global variation

Chapter 77 The first line of life and death

Chapter 77

I was shocked and stood up abruptly. At this moment, I seemed to have heard the heavy footsteps in the corridor.

No, this is not an illusion.

My stupid stay has driven myself to a corner.

I have no other choice.

Turning around and standing up, I rushed to the rupture.

The sky outside was gloomy and dark clouds were heavy. I came to the edge of the dome again. In fact, I already had some confidence in my heart. I slid down from here, grabbed the raised relief on the edge, and used the kicking force of my legs to turn over and jump to the other side. Go up to the top floor of the building on one side - it seems to be the outpatient building I just entered, but it is the side closest to the church. This is a dead end, and I have never been there.

In any case, as long as I can reach the top floor over there, I can climb down the pipes and window lattices on the side of the hospital building a little bit.

With the function of the concentrate, all of this is not difficult in theory.

Of course, this is only in theory.

In fact, no one knows what accidents will happen in the middle of this.

Behind me, the sound of heavy footsteps is getting closer and closer. This iconic sound of footsteps has already made me tremble with fear.That was my nightmare, my haunting nightmare!
As soon as I gritted my teeth, I started to turn around and climb down. I didn't dare to slide down from the dome directly. I didn't have the courage. Although it looked handsome, if I made a mistake, my life would be lost.

After a while, I had grasped the reliefs on the edge of the dome with both hands.

Next, is the most dangerous part.

I had to wait with my feet for the wall under the dome of the cathedral, flip over and jump to the roof opposite.

The drop between the top of the opposite building and this place is at most three meters. As long as I hold my head and roll down, the horizontal distance between the dome and the opposite building is definitely no more than two meters. If it is a simple long jump, I can jump even without the concentrate More than two meters, but now, the most difficult thing to overcome is not my body, but my fearful heart.

The theory is that I can pass, but I can't be firm in my belief.

My hands are already a little sore. I know that if I hold on for a while longer, my strength will be a little bit smaller, and my chances of successfully jumping to the opposite side will be a little bit smaller.

However, even if I look down, my legs will involuntarily cramp.

At the same time, above me, on the edge of the dome, a strong figure appeared. I looked up, and saw that guy's dark eyes staring straight at me. His mouth seemed to be mocking, as if he didn't believe that I could successfully fly over this death barrier.He is still full of scars, but he is still standing tall. The bone sword on his arm is still dripping with blood. Could this be Li Jin's blood? This guy has already killed so many of my comrades, friends, and Those innocent humans? !
I must not die by his hands.

The swordsman wasn't ready to come down, he was probably waiting for me to fall to my death.

I gritted my teeth and exerted a sudden force. I heard myself let out a roar, and then I supported my hands and kicked my feet, and the whole person jumped out.

"Uh..." However, what I didn't notice was that part of the relief under the church wall had been polished and it was very slippery. I had one foot propped up on the slippery wall, obviously not enough force, the whole People are already off the wall.

It's over!I think……

Before my body reached the range of the roof opposite, I fell straight down. The feeling of weightlessness made me despair.

I almost close my eyes.

But my survival instinct didn't allow me to do that.

I waved my hands vigorously, trying to grab everything I could grab next to me.


There was a sound of metal rubbing, and finally, I grabbed the iron railing outside an infirmary on the lower floor, and my whole body was suspended in mid-air.

But the terrible thing is that there are no other protrusions around here for me to climb or step on, and the door with iron bars and the windows inside are also locked, so I can't get in at all.

Is this the last joke God made for me? !
Struggling between despair and hope, I suddenly felt a black shadow falling from the top of my head. I hurriedly grabbed the iron railing with both hands, and tried to stick my body against the wall of the outpatient building. The black shadow fell straight from behind me, almost It rubbed my back and fell into the backyard of the church, making a muffled sound.

Immediately afterwards, there was a second black shadow, and a third... At the same time as a large black shadow fell, dust and gravel also drifted and fell towards me.

I couldn't help but glance up.

Above me, the swordsman was actually using his own bone sword to constantly chop off the relief decorations around the dome, making those big pieces roll down at any time, trying to smash me down or kill me.

I am very angry.

"Beast! Beast, bastard!" I cursed loudly, regardless of whether the guy understood, "I fuck you!"

The stones will not stop falling because of my cursing. Those stones are the instruments of torture used by the swordsmen to execute me.

fed up.

"Fuck you!" I yelled again, grabbed the iron railing with one hand, aimed at it with all my strength and fired three times.

It seemed that a shot hit the swordsman's shoulder, and a stream of blood sprayed out immediately.

The other two shots were hitting the edge of the dome next to the swordsman. There were two muffled bangs, and the stones under the swordsman's feet shattered into pieces. Therefore, this explosion directly blew up the dome so that there was no place to stand.The already cumbersome swordsman suddenly lost his balance, and his whole body fell straight down, falling to the ground together with the stone.

Unlike me, he has five fingers that can be stretched and grasped. His arm is extremely powerful, but he has almost no grasping power. In an instant, his bulky body has fallen straight to the ground, and his movements are distorted.

"Haha, hahaha... Quack quack..." I laughed wildly, my voice was a little hoarse, "Hahaha, I'm fucking dead, you think you can live, hahaha, you have to suffer on your own! Hahahaha..." I have been incoherent, almost insane.

The swordsman caused me too much misery. My escape and the bloody experience along the way seem to be somehow related to the swordsman. It is my nightmare, my demonic obstacle, my insurmountable pain, my The most hated enemy.

Now, my enemy fell down the building alive in front of me.

I seemed to understand Lin Pingzhi's mood after killing Yu Canghai and Tuozi in "Swordsman", and for a moment I had the illusion that "even death is worth it".

I kept laughing, I was out of breath, and finally, my arms went limp, and I slid down again.

The weightlessness pulled me back to reality.

No, I still have a lot of things to do, I can't die, I can't die!
Thinking about it for a moment made me clenched my five fingers again and firmly grasped the lower edge of the iron railing.

"Oh!" I gritted my teeth and roared, the strength of my whole body seemed to be concentrated on my arms.

At this time, I suddenly discovered that there were several protruding bricks a few meters away from my side. If I could successfully pull two bricks and step on one of them, I might move to the window on the other side. The window had no iron bars, and probably led directly into the upper corridor of the outpatient room.

I forcefully reached out to reach one of the bricks, and I was about to grab the life-saving protrusion. Suddenly, there were a few strange screams, from far to near, I was so frightened that I hurriedly withdrew my hand and took a closer look. It seemed to have spotted me and swooped in my direction.

"God!" I didn't know what to say anymore.

God what happened.

Give me a little hope, and then let me down, no, not just disappointment, but endless despair.

I was about to let go and fall to my death, so as not to be torn apart by the Winged Man.



But there were several gunshots above my head, and every time a gunshot was fired, I could clearly see the winged man not far away twitched and fell down.

"Who?! Who is saving me?"

Looking up, I saw, above me, on the edge of the crack in the church wall, Mo Ge was holding a sniper rifle, holding his breath, looking straight ahead, and rhythmically shooting at those wingmen.

She, she's fine, she's still alive!I couldn't help feeling excited.It seems that God has not given up on us after all!

(End of this chapter)

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