global variation

Chapter 84 Victory? !

Chapter 84 Victory? !
I involuntarily supported the metal table behind me with both hands, and looked at Lin Wan dully. Lin Wan was like a hunter who had just shot a rare beast, inspecting the fur of the "beast" inch by inch, but her fingers were too gentle, The skin is too smooth and delicate, this kind of touch has caused some uncontrollable reactions in my body, although she can treat me as her test product, but I can't, I am a normal man, and I know very well that after all, I I still can't let go of my feelings for her.

Lin Wan squatted down, and I was wearing a pair of shorts on my lower body, so the wounds on my legs were completely exposed.

Lin Wan probably just glanced at it, then stood up and said, "What are you doing, why are you so nervous?"

I was a little puzzled, pondered for a while, and said, "I... I don't know how the wound healed so quickly."

Lin Wan frowned, and said, "Who told you that you had a wound, I'm asking you!" She made a downward pointing motion.

I froze for a moment, lowered my head slightly, only to find that my lower body had unknowingly undergone some embarrassing subtle changes.

I quickly shrank back and said, "I'm sorry...I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."

"Huh, human instinct, it seems that you are not a good thing." Lin Wan glanced at me with a half-smile, I was really embarrassed, and hurried to the cabinet, thinking about another pair of longer and thicker pants Put it on to cover up the embarrassing part that you can't rest for a while.

Lin Wan regained her composure, reached out to take down the paper cup on the wall, poured a glass of water herself, sat on the side of the big bed where I slept, and said, "It is said that you have achieved great results in this operation. ,Is it?"

Lin Wan's words made my heart sink.

Big gain?Big achievement?Oh, is this the official statement?

The embarrassing atmosphere was swept away immediately, and I felt an inexplicable solemnity from all around me.

I gritted my teeth, turned around slowly, stared at Lin Wan, and said, "Is this what the people above said? Big achievement, big harvest?"

"Yes, there are still some 'acceptable losses'." Lin Wan took a sip of water, licked her lips, and still said with a half-smile.

"Yes, it's acceptable." I said in a deep voice, "As long as it doesn't harm their interests, what is unacceptable?"

"It is said that you have already determined the specific location of the mastermind behind the scenes?" Lin Wan said intentionally or unintentionally.

At this time, I actually don’t want to answer any of her questions. If I still have the strength, I want to roar, shout, and curse, but unfortunately I don’t have any strength at all. I can only clench my fists to suppress my emotions. .

Although the wound had healed, the heavy exhaustion in my heart could not go away.

Lin Wan stared at me for a while, but my expression remained unchanged.

She sighed suddenly, stood up, put the water glass aside, and said, "You don't seem to welcome me, then I'll go."

"I... I don't mean that, I'm just a little tired..." I realized that I was in a bad mood, and my tense body relaxed a little, and I said, "I don't have enough brains, what do you want to say and ask? So straightforward... I really don't want to play charades with you."

"Does what I said sound like a charade?" Lin Wan seemed to be about to leave, but at this moment she turned her face and pouted, as if pretending to be angry, and said.

"No... I mean..."

"Forget it, I know my own habits." Lin Wan returned and said, "Then let me tell you straight, let me ask you, have you seen the face of the 'behind the scenes'?"

I nodded and said, "He started a video intercom for us himself, and after putting a set of nonsense in front of us, he was locked."

"Is there such a funny thing in this world?" The corners of Lin Wan's lips curled up. Obviously, she had heard some rumors, and she had a rough judgment on this matter in her heart.

I didn't say anything.

She asked again: "What does that person look like, you should remember?"

"Middle-aged people, specifically..." I frowned, trying to remember, but I couldn't describe the scenes simulated by combining the memories, those fragments, it seemed that I was really too excited at the time, and this excitement overwhelmed my heart. The sensory memory was so fragmented that I couldn't give Lin Wan a complete answer at the moment, I could only say a little bit about the details of the memory, "I don't know why, although he said that he was the policeman who sent the swordsman to follow me before, But I always feel that it’s not like…”

"That's what he said?" Lin Wan seemed to become a little nervous.

"Yes..." I nodded and said, "Shao Guangyi seems to know that person... He said that the person seems to be...called...yes, it should be Liang Wenhui."

"Liang Wenhui..." Lin Wan just thought for a moment, then suddenly turned around and was about to leave. When she came to the door, she turned her head to the side with a serious expression, and said, "Come to the underground laboratory, I have something to show you."

I frowned and didn't answer, which was my default.

I knew that her sudden mood change was not a trivial matter, and I didn't dare to neglect it. I just made some preparations and followed out of the room. In the corridor, I buried my head forward and didn't even look at the situation on both sides, but I was suddenly photographed by someone. A touch of the shoulder.I was taken aback at the time, perhaps due to the aftereffects of many days of fighting, I immediately punched the man in the face with an uppercut.

The man tilted his head back, raised his right hand like an eagle's claw, and immediately pinched my shoulder. The movement was very similar to the "Shaolin Dragon Claw Hand" in the TV series. I quickly bent my legs down with the flexibility of my body, With a kick of both feet, pop up a few steps back.

"Yo, that's right, it's [-] years old..." The man clapped his hands and said with a smile. Although he seemed to be mocking me, at least his tone was friendly.

In fact, the movements of punching and dodging just now were just instinctive reactions. I thought, maybe after going through a few more battles, I would punch and hurt people even if I was woken up from sleep.

After I managed to stabilize my body, I realized that the person who took my photo was Shao Guangyi.

I was still in shock, and hurriedly said: "Sorry, I... I'm a little nervous..."

"It's okay. Those of you who came back from the battle are all in the same mental state, so you're good." Shao Guangyi said.

"Excuse me...what's the matter with the deputy captain?" I said with a frown.

"Don't be so polite." Shao Guangyi waved his hand and said, "What kind of deputy captain, just call him Brother Yi."

"Well... brother Yi..."

"I'm here to tell you a few good things, you don't have to be so nervous."

"Good thing?!"

I really don't think there will be any good things related to me at this time, but bad luck follows one after another.

"The higher-ups have praised you and Huang Qian for their performance this time." Shao Guangyi said, "We are going to award you the second-class medal for the resistance organization. In addition, the two of you will be responsible for the blocking mission in a week's time." The captain is in command."

"A week?! Captain?"

"That's right, tomorrow in the auditorium, there will be a special commendation for you...and a banquet." Shao Guangyi said, "Huang Qian also performed well this time. We are in the Zhongshan area. Based on the location information she calculated and locked, we found Liang Wenhui It's a pity that he has already escaped from the temporary base where he is located. But it doesn't matter, we deciphered a very important piece of information from the base's communication data, thus confirming the blocking mission a week later, hehe..."

I was puzzled. Although Shao Guangyi said it easily, I always felt that there were many doubts in it: "Liang Wenhui escaped?"

"He couldn't escape very far. He probably didn't expect that we could lock his location in such a short period of time, so he only sent a text message in the base and fled in panic. Although the text message was encrypted layer by layer, it was still blocked. We solved the confusion and deciphered it. Although we don’t know exactly which church branch it was sent to, the content in the text message is enough to determine their evacuation route.”

"Is there such a coincidence in this world?" I couldn't help but have almost the same reaction as Lin Wan.

Shao Guangyi said: "Don't worry, before the blocking war is launched, the offshore base will first send additional troops to track and trace, and only after receiving accurate intelligence feedback will deployment be carried out!"

(End of this chapter)

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