle holder flew over with "fierce momentum", it was easily cut into pieces by the wing man waving its wings. in two halves.

I didn't dare to look at the enemy again, and continued to run forward.

At this time, Li Jin turned and shot.

"Bang" sound.

I couldn't help but look back, and the winged man was hit accurately, and he twitched on the ground.

I quickly made another shot, and it ended up with the screaming guy.

The hissing attracted more Yiren, and the danger was approaching. Seeing that the corridor on the first floor was also blocked by the Yiren, I grabbed Li Jin and retreated to the downstairs stairwell on the other side, and whispered quickly: : "I am not good at marksmanship, you are responsible for helping me fix those guys, and I am responsible for solving them."

"Okay!" The voice was still there, Li Jin had already leaned out, and fired two shots in an instant.

I found that although Li Jin's attack power is not as good as mine, his marksmanship is really superb, and almost every shot can accurately penetrate the target.

Once the opponent can't move, he will be at the mercy of me.

Li Jin and I took turns firing, and the sound of gunfire and hissing kept coming and going in the corridor. After a while, I had already changed two magazines in a row. There were more Yiman corpses piled up in the corridor than I had ever seen before.

I never thought I could kill so many infected people at once.

However, there are more corpses, and more and more enemies. I don't know how many infected people are in this corridor. After Yiren rushed up to die in groups of three or five, ordinary infected people also began to appear in the corridor , They pulled apart the corpses of their companions and rushed towards me and Li Jin. Some of them were so close that I had to stab their heads with a dagger and cut off their necks.

I feel like I'm completely soaked in a sea of ​​blood.

I don't know how long it took, I gradually felt exhausted, and Li Jin next to me gradually moved slowly. I dragged him back step by step to the basement. I knew what the basement of the hospital was for, and it might be more dangerous to get there, but we had already There is no other choice.

This is an operation to send death, and our real task, in fact, is in this operation - to survive by any means!
The infected people killed by us were also lying on the corridor. The soles of my shoes were already sticky, and there were already more than one scratches on my arms and chest.

But I endured all the pain and rushed into the basement with Li Jin.

The basement is much more spacious, and the corridor has been blocked by several corpses. I reckon the infected will not be able to get down for a while.

So he dragged Li Jin, who was a little dazed, to run in the opposite direction of the corridor - there can't be only one exit in the basement, even if there is an elevator as the second passage, there must be a safety exit for emergency use.

And in this spacious environment, I decided to use a bomb to blow open the door of the emergency exit, and rush out of this building at all costs!

(End of this chapter)

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