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Chapter 86 If I Want to Escape

Chapter 86 If I Want to Escape

The few people around me looked at each other, and finally three of them focused their eyes on Zhang Ziyang. Zhang Ziyang seemed to be on the verge of riding a tiger, and I also realized that they definitely wanted to plan something ulterior with me.

Then, they winked for a while, Zhang Ziyang finally said, "Let's put it simply, we are going to escape."

"Escape?!" I widened my eyes, "Can you escape?"

"You don't know yet, do you? Because we found important information about the enemy in this operation, there will be a large-scale sniper battle in a week. At that time, a large number of soldiers in the base will be sent out, including a large number of veterans, and we These recruits stay here. Hehe, when the time comes, the entire base will be empty of defenses, so we can..."

"There are genetic locks everywhere here, how can you get out easily without the code?" I questioned.

"You are too rigid. There will always be someone who will review the defense arrangements here, so she will definitely have the right to enter and exit all places." Zhang Ziyang said.

I smiled and said, "That's right, but do you know how the genetic code lock works?"

Zhang Ziyang looked at the people beside him, and those people also looked at each other.

I smiled lightly and said: "Our genetic code is like an account, each account has its own permissions, and the number of rooms that can be accessed by different permission levels may be different. Maybe, it can be understood in this way... "

This is my summary of what Fat Ju Ming once said.

I think the same is true.

"what do you mean?"

"When the rebel group left, they only needed to upgrade the manager's genetic 'account' authority, then she could enter and exit any room, what do you think? Do you think those people will give her a key Is it?"

"This..." Zhang Ziyang was a little panicked at that moment.

"What you it true?" At this time, another man with a slender face next to Wu Lun asked sinisterly.

This guy's voice is very thin, giving people an indescribable gloomy feeling. I feel very uncomfortable when I hear this voice for the first time.

I turned my face to face him and said, "Yes, but I just heard about it."

"Oh...then, Chu Tingsheng, what do you mean, you don't want to share the same hatred with us?"

"Same hatred?" I was a little surprised by his statement, I couldn't help raising my eyebrows, and asked, "What do you mean by "same hatred?" There are no enemies here. Shouldn't our enemies be infected?"

"No, that's not right..." The man smiled darkly and said, "You're mistaken, our greatest enemy is not the infected, but... death."


"We came here to survive." The man said, "We are also bewitched by the rebel organization to inject that concentrated solution in order to have a stronger ability to survive. It is to survive, so our enemy is death, whoever wants to prevent us from escaping, that is the accomplice of death, is our greatest enemy."

This person is threatening me?
What I hate the most is being threatened.

If Zhang Chu hadn’t pointed a gun at my forehead, I might have been in a better mood when I joined the resistance organization.

I don't care what choices others ask me to make, even if others ask me to do what I am willing to do, I only care about his attitude towards me.

At this moment, an unknown fire rose in my heart, and I looked up at the man with a slender face, and couldn't help curling my lips, and said, "I won't stop you, you can go wherever you want, go wherever you want Go. However, the ugly words are ahead, if you go out from here, you may not be able to live where you want to go."

"At least, at least you don't have to be forced to fight." Wu Lun said, rubbing his hands.

"We have concentrated liquid in our body, what are we afraid of, can't we beat or run?" A man who was slightly shorter, with obvious unsteadiness in his eyes, said bravely.

"Chu Tingsheng." At this time, Zhang Ziyang spoke again, "Chu Tingsheng, you listen to me, now not only the four of us, but also many people are willing to go with us, they all said, if it is Going to the war, I tried to escape on the way, if I stayed here, I tried to escape when the defense was empty, we..."

"Zhang Ziyang! You talk too much! He doesn't want to cooperate with us at all!" The gloomy man sternly stopped Zhang Ziyang, obviously he didn't want to reveal their secret to me.

Zhang Ziyang argued, "He's my classmate, I trust him, even if he doesn't want to leave, I still trust him..."

I feel a little uncomfortable.

But I think I know better than them that even if you go out from here, you won't be able to survive.To fight against the infected, we must have weapons. Staying in the base, we can get a steady stream of weapons supplies at any time, as well as medicines, coagulation agents, etc.But what about going out?Even if we have a backpack full of supplies, it is inevitable that they will be lost and scattered during the chaotic battle. City Z is so big, it takes an hour to take a bus from the south of the city to the north of the city, let alone walk? !Their thinking is too naive, too ridiculous.

"Hmph..." The gloomy guy stopped talking and just stayed aside quietly.

"Think about it..." Zhang Ziyang said again, "There is no need to give us an answer so quickly."

After finishing speaking, several of them left my place.

My mood suddenly became a little complicated and a little heavy. I didn't know whether I should try my best to stop them from doing stupid things, but soon I found that I might not be able to stop these guys at all.

Soon after leaving my seat, they moved to another table, conspiring in low voices with the others.

Is this a mutiny? !

I secretly said to myself: What should happen will always happen... You are not the savior, you can't control so much, just be yourself...

For this matter, in fact, I want to stay out of it more, but the reality seems to often fail to do so.On the next morning, I was almost pulled out of my sleep by the call for emergency assembly, so I put on the spare battle suit in the cabinet and ran to the auditorium to assemble.Although everyone is sitting upright, in fact, I have been in a semi-comatose state. I am sitting, my eyes are open, my ears can hardly hear the sound, and my mind is in a state of ignorance until an officer on the stage informed me. When I went up to award the honor, I stood up slowly and saluted instinctively——I admired my reaction at that time very much, and I was so calm.

I still received the second-class merit medal of the resistance organization with Huang Qian in a daze, and I didn't even know what the medal meant.

But what I heard next made me suddenly wake up.

The moment I stepped off the stage, the leader of the resistance organization whose name I didn't even know and whom I hadn't seen several times, began to announce the battle plan for a week later.

"We have discovered the body of Liang Wenhui, the mastermind behind the central fortress! He will kill himself if he commits injustice, but his accomplices are still fleeing with a large number of infected people and weapons!"

I am stunned.

"A week later, I will personally lead the elite troops to the back of Zhanhai City to stop the infected troops and prevent them from joining forces with the Zhanhai Church to encircle City Z!"

I felt even more uneasy.

"The offshore base will be under the temporary jurisdiction of Mo Ge, and all things will be dispatched in a unified manner."

ink song...

The more I listened, the more I felt something was wrong, but I didn't know where the problem was.

At this moment, I couldn't help but look back at Lin Wan. Lin Wan was sitting beside me with several researchers. Her face was pale and her physical condition still seemed to be not very good.At this time, she didn't see me, she was holding a handkerchief, covering her mouth and coughing lightly, I couldn't help but look at her with concern.But at this moment, the moment she gently put down the handkerchief, I suddenly discovered that Lin Wan's handkerchief was actually stained with bright red.

She is coughing up blood? !
How bad is her body? !

I couldn't hold back anymore and wanted to get up and go to Lin Wan's side, but the specific tasks were still being arranged on the stage, so I didn't dare to move at all.

At that moment, I seemed to be more tormented than Lin Wan. I didn't know how long I had to wait before the nonsense and overjoyed "leader" left the podium in front of the auditorium. Everyone stood up and saluted. After the salute, I didn't even think about it. I walked towards Lin Wan, but I found that she was no longer seated.

I was at a loss for a moment, there were people coming and going in the huge auditorium, where could I find her?

My heart became more and more chaotic. After fumbling for a long time, I finally took out the communication device from my arms. Just as I was about to contact Lin Wan, suddenly, an encrypted text message appeared on the communication device. I hurriedly unlocked the genetic code lock. A sentence that made me at a loss suddenly appeared in front of my eyes.

If I want to escape, will you go with me? ——Lin Wan.

(End of this chapter)

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