global variation

Chapter 75 Bloody every step

Chapter 75 Bloody every step

The emergency exit is facing the corridor of the mortuary. Abandoned tables and chairs, iron steel pipes, and a pile of messy medical equipment are all piled up at the entrance of the passage, completely blocking the exit. I really don’t know what the hospital thought at the time.

However, at this time, we have no choice.

I glanced sideways at Li Jin, and Li Jin asked tentatively, "Boom?"

"Bomb! No time!" I took out the grenade in my arms.

At the same time, the corridor blocked by the corpses had been rushed out of the gap, and the two infected people roared ferociously, and rushed over from the other side of the basement almost on all fours.

Li Jin stood behind me and fired two shots.

I knew he was almost out of bullets too.

Looking sideways, the two infected fell to the ground and twitched, as if they were in extreme pain.

I didn't choose to end them. I can't waste bullets anymore. Instead, I directly triggered the detonator and threw the grenade into the pile of scrap metal in front of the safe exit.

"Lie!" The moment the grenade flew away, I yelled, turned over and fell to the ground.

I don't know if Li Jin has time to lie down too, but I can't care that much anymore.


There was a loud noise, and I only felt a wave of air rushing past my head, and in an instant, a pile of sundries and fragments of the explosion fell around me.

As soon as the turbulence settled down, I hurriedly turned over and stood up. At this time, Li Jin was a few meters away from me, standing up slowly with one hand on the ground, and the two infected people not far away seemed to have recovered. , screamed again and stood up, with the sound of "killing" in his mouth, obviously already angry.

What's more terrible is that at the entrance of the corridor, another infected person leaned over and sprinted down.

"No time! Go!"

A corner of light penetrated outside the emergency exit, the heavy iron gate was already cracked and deformed, two people passed at the same time without any pressure, I hurriedly grabbed Li Jin, and ran towards the emergency exit.

We almost took the posture of athletes hurdling, and jumped out of the door at the same time. There was a shadow in the window of the corridor, and I don’t know if there was something stalking outside, wriggling slowly.But we can't control that much anymore. Going out is the parking lot outside the inpatient building. No matter how you say it, it is much more spacious than this cramped space. The more spacious the place, the better it is for us.

We flew upstairs at the fastest speed, and we were about to reach the corridor entrance on the first floor above the ground, and the road became wider.

The hope of life is ahead!

Often at this time, joy, excitement and tension are intertwined, people are most likely to be confused, and most likely to ignore the dangers that are close at hand.

I didn't see it at the time. Outside the emergency exit, near the main entrance square, there was a compartment used as a duty room. That compartment was also tightly closed, probably to prevent people from stealing and sneaking away from the basement. .

The moment we ran through that cubicle.

"Crack! Kara!" Only a crack was heard.

"Ah...uh..." Li Jin beside me suddenly let out a shrill scream.

At the same time, I only felt a warm and viscous liquid splashing on my cheeks, I instinctively turned to the side, and fell against the wall.

I saw that on the door of the duty room, a white bone sword pierced straight through the closed wooden door, hit Li Jin's shoulder, and pinned him to death.

Bone Sword!Could it be... Could it be that in this room...

"Hiss... go, you go!" Li Jin pushed me hard with his other hand, half of his cheeks were already stained red with blood, and his originally gentle and delicate face was distorted and hideous due to pain.

"Go!" he yelled at me hoarsely, when I raised my gun, but I couldn't attack at all.The bullet of my special pistol is very powerful, and when it encounters resistance, it will explode in a small area. Li Jin's whole body is firmly nailed to the wooden door. Infected people are more likely to directly blow up Li Jin to death!

I can't save him.

"Let's go!" He lifted his foot and kicked me hard, and I fell down the last few stairs and fell to the exit of the first floor.

I quickly stood up and ran up to rescue again, but at this time, I only heard the wooden door crack again, and the broken sawdust flew towards me, and Li Jin, who was nailed to the door, was also here Moment was dragged into the compartment.At the entrance of the corridor, a group of infected people sprinted and sprinted down. I fired several times until I emptied the magazine, but only killed three or four infected people. The moving guys kept pouring into the not too big compartment.

I heard Li Jin's screams.

But I can't save him, I can't rush in, it doesn't even make sense for me to stay here.

I yelled, turned around and ran outside. Just as I sprinted to the parking lot, there was a violent explosion from the exit behind me.

The splattered blood, flying broken limbs, broken glass, wooden doors and wall fragments all poured out from the exit. Although the surging air wave was not enough to reach me, I still fell to the ground and stared. With big eyes, he stared at everything at the exit in horror.

The dust fell, and in an instant, the corridor had become extremely silent.

The explosion seemed to have devoured everything in the corridor.

Li Jin detonated the bomb, did he die with those guys?
I trembled and stood up, wanting to go back into the corridor, but before I took a few steps, there were several strange screams in the corridor.

A group of infected people began to squeeze towards the door deformed by the bomb blast, like beasts that had been dormant for a long time, their bloodthirsty temperament broke out again at this moment, and their speed seemed to be many times faster than before.

I only had the last clip left in my hand.

I loaded the magazine and fought and retreated.

At this time, the only belief that supports me is "survive".

Not long after, I retreated to the other side of the parking lot, near the outpatient building of the hospital. This side is adjacent to the church. From here, I can go around to the back of the church. I don’t know if that side is a way out.At this moment, I already had more than one scratch on my body. If it wasn't for the effect of the concentrate and the antibody, I'm afraid I would have already been infected.

I dodged and forced my way through the half-opened side door of the outpatient building, and blocked all the sundries I could see around the open door.

Immediately, the crack in the door, which was barely enough for one person to walk in and out sideways, was also blocked by me, and I fell into darkness again.

Finally, I was the only one left.

The model communication device was not broken. I turned on the lighting equipment, and what appeared in front of me was another long corridor.

This place is like a maze, gloomy, dark, winding, deep and distorted, it seems that no matter where you go, it is difficult to see what is waiting on the road ahead.

I gritted my teeth and walked forward step by step.

At this time, my ankle was already sprained, and the outer side of my left thigh was also scratched with blood by the infected person. There were at most five or six bullets left in the pistol. There is no chance of escape.

At this moment, I just want to find my teammates who entered the central fort near the church. They may be my only hope of survival.

The iron door behind me continued to slam violently, and the infected people were obviously unwilling to let go.

I quickened my pace, quickly bypassed the dark corridor of the clinic building, and came to the main entrance of the clinic building. There seemed to be a fierce battle here, and the gate was already damaged. I stepped over several fallen corpses—these corpses had already died It's been more than a day, and it's not soldiers of the rebel organization, but the government army--finally, I walked around to the independent prayer room behind the church.

I didn't know what was in the prayer room, so I didn't dare to linger at all, and walked around the courtyard behind the church in two steps at a time.

Just outside the corridor leading to the front yard, I finally saw my teammates.

However, it is not a living teammate.

Under the stone wall of the outer corridor, there are two soldiers lying down. I don’t know them—even if I did, I can’t distinguish their bodies now—but judging from their clothes, they should belong to the resistance organization. member.

The two soldiers were a man and a woman. The man was leaning against the stone wall. Only half of his head was left. The broken skull, brain tissue and blood mixed together and dripped down, soaking half of his battle suit. He was still holding a miniature submachine gun in his hand, obviously still doing the final struggle before dying.And that woman's body has been divided into several parts, apparently pulled to pieces.

A young girl who was supposed to be the most beautiful, but at this moment her face was distorted and hideous, bloody and bloody.

(End of this chapter)

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