global variation

Chapter 82 Returning

Chapter 82 Returning
" are..." Huang Qian looked at Shao Guangyi.

"Now that the location has been located, let the people in the headquarters contact the government army to intercept his signal transmitter. I don't want to listen to this bastard's nonsense anymore." Shao Guangyi said coldly.

"Understood, the signal has been sent." Huang Qian took a long breath.

"Let's go." Shao Guangyi looked at all of us, "Everyone is hurt, let's go back."

We didn't speak, and walked out together with Shao Guangyi. The enemies in the building have been basically wiped out at this moment, and there is probably nothing that can threaten us.

However, when I went downstairs, I turned to look at Huang Qian from time to time. I really don't understand how she located the policeman named Liang Wenhui.

It seems that Huang Qian is not just a soldier with bat sound wave ability.

When I got back to the downstairs of the inpatient building, Mo Ge was standing against the wall at the gate of the courtyard. A few tens of meters away from her, there were several headless ordinary infected people and winged people lying in the middle of the square. It seems that I let her stay Right here.

Shao Guangyi stepped forward to salute, and said: "All the enemies in the building have been eliminated, and the local terminal system has been destroyed."

"Where's the person? Where's the mastermind behind the scenes?" Mo Ge asked.

Shao Guangyi frowned, lowered his head slightly, and said, "The problem is a bit complicated, let's talk as we walk."

Mo Ge frowned, and ordered: "Get out of the church and try to contact other people."

"Yes..." All of us responded, but we were all exhausted.

Under the iron railings near the main entrance of the church, we found Zheng Long and Li Jin. Li Jin was seriously injured and his face was pale. Even after using blood coagulants, the shocking wound on his shoulder was still dripping with blood.

We managed to help him to the car parked [-] meters away from the church, and let two medical staff who had been waiting in the car treat his wounds, and then we started to contact other soldiers who entered the central fortress.

We seemed to be the first to come out of the central fortress. After about twenty minutes, the other teams returned one after another.

Except for those veterans who have experienced many battles, every soldier who came back had a different kind of panic on his face. It was as if they had just come back from hell. Everyone's eyes were wide open, and their expressions were a little dull. , a little dazed, as if he couldn't believe that he was still stepping on this solid ground, let alone that he was still alive.Perhaps, in their eyes, they just experienced an unprecedented nightmare.

I looked back at the other comrades in the car. Yitian was guarding Li Jin and Zhang Ziyang with a dignified expression. I felt that his body was shaking, but it was not too serious. On the other hand, Zhang Ziyang seemed to have received an unprecedented blow. Holding his head in his hands, his entire face was almost buried between his legs, and his body kept shaking.

As for the others, Zheng Long, Wu Lun, and Huang Qian were more or less wounded, some rested on the side, some bowed their heads in thought, and some had grim expressions, pressing on their wounds that no longer continued to bleed, It seems that there is always an indescribable pain smoldering in the body.

I can understand their mood. At this time, they probably felt similar to when they first saw Lin Wan's family's tragic situation.

I stood in front of the military vehicle and looked at the "remnants and defeated generals" who returned one after another. I didn't know whether we had won or lost.

At this moment, Shao Guangyi came to me suddenly, raised his hand and handed me a cigarette. Without thinking about it, I took the cigarette and asked him to light it for me and took a sharp puff.

A smoke ring rose in front of me, and the world became a little blurry.

Shao Guangyi spoke first and said, "Your situation is better than all of them."

"Because I've seen it before." I said, "I saw too much in those days."

"Yes." Shao Guangyi patted my shoulder and said, "Some things, after experiencing it, will gradually become numb... Especially things like life and death, slowly, you will see through it."

I curled my lips and said, "I don't see it through... I don't want to die."

"Then why did you stay?" He looked at me.

I didn't speak, I was in a very complicated mood, and I couldn't answer the question he asked.

After a long time, I slowly said: "Can I live without staying?"

Shao Guangyi didn't speak either.

I continued to ask: "Do you know how many people survived among the group of citizens who were repatriated to their hometowns, and the group of citizens who were so-called 'properly protected'?"

"We don't know." Shao Guangyi said, "That's the government's business, they won't tell us."

I smiled and said, "That's it."

Shao Guangyi obviously wanted to change the subject, so he took a puff of cigarette and said lightly: "This time, the government army has found a way."

I frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

Shao Guangyi said: "The information sent back by the headquarters just now shows that the government forces did occupy the central fortress for the first time this time, but not long after they moved in, the personnel inside them began to be infected with mutations, so we said that this time we killed Many of the people who died were not all believers, they might be infected government troops, especially those ordinary infected people, most likely they were all members of the government army... As for their weapons and equipment, they were all confiscated by the church went……"

"How is it possible..." I was a little puzzled, "Didn't it mean that the government army also has antibodies?"

"That's right... This gives us a special signal." Shao Guangyi said.

"what do you mean……"

"I mean, the Ebola virus has started to mutate again." Shao Guangyi looked around and said in a low voice, "When you go back this time, all of you will have to undergo a medical examination again. As long as a person is found to be infected, we will We need to re-study antibodies. There is no way, our strength in biotechnology in dealing with infected viruses is simply inferior to that of the church, and they will do whatever they can to achieve their research goals."

I nodded, and there was only the last bit of cigarette left in my hand. I took a sharp puff, threw the cigarette out, and then turned my head and asked, "Just now, how did you find the location of Liang Wenhui?"

"It's the approximate location calculated by Huang Qian." Shao Guangyi said, "Although Huang Qian usually looks arrogant and annoying, she actually has two brushes."

I smiled again.

Actually I can see it.

Usually such a proud person has more or less the capital to be proud of.

Shao Guangyi said: "She can judge the approximate distance of the transmitter by sensing certain electrical signals in the air. Probably the opposite side uses a video wireless transmitter. That kind of thing actually has a lot of loopholes, and the signal is easy to capture. How to operate it I don't understand either. In short, Huang Qian intercepted a section of signal wave through the communication device in her hand, and then intercepted a section through her concentrated liquid ability, and compared it in a short period of time, and then she came to a conclusion. In my own words—sensibility is greater than reason..."

"So, can you really catch that guy?" I asked.

Shao Guangyi shook his head and said, "I don't know either. I can only trust Huang Qian's judgment temporarily, but... I always feel that something is wrong."

"Not right?"

"Well, it seems too easy. When Huang Qian analyzed and judged, she didn't receive any external interference, and the signal sent by the other party was not encrypted, and it seemed that it was useless to use a video transmitter device with such a large loophole to connect to it. Any special laptop. Even if the church wants to save resources, I don't think it's necessary to do this step?"

Maybe Shao Guangyi was right to worry, but at this moment, I didn't care about it.

My mind is still messed up.

I thought I might faint if I had too much information crammed into my head, so I turned around and said, "Thank you, thank you anyway... if it wasn't for you, I am already dead."

"No, you don't need to thank us, you are the best soldier in this battle." Shao Guangyi said.

I frowned, a little embarrassed.

"I didn't say this alone." Shao Guangyi turned his face and glanced at Mo Ge who was sitting on the side of the military vehicle.

She still maintained a calmness that ordinary people can't have, even though she was seriously injured.

(End of this chapter)

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