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Chapter 78 The Injured Mo Ge

Chapter 78 The Injured Mo Ge

I didn't dare to relax in the slightest. Under the cover of Mo Ge, I hurriedly reached out again to reach for the protruding brick.

Finally, I grabbed the brick with all my strength, gave it a hard shove, and leaned forward, stepping on another protrusion under the brick.

I managed to stand up in mid-air and looked up, only to find that I seemed to have misjudged the distance. The window of the outpatient building in front was still at least two meters away from where I was standing.

And I stood on a protrusion less than ten centimeters with my feet, and I couldn't exert any force at all.

At this moment, I couldn't get off the tiger, and it was impossible to go back, and it seemed unrealistic to turn over to the window.

"Stupid!" Mo Ge at the air outlet upstairs seemed to see my situation, and cursed out.

I raised my head and said, "Yeah, I'm an idiot, I'm an idiot to come to this damn place..."

"Shut up, save some energy, and wait for me to come down!" Mo Ge said loudly.

"Forget it!" At this time, I already wanted to give up. If the fat man Zhu Ming was there, he might be able to pull me over with his ape arm easily, but he didn't come for this mission. As the special commissioner of the Fortress of Life, he doesn't need to participate in the combat mission in Z City at all.

"Whatever it is!" Mo Ge said, "If you dare to let go, I will never end with you!"

After all, she put on the sniper rifle on her back, stepped out of the air vent in one step, grasped the only remaining protrusion on the edge of the dome with both hands, swung her body, and jumped to the top of the guardrail of the opposite window, and grasped the edge of the top floor of the hospital building with both hands.

Her movements are much more flexible than mine just now. If I could be like her, if I could not slip or step on the ground, I would have sneaked into the outpatient clinic building by this time.

I looked up at Mo Ge. As a girl, she moved faster than a man, and all of this was not the effect of the concentrate, but a manifestation of her own ability.

After a while, she had turned over to the roof of the outpatient building.

At this time, my hands were already sore and even twitched. I felt that I could not hold on anymore, but I had been gritting my teeth for a long time, raised my head, and wanted to divert my attention, and shouted directly above: "You are so amazing!" , I can jump over by myself without the power of the concentrated liquid!"

On the top of the building, Mo Ge looked at me with his head and said, "Do you think that everyone is like you, and you have injected the strongest concentrated liquid in vain? Hold on to me!"

I tried my best to stick my body against the wall of the building, and the time passed by. At this time, what I was most afraid of was that one or two so-called mutant winged men would suddenly come.

About five or six minutes later, I felt what it was like to feel like a second like a year again.

Mo Ge finally appeared by the window of the outpatient building, stretched out his hand to me, gasped, and said, "Jump over here!"

I looked at her from the side. At this moment, I saw that half of Mo Ge's face was covered with blood, and the arm that was stretched out to me was also stained with blood.

" are you..." I widened my eyes.

"Don't talk nonsense, trust me, I can hold you!" She gritted her teeth and said.

I took a deep breath, with mixed feelings in my heart, but now is definitely not the time to be polite.

So, I struggled to jump sideways.

"Ah..." Mo Ge yelled loudly. I had never heard her yelling like this before. Her body and her arms must have been in great pain at that time.But she still held me tightly.

"I...I..." She gritted her teeth and said in a hissed voice, "I'm hurt, you have to use your own strength... Climb up, little by little, I can't hold on, it's too long..." She said , I saw that a few bloodstains had slipped down the edge of the window.

I hurriedly put my feet on the wall, jumped up, and reached out to reach the window lattice.

This time, God finally cared for me. Although my shoulders were already sore, but with the support of the will to survive, I finally grabbed the edge of the window. In order to relieve Mo Ge's burden, I let go of her hand and let myself Go to the other side of the window. At this time, everything is much easier.Under the action of the concentrated liquid, I have challenged the limits of the human body that ordinary people cannot accomplish.All that followed was nothing.

After grabbing the edge of the window, I pull hard, like a pull-up.

Then, I stepped on the edge of the wall with my feet and rubbed upwards a little bit. Finally, half of my body reached the room.

Mo Ge reached out and grabbed my shoulder, and helped drag me into the window.

I almost fell by the window.

At this moment, I saw that the wall where Mo Ge was standing was covered with blood.The injury she suffered on her shoulder last time must not be healed yet. At this time, it seems that many new injuries have been added.

In the corridor of the outpatient building, there were several infected people lying in disorder.

Panting heavily, I looked at Mo Ge, who was already limp, and slowly sat down against the wall, and said, "All of killed them?"

She glanced at me, her face was pale, but she still maintained that special arrogance, and said, "Otherwise, did you kill me? Damn, if it wasn't for their sneak attack, how could I be injured..."

Only then did I realize that Mo Ge's legs had been scratched with deep cuts, and his head seemed to have been bruised, and he was bleeding continuously. Although people like us have more blood in our bodies than others, but Such blood loss is ultimately life-threatening.

I quickly said, "I'll help you stop the bleeding."

"No need, it's just a minor injury." She was still trying to be brave.

I gritted my teeth and said, "I'll help you get out of here."

"Take care of yourself..." She waved her hand and said, "This time, I misdirected, I..."

"Don't talk nonsense, too?" I said, "Look, I didn't get hurt all the way down, how about you? What time is it... Let's help each other!" When he refused the opportunity, he directly picked her up and walked towards the stairwell step by step.

There are already corpses everywhere, the remains of humans, and the melted corpses of the infected with only skin and tissue and muscle fragments left.

We stepped on this pile of rotten meat and went downstairs as fast as possible. Mo Ge is a soldier after all. Although he was wounded, he still walked steadily.

"This time, are we in an ambush?" I was afraid that Mo Ge would lose too much blood and faint, so I couldn't help but start talking to her.

"Absolutely." Mo Ge said, "No matter how large the scale of the rebel organization is, it is absolutely impossible to hoard so many people here under the condition of dividing troops."

"Then we've been tricked..." I said.

"Hehe, the people below, including Commander Zhang Chu, have long felt something was wrong, but unfortunately the leaders of the offshore base didn't listen at all." Mo Ge said, panting.

"What intel is there to say that ... there's going to be a coastal landing?" I asked.

By this time, we had almost reached the exit on the first floor.

Due to Li Jin's tragic experience, I became extremely cautious the moment I arrived here, slowed down, and tried my best to protect Mo Ge.

Mo Ge seemed to be gritting his teeth, and said angrily: "Before the first offshore base landing battle, that is, when you and I just met, the rebel organization once invaded the terminal computer system of the church's other temporary base in Z City, from which Discovered their planned schedule for 'three offshore landing battles', and relying on this, the base won the first offshore landing battle, and it was a complete victory, basically leaving no chance for the infected and the church."

"So they firmly believe that the infected will come a second time?" I asked.

"The leader of the base is mediocre, and has always been at odds with Commander Zhang Chu." Mo Ge said, "In addition, he firmly believes that the fact that he sent people to invade the temporary headquarters of the church has not been exposed, so...hehe..."

"So he thinks that the enemy will launch a second attack if the first landing fails, so he thinks that the central fortress will not have many guards, so we will be pulled over to die, right?!" I questioned loudly.

Mo Ge smiled wryly, and said, "I only hope that our death will allow that mediocre man to be transferred back to the headquarters of Life Fortress, otherwise, the entire offshore base will be finished soon."

"Why, just transferred back to the headquarters?" At this time, we have finally returned to the courtyard outside the church.

The surrounding area has once again returned to a dead silence.

"The affairs in the officialdom... don't talk about it..." Mo Ge replied, "Get out of here quickly, leave quickly."

I turned my head to look at Mo Ge. At this moment, her expression became more serious and stern, and she said, "This is an order, you should leave immediately."

I shook my head and said, "I'm leaving, won't you leave?"

"I still have my subordinates here, I can't leave, I saved you, I have to save others." She said.

"You're so hurt, I'm going to save them, you go!" Although I was afraid of death, although I really wanted to leave, I didn't want to offend my conscience.

"Nonsense, you are just an ordinary soldier, and I am your captain. For things like saving people, you should..."

I interrupted her and said, "Let's go together. If you want to die, then let's go together, okay?"

Mo Ge poked my shoulder and said, "You're messing around, do you know that?"

"They're all of the same age, what nonsense!" I said loudly, "Didn't you be a soldier in the resistance organization a few years longer than me? Are you younger than me?! If you were in school, you might still be My junior sister!"

"What junior sister!" Mo Ge's expression became a little strange.

At a critical moment, I don't want to delay for too long: "In short, let's go together! We will stay together!"


She turned her head to the side and said, "Okay, since you want to die so much, follow my orders."

I snorted coldly and said, "It's fine to follow your orders, you can stop the blood on your legs first... Do you want to drag your subordinates back?" I deliberately stimulated her.

"You..." Her body was still trembling, "If you can go back alive this time, I... I can't spare you."

(End of this chapter)

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