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Chapter 85 The Unspeakable Secret

Chapter 85 The Unspeakable Secret
Shao Guangyi wanted to dispel my worries, but at this time, in fact, no matter how he explained, I still felt suspended in my heart, not to mention how bad it was for me to be in charge of such a thing just because of an extraordinary performance in a battle Unreliable, just talking about this operation, these plans, it sounds like it is full of loopholes.

I always feel that we "obtain information" from the enemy differently, and then "confirm the authenticity of the information" to draw conclusions. Isn't this being led by the nose by the enemy?

They can give us false information, and then give us the so-called evidence they constructed, leading us into the abyss step by step.

I smiled at Shao Guangyi because I didn't want to continue arguing with him.

In any case, he still has a lot of trust in the organization, but I, who just came here, can't do such absolute trust.

After Shao Guangyi left, I entered the elevator alone and directly pressed the button leading to the underground laboratory.

After the elevator door opened, I continued to move forward without any hindrance, and soon entered the laboratory. Lin Wan was waiting for me in front of the metal door.

As soon as I entered, she flipped the switch with her backhand and closed the laboratory door behind me.

At this time, there were only the two of us in the laboratory, and the researchers were not present.

Lin Wan came to the large computer and said, "You may not understand the things on this big guy, so I'll show you the pictures."

I nodded.

She took out a tablet computer, and seemed to use some special software to connect that computer with the database of the large computer. Then, she put the computer aside, looked at me, and asked again: "Just now in the corridor, Shao Guangyi seems to be looking for you, I saw it before I entered the elevator."

"Yes, he told me..." I told the whole thing, "They have found the location where Liang Wenhui connected us to the video screen, but Liang Wenhui ran away, and they just intercepted a set of encrypted information in the communication data of the control room." , and may use this as a basis to determine the blocking battle in a few days... the commander of the blocking battle, most likely, is me."

"Then what are they doing now?" Lin Wan became more alert, and her expression also made my nerves tense.

"Now...according to Shao Guangyi, they should be sending people to follow and feed back information." I answered truthfully.

Lin Wan lowered her head slightly, pondered for a while, and suddenly reached out her hand to stop the tablet computer that was transmitting data.

"You are..."

"I suddenly felt that it's better to wait for further news to discuss these matters." Lin Wan said.

"You..." In half a sentence, this is the most uncomfortable behavior.

"Don't worry, I won't tell you now because I'm not [-]% sure," Lin Wan said, "This matter involves an old case of a resistance organization. I...I don't want you to bear too much burden."

"It's all about this..."

"Okay!" Lin Wan didn't want to say something, and it's probably useless for anyone to force her, "Don't think too much, I will tell you when the time is right... Cough cough..." She suddenly coughed twice, once With one hand resting on the edge of the large computer behind his back, and the other on his forehead, it seemed that he was experiencing sudden pain just now.

"What's wrong with you?" I was stunned and worried.

Lin Wan coughed again and remained silent for a while. I was even about to go up to support her, but she suddenly raised her hand and said, "It's okay, I'm fine, you can go back and rest... According to the resistance organization According to the usual practice, you will also be awarded medals, banquets and appointment orders, you go back and wait for the news, go..."

She repeatedly advised me to leave, but I think her face is getting worse and worse.

"You...what's wrong with you, if you need my help, I..."

"No need." She shook her head and said, "You just need to protect yourself... In this laboratory, you can't help me with anything, you don't understand these things at all."

"Okay..." I sighed, turned around, and was about to leave, but I turned my head three times a step at a time. Every time I turned my head, I felt that Lin Wan's body was shaking, and she seemed to be trying to prevent me from seeing her pain.This expression, this state, I have never seen before.But just when I couldn't help but want to go back, she stepped forward quickly, pushed me out of the door of the laboratory, and then closed the heavy metal door smoothly.

I wanted to verify the entry again, but it was prompted that the "verification alert" mode had been activated, and no one could enter this door unless they had the highest genetic code instructions.

Lin Wan, what happened to you?

"Lin Wan! Tell me what's wrong with you!" I stood by the door and shouted, "Don't make me worry about you..."

I don't know if she can hear her on the other side of the door, but such a heavy laboratory door, the sound insulation effect is also very good.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but sigh, and finally had to turn around and leave. After all, I still couldn't help her, and I don't know what she thought at the beginning, why she chose to come to me.

When I got back to my residence, it was already evening. I guessed that the sun was setting or the night was dark outside. Unfortunately, I couldn’t see anything under the ground.

"Hey... life has to go on..." I said to myself.

Thinking of this, I still decided to take a good rest for the time being and eat and drink well. At this time, I seemed to be more optimistic. Anyway, I will die one day, so it is better to fill my stomach for the time being and sleep well.

I am not a person who is easy to see away, but at this time, this kind of open-minded but somewhat strange idea suddenly appeared. I have to say that human nature is complicated.

When I came to the restaurant, I still chose a side seat and ordered a fried noodle and a bowl of soup, that's all.

Although the food and lodging of the soldiers here are free, in fact, most of the time I can't eat at all.

I believe that many people are like this, because we always face the flesh and blood that is full of eyes.

I thought I should be able to have a quiet meal this time, but who knows, not long after, I was surrounded by four people.

Although those four people were not tall, I was sitting and they were standing, which created an invisible pressure on me, just like the little hooligans who came to find fault with my seat in middle and high school.

I looked up, but what I saw were the faces of Zhang Ziyang and Wu Lun, and there were two other young men, which I didn't seem to have seen before.

I know Zhang Ziyang, but Wu Lun's appearance is a bit vague to me. I'm not even sure if this "Wu Lun" is the Wu Lun who went with us to participate in the battle for the central fortress.

At this moment, all of them looked very strange, especially Zhang Ziyang, his face was ashen, and his eye sockets were sunken. I can even catch endless panic and fear in his eyes.

I don't know if a "journey to purgatory" can really change a person in an instant, but if it is possible, then Zhang Ziyang must have undergone the most terrifying transformation at this moment.

"What's the matter with you?" I looked at the four faces, all of which were "three parts like people and seven parts like ghosts", and asked.

"It's rare that you are still in the mood to eat." Zhang Ziyang took the lead and sat down on the chair next to me, and said, "I feel like throwing up when I see meat now."

I pursed my lips and said, "Before you came here, you also saw infected people killing people..."

"Yes, that's why, since I came here, I haven't eaten a piece of meat..." Zhang Ziyang said through gritted teeth, "I...I can't stand it."

"Before I came here." I spoke again, consolingly said, "Not only have I seen them killing people, but I have also seen mountains of corpses and seas of blood. I have also fought against them a long time ago, so I know how powerful they are."

"That's right...we've only seen ordinary infected people, we don't know what it's like to be on the battlefield!" Zhang Ziyang was a little crazy, and hissed, "If we knew, we would have run away!"

"Yes..." Wu Lun on the side put his head in his hands and said, "Chen Sheng, right next to saw it too, right, so close, the other party just flapped his wings, and he became two halves" He glanced at the beef in my bowl, as if he was about to vomit again.

I was afraid that he would spit the dirty things into my bowl, so I hurriedly moved the unfinished fried noodles and soup aside, and said, "I know you are feeling uncomfortable, but you, what can I do for you?"

(End of this chapter)

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