Chapter 80
The scorching flames almost swept across my face. Fortunately, I dodged sideways and returned to the corridor. A thick smoke rose from the front and spread in all directions. It seemed that everything was suffocated at this moment.

Upstairs the gunfire continued, but it was always just the short bursts of pistol shots.

I feel more and more bad, but the road ahead has been completely blocked, and I have no chance to act at all.

While thinking about it, another intense flame rushed towards me with a heat wave. I hurriedly retreated downstairs. The fire was so dazzling that I couldn't look directly at it. I even felt that my eyes were going to be burned.

After a few seconds, the flames stopped again.

I stood where I was, waiting for a moment, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

Why didn't that guy just turn around and attack instead of hiding in the dark?

Could it be that he is not sure that he can destroy me?

Logically speaking, in such a cramped environment, in a one-on-one situation, he who is not afraid of flames should have an absolute advantage. Could it be that this guy can't move at all? !

Thinking of this, I approached the corridor entrance again.

There should be a gap between each attack of this guy, and I wait for his next attack.

Sure enough, within half a minute, the fire flared up again, but this time the fire was much smaller and the duration was much shorter.

When the black smoke subsided and the flames faded away, I took courage and quickly turned over and entered the upper corridor.

I saw that in the middle of the corridor, there was indeed a fire eater lying on his stomach. The guy's legs had been blown to pieces and he couldn't move at all, but he still stretched forward with difficulty the severed arm that could spray flames, like a guard. Generally, guard the corridor entrance.At this moment, his skinless face was facing me, and his eyes, which were almost protruding, were wide open. I seemed to see something in his eyes.

Weren't they once also ordinary human beings?Shouldn't we be the same kind living on the same land? !

My hand that raised the gun suddenly trembled a little. At this moment, I had mixed feelings and mixed feelings in my heart.

However, after a short pause, I found that the pustules on the Fire Eater's back began to malfunction, and there seemed to be scalding hot oil flowing inside, and his severed arm was raised to me again.

No, I can't just die like this. On the battlefield, the kindness to the enemy is the cruelty to oneself.


I shot Fire Eater in the back, and then quickly turned over and retreated to the corridor.

The moment I jumped into the corridor again, there was a bang behind me, flames, minced meat, and blood splashed all over at the same time, and I even felt a wave of air pushing me so that I couldn't stand still.I reached out and grabbed the handrail of the stairs, strangled one foot on the ground, and tried my best to maintain my balance. After a few seconds, the strong wind stopped.

I let out a long sigh of relief, straightened my collar, gripped the pistol tightly, and went back into the corridor.

The "roadblock" has been eliminated, the ground is scorched, and there are even flames.

I dare not stay any longer, the upstairs is still fighting fiercely.

I started to run wildly, and my whole body almost fell down. Soon, I rushed up the corridor on the sixth floor. On the side of the corridor, under the lighting, I saw Huang Qian sitting sideways on the side of the corridor, moving her body backwards, Facing the other side of the corridor and shooting.Over there, several infected people were slowly moving forward and crawling forward. Each of them seemed to have been seriously injured, but they continued to move forward tenaciously, without any intention of stopping.

The guys were already huddled together, the target was quite big, I didn't even think about it, I raised my gun and shot.

There was a hissing sound in the corridor, and the blood burst out in a muffled sound. This scene made me numb.While shooting, I approached Huang Qian. Taking advantage of the group of infected people being disrupted by me, I sprinted two steps, supported Huang Qian, and retreated to the corridor entrance. Two shots were fired.

"I... I was discovered." Huang Qian was already injured, her voice trembling, "We, we can't go to the 7th floor..."

"It's all here, and I can't escape." I said, "Since it is confirmed that the seventh floor is the terminal here, I have to go up and have a look."

"But, they may have already prepared..." I helped Huang Qian to sit down on the side of the stairs. She was wounded on the left abdomen, bleeding a lot, but it seemed that it was just a scratch, and it didn't seem to hurt the internal organs. Quickly took out the blood coagulant she carried with her, but she pushed my hand away and said, "It's okay, I...I have this..."

I sighed, and carefully probed back to the corridor to look around. The restlessness in the corridor had disappeared, and the deathlike silence had returned. Shao Guangyi and the others hadn't arrived yet, so I don't know if they were blocked halfway.

But I feel that we can't wait any longer. Now that we have been discovered, we must seize this last opportunity to fight desperately. This may be our only chance.

I turned to Huang Qian and said, "You stay here, I'll go up."

"What did you say?" She stared at me with wide eyes.

I said, "I said, you cover me here, I'll go upstairs."

"No, you will die if you go up alone!" Huang Qian objected.

I shook my head and said, "This is the last chance. If something happens to me up there, you should run away. I still have several grenades on me. I detonated them together, just enough to blow up their headquarters."

"You're thinking too simple. They have countless ways to make you die if you don't get close to them." Huang Qian said, "Although I don't like you, I can't watch you seek death! Let's wait for reinforcements to come."

"We have been discovered, if we wait any longer, we will only wait for more enemies." I said sharply.

I knew it was pointless to continue arguing, so I couldn't help but turn around and walk upstairs. After walking a few steps, my arm was grabbed by Huang Qian.

"No, I said no." Huang Qian gritted her teeth and said, "We are too underestimating the enemy, and we have never considered... how unfathomable the abilities of the infected are, and the way of fighting is so unpredictable. Before we came , They all thought they were ordinary zombies, and we all thought that we were invincible in the world with the concentrated liquid... We took the words of the base instructors as a deaf ear... Don't be brave, they are too scary..."

"I know them better than you do." I tried to stay calm.

I don't know what the original intention of this group of people to join the resistance organization is, and I don't know whether they have really experienced the pain of the concentrated liquid and the torment of the battlefield.

Perhaps, even a soldier absolutely does not understand the cruelty of war until he has experienced blood and blood.

I walked upstairs step by step. To be honest, at that time, I was not so much numb as I gradually became calm.

Every living person must die, especially in this "end times" where no one can escape, they die more simply and neatly, absolutely without the slightest sloppiness.

Even the corpses of my classmate Wang Bin became food for vicious dogs; the armed police, special police and government soldiers guarding Luka turned into a bright red with the earth in the end; The soldiers of the rebel organization who were fighting with the orthodox fighters, the mixed flesh and blood could not distinguish each other; my comrade in arms, who was alive one moment, was talking with us, and was cut in two by the wingmen the next moment.

It is because of what I have experienced that I understand fear, but it is also because of what I have experienced that I understand what I should do.

In the seven-story corridor, the white light shone between a piece of dry tiles.

I don't know if this is the only pure land in Block B of the entire inpatient building.

Every door here is tightly closed. I raised my gun and scanned the windows of several doors, and there seemed to be nothing inside.

I have some doubts.

What's going on, is Huang Qian's judgment wrong?

How could there be nothing here?

I began to calm down and carefully turned on the lights to inspect each room. When I came to an office near the middle of the corridor, I found that there was a laptop computer flashing faintly. The whole building was almost There was no electricity. It was really strange that there was such a laptop here. I turned on the light and scanned around the room. Except for the back of the door, I could see almost every corner.

There is absolutely no one in there.

I took a deep breath, took a few steps back, exerted all my strength, and kicked open the closed door.

(End of this chapter)

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