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Chapter 79 Enemy Headquarters

Chapter 79 Enemy Headquarters
Mo Ge applied blood coagulant to her wound, and only then did I agree to return to the church with her.

In fact, everyone knows that doing so is tantamount to death, but at this moment, I suddenly realized that maybe there are really some things that are more important than life.

The scene of Mo Ge saving me just now still lingers in my mind.

No matter what the reason is, she will give up her life for me, and I will definitely not leave her side when she suffers a catastrophe.

It's not about whether she's my boss, my comrade in arms, or my friend, I just don't want my conscience to be disturbed.

In the blood-stained aisle of the church, Mo Ge no longer needs my support. Although he lost a lot of blood, he is still holding on. I know I can't persuade her, there is no way.

She was holding a pistol, which seemed to be stained with blood, and I said I would help her carry the heavy sniper rifle, but she said "a sniper rifle is the life of a sniper", and she would never give this gun to anyone .

I have nothing to say.

We crossed from the church to the last part of the hospital that I hadn't set foot in.

That is Block B of the inpatient building behind the outpatient building.

In front of the building, the cold wind was extremely bleak.

But there does not seem to be a battle here, and there are no casualties.

"We were scattered here just now." Mo Ge said, then she turned to look at me and said, "Where are your comrades? What about Shao Guangyi and the others? Shouldn't you be at Block A?"

I nodded and said, "We are besieged by mutant winged people. I'm afraid... I think they won't be able to survive..."

"What nonsense are you talking about?!" Mo Ge said sharply, "Since you have chosen to return, you should go and save them. You must see people in life, and corpses in death!"

"I..." I was stunned.

"Let's split up!"

"No! Your injuries."

"Crack" Mo Ge had already opened the safety of the pistol, stared at my forehead, and said, "This is an order!"

"But you..." I really couldn't leave her alone.

"I told you to hurry up..." Before I finished speaking, suddenly, the communication device on my waist made a tremor, and at the same time, Mo Ge also looked at the communication device on his waist.

"Someone contacted us?!" Astonished, but a little surprised, I quickly connected the communication device.

After a hoarse electronic sound, a girl's voice came from the opposite side: "I don't know how many people can hear me, I don't know if you are still alive, I am Huang Qian, and I am now in the corridor on the sixth floor of Block B of the Inpatient Building , In this building, there are interference devices for radio and information transmission everywhere, all kinds of sound waves and signal waves are mixed. Now I use my ability to temporarily take anti-jamming methods... I can temporarily remove some communication obstacles, but I I don't know how long I can last, so if you hear it, come here and look for me immediately, I think I have found their terminal location..."

Huang Qian was driving a multi-person intercom system. At this moment, she could be regarded as a dead man.

"Huang Qian!" Before I could speak, Mo Ge said to the communication device first, "And everyone who can hear, report your exact location!"

"Huang Qian, in Ward 617 on the sixth floor of Block B, the infected are basically cleared, but the enemy's headquarters is probably on the seventh floor, and they may find me at any time."

"Shao Guangyi..." At this time, another voice came from the intercom, "I have four people here. We are in the central passageway between Blocks A and B of the inpatient building, and we are about to rush to Block B to break through."

"I...I'm Li Jin..."

Li Jin? !
I was so excited that I almost cried out, he didn't die? !
"Me and Zheng Long... At the main entrance of the church, I was seriously injured and could only hide here. We... We just defeated a wave of infected people... There are only two of us here..." Li Jin said weakly.

We seemed to be the only ones who came in, but there were more than I thought.

I don't know this Zheng Long, but someone is by Li Jin's side, at least it means that he is safe for the time being.

"Listen, Chu Tingsheng and I are outside Block B of the inpatient building." Mo Ge said, "Everyone obeys me now, Shao Guangyi, you leave two people to guard the entrances of Blocks A and B, Leave the grenades and powerful weapons to them, you take one person with only explosive pistols and air daggers, and try to join Huang Qian, Chu Tingsheng and I will arrive soon."


"Zheng Long, Li Jin, find the safest place to rest and don't act rashly. If possible, try to contact other teams. Your mission is to survive as much as possible." Mo Ge said again.

"Yes..." Li Jin was still weak.

"Huang Qian, stay put and turn off the walkie-talkie immediately to avoid being discovered!" Mo Ge gave the last order, and quickly put away the communication device.

At this time, the mutant wingmen in the building have almost been cleaned up, and the enemy's surveillance operations will probably be severely hindered. I suddenly found that, unconsciously, we had won the initiative in this battle.

Mo Ge and I quickly sneaked into Building B of the inpatient department. We no longer cared so much and turned on the lighting equipment to the brightest. Mo Ge's movements were much slower than before, and her body was getting weaker and weaker. If it continues, even if she is not killed by the infected person, she may lose too much blood and die.

Thinking of this, I said, "Mo Ge, you should guard at the entrance of the corridor. I'll go up. You have a sniper rifle in your hand. It's not suitable for close combat, but it can help us cover."

"What do you know?!" She really disagreed, "Do you think you can tell me what to do after fighting a few battles?"

I gritted my teeth and said in a low voice, "Don't be brave, okay? You know that waiting here is the best choice. What do you want to prove?"

"I am your captain, I must advance and retreat with you!" Mo Ge said.

"You are not advancing and retreating together, you are holding back!" I turned to look at her and said, "Look, I run three steps, you take one step, your speed of action, what is it if you are not holding back?! Since it is Captain, just take good command and make sure that your subordinates can use their fighting power to the best of their abilities, okay?"

"You!" She pointed at me, but she seemed almost speechless.

"You, just guard here! You can deal with me whatever you want when you go back, and now I want to take your command right!" I said boldly.

" are too much!" She didn't dare to speak loudly, but she was obviously very angry.

"Whatever you say." I can't let her continue to go up with me, absolutely not, I don't want to watch her being dismembered, the enemies here in the corridor have basically been cleared, even if there are still infected people attacking, the ground outside is flat, She can also definitely kill those guys with a sniper rifle.

"You..." She pointed the gun at me, but she stopped following me.

"You decide for yourself." I said, "Either you kill me..." After finishing speaking, I walked forward.

I firmly believe that she will not shoot.

Sure enough, I turned around and walked up the corridor safely, and Mo Ge seemed to have compromised. When I looked back at her, she had already sat down at the exit of the corridor and started loading the sniper rifle.

I stepped upstairs, and then, it was me fighting alone again.

The sixth floor, this is a long journey. Although I have enough bullets in my hand and my body is not seriously injured, I still lack combat experience after all, and my marksmanship is extremely inaccurate. If I really encounter those who move quickly Guys, I really can't guarantee a safe escape.

It seems that I am afraid of something, and often this thing will inevitably happen.

As soon as I stepped into the corridor on the fourth floor, I saw a tall and upright figure appearing in front of me.

"This is……"

The lighting flashed, and what I saw was a guy with no facial features or appearance.

This is the thing...

This is the guy who got into a fight with a bunch of SWAT when I first ran out of the apartment.This guy is covered with skin, the skin is stronger than a body armor, a pistol can't penetrate it at all, and - his speed and jumping ability are very good!
While thinking about it, that guy has already started to charge me, and that sprint looks like an athlete.

I hastily drew my gun and shot wildly.

Although the marksmanship was not good, these few hits also hit the guy's slightly bulky body. The guy was hit back by the special pistol in my hand, and blood spattered under the light.

It seems that this gun has worked wonders for him.

I couldn't help but feel a little more confident, turned slightly sideways, held the pistol flat, and continued to shoot while moving forward in small steps.

After several shots, a bullet finally hit the guy's head.

"Hiss!" The guy let out a low moan, and finally knelt down.

Although there was enough ammunition, I still didn't dare to continue shooting. Seeing that he had no ability to resist, I walked up cautiously, and stomped down hard on the blasted wound on his head.

Sure enough, under the thick and tough skin was a piece of softness and fragility. The moment I stomped my foot, a thick blood gushed out like a thin wave, and then that layer of skin collapsed, and the After the guy twitched and convulsed for a while, he didn't move.

Perhaps, people in battle are indeed prone to "red eyes". At this time, I actually feel very refreshed.

I couldn't help grinning, and continued to walk forward slowly.

There were also corpses all over the ground, and there were even some charred corpses.

"Fire..." The refreshing feeling was immediately washed away.

There seemed to be no signs of an explosion nearby, so if there was a fire, the only possibility was that someone in the building had used a flamethrower.

Could it be that there are still...

As I was thinking this, suddenly, there were several gunshots above my head.

Already at war? !
I quickened my pace and rushed upstairs, but at this moment, a ray of dazzling fire burst out in front of me.

(End of this chapter)

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