Chapter 93
In the few seconds after I saw the infected person, I saw another person, Sun Tianhao.

But what I saw was only "half" Sun Tianhao.

This guy has been hiding at the assault port, thinking that it is the safest place, and he probably thought that he could rush out there at any time and wait for an opportunity to escape.

However, he completely miscalculated.

There, in an instant, it changed from the safest place to the most dangerous place.

When I saw Sun Tianhao, there was only the upper half of him left, and he had been torn off from the waist down, and the blood flowed freely. , it seems that with the last bit of strength, I stretched out a bloody hand for help.

But I can't save him.

Just when he stretched out his hand to ask me for help, two bloodthirsty infected people rushed up, frantically devouring his internal organs that were dragged behind half of his body, and he opened his mouth, a mouthful of blood gushed out He came out, rolled his eyes, and died of exhaustion.

I didn't dare to stay for half a step, and took advantage of the moment when the infected people rushed out to eat the corpses, I hurriedly prepared to pass by them, but at this time my legs and feet were really inconvenient, and pools of blood gushed out.

After a while, two infected people stumbled up behind me. It can be seen that their condition is not very good. They all have scars on their bodies, and blood is flowing almost everywhere on their bodies. , Wherever he passed, there was also a long bloody belt.

I limped and continued to walk forward, looking back from time to time, seeing that those guys were about to catch up and grab me.

I gritted my teeth and pulled the trigger with my backhand, only to realize that the gun was already out of bullets.

I slammed the pistol behind me and continued to "run", which was no longer running.

At the moment of my despair, suddenly, two figures rushed out of the elevator in front of me.

The man in front flicked his long hair and pointed his gun in my direction.



He fired two shots in a row.

Suddenly, a wave of heat dissipated not far behind me, and I couldn't help but glance back. The two infected people had lost their heads and fell to the ground.

Mo song!The person who shot was actually Mo Ge.Beside Mo Ge, Lin Wan waved a pistol to me, I quickly caught the pistol, loaded it and turned around.

"Wait!" Just as I was about to go back to the charge, Mo Ge behind me suddenly spoke.

I froze for a moment, but Mo Ge had already come to me, pressed my shoulder, and said, "Don't go over, the gun is given to you for self-defense, not for you to die, your life Keep it, I will settle the score with you and Lin Wan later!"

I was stunned for a moment, and replied: "Compared to dying at your hands, I think it's more cost-effective for me to earn a few infected people."

"Shut up!" she said coldly, "I don't want to owe anyone favors, including you! No, especially you! This time, I will pay you back the favor you received from the central fortress. Go back!" The pain in my leg pushed me hard, my feet hurt, I bared my teeth and took a few steps back, but fortunately Lin Wan stepped forward to support me.

I hissed, "Mo Ge, you...don't fucking die!"

She ignored me, and Lin Wan had already helped me to walk towards the elevator.

The elevator is always the safest place, Lin Wan directly pressed the button leading to the research room.

"You...don't run away?" I looked at Lin Wan.

The corners of Lin Wan's mouth curled up, as if smiling wryly, and said, "I want to escape, but...maybe this is fate."

I frowned and said, "Actually, you can go by yourself and take me with you. I may not really be able to protect you, can I? At the beginning you stabbed the concentrate on my neck, and then you ran away alone. Don't you live well?"

"Protect me? I don't need anyone to protect me." Lin Wan said, "I want to protect you..."

"What?" I looked at her.

"I want to protect you." She said again seriously, "Do you think I don't understand your temperament?"

She didn't continue talking. At this time, the elevator door had opened, and she helped me to walk into the research institute. At this time, the three researchers in the research institute had already returned.

"Is it safe here?" I said. "They won't find it?"

"It will be discovered sooner or later." Lin Wan said, "It's just... this should be the safest place for the time being. Those two guys, if I'm not wrong, may have been hiding near the terminal control room of the power generation equipment in the northeast. ... As I said earlier, the defense over there is very empty, and many large machines are prone to big explosions once they are deployed, so apart from the intelligent defense system, there is no artificial defense. In this case, as long as we have a Internal traitor, as long as he manages to hack into the computer to solve the artificial intelligence, the part of the power generation device will become "a flat river". Huh, fortunately, there are two people who come in. If there are more, they will launch a suicide attack and destroy the entire power generation device. If not, then this base will be turned into ruins in an instant!"

I also had waves of fear in my heart.

Lin Wan pressed a button on one side of the metal wall, and a small bed was automatically pushed out from inside the wall. Lin Wan helped me to lie down on the small bed, and then asked Zhu Qing and Li Jin to help me examine the wound.

I found that Li Jin's face was still a little pale when he checked the wound for me, so I couldn't help asking: "Li Jin, are you... are your wounds okay?"

Li Jin shook his head and said, "Don't worry, I'm a medical staff. Not only can I save people, but I'm also good at saving myself. Otherwise, why didn't I die under such circumstances?" After speaking, he helped the black frame Glasses, lol.

I looked up at the hot and bright lights of the laboratory, and I couldn't help but feel a special sadness in my heart. I don't know where this inexplicable sadness came from.


At this time, Zhu Qing who was on the side gave a low shout, but immediately pulled my thoughts back from the chaotic meditation.

"What's wrong?" Lin Wan on the side seemed to be dispensing medicine, her tone was calm.

"He...his blood can't be stopped with coagulant..." Zhu Qing raised her head and said, I saw her expression was very anxious and even a little bit at a loss from the side.

"Huh?" Lin Wan seemed to be a little puzzled, walked over slowly, looked at my wound, and said, "How could this be? Although the wound is deep, according to the previous situation, this dosage should be enough. Chu Ting Health..." She looked at me and said, "Don't you have the ability to heal yourself? What happened today?"

"How would I know..." I gritted my teeth and said, "This wound hurts more than usual..."

"Check to see if there is any shrapnel embedded in the meat, if not, increase the dosage, and I will bandage him later." Lin Wan returned to the experimental table pushed out from the metal wall next to him.

"Hmm..." This Zhu Qing was probably inexperienced, and she was still a little panicked.

They seem to have spent a lot of effort to help me stop the bleeding.

Even I myself began to wonder, if the concentrate has always had the effect of pain relief and quick healing, now, is it invalid?I couldn't help looking sideways at Lin Wan. At this moment, Lin Wan's expression became a little dignified.When I noticed this, the doubts in my heart also turned into a little uneasiness.

After Zhu Qing and the others finished their work, Lin Wan came to me, helped me treat the wound thoroughly, and said, "Your physical condition is too unstable."

I said "um".

"Even so, you're still not going to go with me?" she said in a low voice.

I shook my head and said, "Could it be possible to stabilize my physical condition after going out?"

Lin Wan sighed, and seemed to want to explain something for a while, but at this moment, the researcher who had been observing the data in front of the computer suddenly stood up and said vigilantly: "A foreign object has invaded the underground research institute! Forcibly intruded !"

"What?" Lin Wan turned back to the computer and operated it quickly for a while.

At this time, I also sat up from the bed, and I saw Lin Wan lightly waved to several researchers beside me, and those people quickly drew out their pistols at the same time, while Lin Wan pressed the button, and slowly opened the computer from the bottom of the research room. There was a small door, from which Lin Wan took out a shotgun and held it tightly.

The footsteps outside were getting closer and closer, the sound was heavy and heavy-somewhat familiar, but also a little different kind of fear.

I can't help but stare wide-eyed, how is it possible? !Could it be...

(End of this chapter)

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