global variation

Chapter 83 Full Infection

Chapter 83 Full Infection
I also returned to the car. This battle was completely over. When I finally counted the number of people, I realized that more than half of the number of people in this operation had been lost. The team that rushed directly into the church was almost completely wiped out. The deputy of Tu Shu's female officer also died in the corridor outside the orphanage, rang the grenade, and died with several infected people.

In the end, we were down to a poor 19 people.

Our group survived the most, nine people.

I don't know whether we should be thankful or sad.

On the way back to the base, everyone was silent. When the car drove back to the coastal offshore bridge, I looked at the still extremely clean beach under the gloomy sky, and I couldn't help feeling a trace of nameless anger in my heart.

"Is this our achievement?" I sat in the position closest to the exit of the carriage and looked into the distance.

"Chu Tingsheng." I don't know if he heard my ironic complaint, but Mo Ge suddenly said, "No matter what the above said later, you'd better not open your mouth to refute."

I turned my head to look at Mo Ge, sneered, and said, "I dare not."

Mo Ge lowered his eyes and said, "It's the same for you, I'm thinking of you."

No one spoke, maybe everyone had nothing to say, maybe everyone had lost their energy.

I have been sitting on the very edge of the car, I don't know why, I suddenly looked forward to a bomb or something at this time, directly blowing our car to pieces, it is considered a one-hundred-and-a-half...

I don't know why I suddenly have this strange idea.

After returning to the headquarters, in order to ensure that I would not talk nonsense and contradict my boss, I finally decided to ask Mo Ge for leave, not to see anyone, and not to report the so-called results.Mo Ge didn't say anything. After completing the routine physical examination and confirming that I was not infected, he let me go back to my residence with peace of mind.

I was covered in blood, and I walked weakly in the wide corridor of the base of the resistance organization. The brightness here made me feel very uncomfortable when I just climbed out of the dark abyss. Go straight into the bathroom.The same coldest water was poured on my painful and hot body, and I suddenly realized that my wounds were slowly healing again in a short period of time.

Facing the mirror on the side of the bathroom, I found that the wounds on my chest and arms had begun to scab at this time, and the deep wounds on my legs seemed to be less painful than before.

Is it really so amazing? !

In such a short period of time, my body began to recover and healed again?
I'm not a Wolverine, and my skin isn't that capable of self-healing, and I'm well aware of that.And Lin Wan also clearly said that although the concentrated solution has the effect of enhancing immunity and enhancing recovery, it definitely does not have the effect of eliminating wounds and healing wounds in a short period of time, which is comparable to the "healing technique" in novels. up.

It is only in movies and game stories that someone can heal their wounds and be alive and kicking with just a little medicine or some special ability when they are beaten.

Thinking about it, I actually felt a little scared.

There must be evildoers when things happen, although this ability made me a little excited at first, but after I calmed down, I felt more unspeakable worries. I didn't even know what I was worrying about. something wrong.

After washing off the blood on my body, I turned around and walked out of the bathroom, took out my underwear from the cabinet, put it on, and sat in front of the computer desk.

I suddenly realized that I have basically never used this computer, and I have not even known the outside world.

Sighing, I reached out and pressed the button next to the desk, turning on the computer that was almost attached to the desk.

I believe that the computer network of the rebel organization must be strictly controlled, and our every move must be under the control of those guys above.But I didn't expect that the network system here is quite free. At least the websites that I can access outside can basically be accessed here.I thought for a while, and bravely started to read the latest news.

So much time has passed, I believe the government can no longer handle many things and will not continue to hide them.

It doesn't matter if you don't watch it. When I watch the news, I feel even more nervous.The whole of Guangdong Province, as well as surrounding provinces and autonomous regions, have more or less infected people at this time. In some areas, there are only a few cases, and in some places, an entire village has been infected, while in most areas in the north, there are very few cases. This happens.Today, the provinces and cities south of the Yangtze River are almost all in a wartime state, and the cloud of fighting with the infected people hangs over half of China.

I flipped through a few pieces of international news, analysis of international relations, and so on.I just learned that the government has not dared to send a large number of troops south to support the southern provinces, and it is impossible to know whether it will import advanced weapons or chemical defense troops.There are many specific reasons. The first is the fear of "international forces" taking the opportunity to subvert, because there is no evidence to prove that infected people also exist in Western countries, so some people have begun to analyze that the behind-the-scenes messenger of the church is likely to be the government of a certain country.Furthermore, it is because the first tentative attack failed completely. The last attack by armed helicopters was actually not an exception. It was not only in Z City, but also in several so-called churches in Zhongshan, Zhanhai and the suburbs of Guangzhou. The strongholds have all been attacked by the Air Force on a small scale, but all the attacks have had little effect. According to the official statement, the enemy seems to have mastered extremely strong information interference technology, and in this era, information seems to have controlled everything and restricted Everything is contained. When the information is completely cut off, any high-tech scientific and technological achievements will become a pile of waste.

The government will not engage in loss-making business. Although it can definitely succeed if you give it a go, it will pay a huge price.

They would rather fight hand-to-hand in the street than use those high-tech weapons casually.

I suddenly remembered a certain sentence that Liang Wenhui said to us on the computer side - you rely on technology and information technology, and you will only be controlled and limited by all of these in the end - although I can't remember the original sentence, I still I feel that everything he expresses still shocks me.

And the third reason is that they are unwilling to destroy the infrastructure of City Z and even the entire Guangdong Province. The church seems to have established a huge independent network in this country and underground in this world. This network is not disturbed at all, so even if It is the government army, and it has no ability to directly cut off their communication, transportation and technology lifeline in the first place.

The only way, perhaps only large-scale destruction and bombing.

This is the last thing the government, and of course everyone, wants to see.

——After all, the safest way in their eyes at present is to let us soldiers in the war zone fight those infected people with our lives.

The best outcome is that we find the most effective antibody against Ebola virus in the battle.

The worst result is that everyone will die together, and they will build a new city on the bones and corpses.

I just feel that the road ahead is gloomy. It seems that our tragic fate has long been doomed...

"Guangzhou...Guangzhou, how are you..." I couldn't help opening the special page of Guangzhou City News.

The news avoids the important ones.

No wonder the rebels don't filter these sites.

These news are not enough to affect the "military spirit".

After only browsing a few articles, I closed the computer hard, gritted my teeth, and punched the metal table next to me hard.

At this time, my room door suddenly issued a long electronic sound of "beep--", which is the prompt sound of someone visiting.

I instinctively stood up.

Before I could speak, Lin Wan had already entered the room, and the door closed automatically behind her.

"Are you okay?" She looked at me in astonishment.

"It seems to me that maybe there is nothing wrong." I laughed dryly.

She didn't say a word, she came forward, reached out and lifted my blouse, I was startled, and quickly took a step back, but she stretched out her hand unscrupulously to poke my chest, and said: "There were a few deep scratches here, right?"

I was a little embarrassed, but I had no choice but to nod, only to feel a special itching all over my body.

(End of this chapter)

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