global variation

Chapter 81 Fanatical Believers

Chapter 81 Fanatical Believers
I kicked so hard that the entire door panel flew out, and hit the desk next to the laptop with a "bang", the desk shook slightly, and the screen of the laptop facing me suddenly lit up. stand up.In this dark environment all around, this blue light makes people feel extremely strange, but soon, a shadow of a person appeared on the screen, the silhouette gradually became clear, and the outline became clear, I saw Yes, it was a man in uniform, who seemed to be sitting in a closed room, with a calm expression, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, appearing a little arrogant and proud.

This man is no longer young. I don’t know why. Although I have never seen this face before, his gestures gave me a sense of familiarity. This familiar feeling even brought me a different look. of fear.

Who is this man? !
Who is this policeman? !

"Chu Tingsheng." The policeman on the opposite side suddenly said, "You are finally here."

"You..." I widened my eyes.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that, that's right, where you are now is the terminal of the entire central fortress, that is, the computer in front of you controls the battle situation of the entire central fortress. It's a pity that there is no one here, only A group of infected and vicious monsters. How about it, do you feel powerless?"

"You... who are you!" I yelled tremblingly.

"Don't worry, it's unbelievable that you forgot who I am." The man said, "Although we only met a few times, your memory is not so bad, right? Anyway, I let the swordsman follow me You have been taking so long."


police? !
He is the policeman? !
No, this is not right, that policeman doesn't seem to look like this, is it my illusion?In my image, that person's face seems to be slender and younger, but this person is at least 30 years old, he should be an old police officer in City Z, he is not as young as that person at all, as if he just He joined the Criminal Police Force not long ago.

My mind suddenly became chaotic.

"Don't worry, don't worry, since you can come here, it means that you have cleared [-]% to [-]% of the danger in this building." The people on the other side of the screen seem to be very confident, as if they have absolute confidence. Confidence, we can't catch him at all, perhaps, his position is already "one hundred and eight thousand miles" away from here.

"This computer in front of you." The other person said slowly, "To put it bluntly, it only needs to emit a very small radio signal to affect the mutant winged people in the whole building. Their nose-shaped lobes can effectively Send information to each other, and use special ears to receive signals, just like beacon towers, through continuous transmission of wavelength information, they can effectively transmit all images of your location to this computer, so that I See. As for me, I can sit a few kilometers away and transmit instructions to them through information codes, so that the infected people in the building can attack you, don’t you think, this plan is almost perfect?”

"You...they are just using ultrasound, how could they transmit images to you? What did you do to those mutant winged people?!" I couldn't help asking sharply.

"The nose lobe is the same as the eyeball, and the eyeball is like a small camera. I have been researching if the eyes of these winged people can be upgraded to compound eyes, and I can somehow intercept the memory modules on their cerebral cortex to make an impact. In other words, tell me, can our biological technology take another big step forward? Can we build an extremely powerful reconnaissance force? Can we... Have a new research on the power of human spirit? What about a breakthrough?"

"It's crazy!" I exclaimed.

"Whatever you say." The policeman said lightly, "However, we still have this very big technical problem. To tell you the truth, these wingmen can't transmit very clear images to me. I use computers to Analyzing their band codes to determine your movement trajectory, to put it bluntly, is a process of transferring information into data, and then analyzing the data to obtain information. People like you will not understand these. In short, we use the smallest The price is to wipe out almost your entire special operations squad, don't you think this kind of battle is very interesting?"

"The smallest price?! So many dead infected people, in your eyes, is the smallest price?!" I could only yell at the screen, I couldn't attack that guy at all.

I know, my roar is feeble.

"Infected people, for the church, the demise of the infected people is like the nirvana mentioned in your Buddhism, and also what we call rebirth and new life. Their blood is to cleanse this filthy world and to awaken you These weak and inferior creatures are to spread the glory of the gods. We always believe that judgment is the prelude to salvation; you may never understand how great those who volunteered to become infected are, but it's okay not to understand , In this world, the law of the jungle has been preying on the weak since ancient times, inferior creatures should be eliminated, and only truly powerful species are eligible to receive the glory of God!"

"Nonsense, confusing logic!" At this moment, I was startled by a voice suddenly coming from behind.

"Hehe, it looks like a new friend has joined the discussion." The policeman said calmly on the other side of the screen.

"You guys are really omnipotent. You can do something that destroys humanity, and you can say it so grandly... Hehe..." Shao Guangyi came to me with a gun. Looking back, Zhang Ziyang, Yitian and Huang Qian also Follow up.

Shao Guangyi stared coldly at the screen, and said, "Liang Wenhui, I have seen you several times. You were also present when the resistance organization was negotiating with the military and police personnel of City Z to divide the management area. I really didn't expect that you were a traitor! "

"Hehe, there are so many things you didn't expect." The other person said coldly, "Shao Guangyi, you are also a veteran of the resistance organization in City Z. You have fought against the church for so many years. What have you got? Even if the government funds you With the establishment of that huge base, your scientific and technological research still cannot keep up with the development speed of the church; you will always be left behind."

"Hmph, that's because your so-called scientific research is based on inhumanity!"

"Pedantic." The opposite Liang Wenhui leaned on the swivel chair and said very calmly, "You only pay attention to the comfortable life and the appearance of things. You think that the infected are ugly and disgusting, and that the infected are in the process of undergoing trials. Suffering all kinds of pain. But you don’t know that God’s will is to test human beings, so that people can be reborn during the trials. Those superficial skins and the so-called beauty you pursue are all vain! Infected people are actually superhumans whose physical strength, endurance, speed and combat power are several times or even dozens of times stronger than yours! You think that human evolution has reached the limit, and you think that the Creator has given you everything. You develop technology, but Played by technology, you are ruled by information, electricity, steel and supercomputers, you forget that you still have a human body, but you don’t know that the Creator’s gifts will never be completely abandoned in the sun, but you need Dig and discover by yourself! Haha... Don't you see it? You have already fallen, and since the era of the Industrial Revolution, you have stepped into the abyss of Satan!"

The clamor on the other side, as if chanting missionaries, made my heart constantly stirred by some kind of power.

Although I can't agree with him, I don't know what to refute.

When the other side was yelling wildly, Shao Guangyi suddenly took a step back and said in a low voice: "Huang Qian, is the detection clear?"

"Northwest, close to the northern expressway in Zhongshan City, the signal is not attenuated at present, and there may be... no movement."

"Notify the headquarters immediately!" Shao Guangyi said.


As soon as Huang Qian uttered the word "yes", Shao Guangyi had already picked up the miniature submachine gun in his hand, pointed it at the computer screen, and said, "It's too much to speculate, you beast, wait for death!"

After finishing speaking, he shot and smashed the computer on the opposite side.

(End of this chapter)

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