Chapter 94

I tightly held the pistol Lin Wan gave me just now.

If I'm not mistaken, this is my old enemy coming.

But, didn't this guy fall off a tall building and die?Could it be that he really has an immortal body, no matter what method he uses, he cannot be defeated?
"Bang!" The metal door of the laboratory was slammed.

"Bang bang bang!" After failing once, the enemies outside began to slam into the door frantically.

It must be that guy, there's nobody rougher or savage than him.

"We can't let him enter the research room, and we can't let him destroy the information here. Otherwise, our efforts over the years will be in vain!" Lin Wan said loudly.

The sound of collisions outside became more and more intense, and then it turned into the sound of metal colliding and slashing.

"Damn it..." Lin Wan looked around, and suddenly said to Li Jin on the side, "Li Jin, take the spare storage, now quickly back up all the research materials and data in the computer, and if possible, simulate the data in the storage. The core system of a computer."

"This... I haven't tried it..." Li Jin said.

"Then try it now!" Lin Wan ordered.

"Okay...understood..." Li Jin put down the gun in his hand, rushed to the computer and started to move quickly.

And I have slowly approached the crumbling door, I glanced at Lin Wan, she was staring at the door of the institute, her expression was nervous but firm, I think, at this time, she must feel that she is Protecting her child, in this laboratory, is probably what she cherishes most.

At this time, the monitoring and verification device next to the metal door had already started to emit bursts of alarm.

"How did these guys find out here?" I couldn't help asking.

Lin Wan said: "I don't know, they should have broken the button of the elevator... But, even if they really broke it, how would they know that there is something important here..."

"Is there something that attracted them?" the researcher who had been monitoring the data in the laboratory trembled.

And as soon as I said this, everyone's eyes fell on me.

"Me?" I secretly beat a drum in my heart, how is it possible?When I first escaped from the hospital, I was bugged, followed by the swordsman, and chased by the wingman. I can understand it, but now, how is it possible?When I entered the resistance organization, I had a full-body examination, and Lin Wan also checked me every three days. After returning from the central fortress, I also had a strict comprehensive physical examination. The clothes and supplies I used were all uniform. Standard configuration, how could it be installed with bugs?
Is it? !
I gritted my teeth and said, "Could it be a traitor?"

"There must be traitors." Lin Wan said, "If there were no traitors, Yiren would not be able to break into the base... But even if there were traitors, it would not be possible to..." Before the words fell, the metal door in front of him There was a cracking sound, and the upper edge had begun to twist and deform, creating cracks.

"Li Jin, how are you doing!" Mo Ge asked loudly, holding a gun.

"I can simulate the system, but I need time!" Li Jin said.

As soon as these words came out, Lin Wan, Zhu Qing and I quickly understood, and immediately stepped in front of Li Jin.

And the researcher who monitored the data seemed to be a little slow in action and slightly fat. At this time, he was even a little scared and couldn't move. It took him a long time to turn around and prepare to leave the metal door and come to us. Unexpectedly, just as he was about to take action, there was another muffled sound. The metal door was violently shaken and collapsed. The metal door was so heavy that no human body could bear it.

That researcher, just in front of us, was slammed on the ground by half of the metal door. We only saw a pool of blood splashing in all directions, and saw his hand lifted up and dropped heavily on the ground. , we only saw that behind the cracked metal door, the swordsman stared at all of us coldly, the wound on that guy's body had been stitched up—it was stitched, not healed, it was obviously artificially rebuilt like a machine. Repaired body.

The swordsman's body was already riddled with holes, but at this moment it looked like a piece of clothing that was already ugly but had been patched with many patches, making it even more hideous and terrifying.

Moreover, his lower body had inexplicably nailed a few steel plates to his muscles. The steel plates and flesh and blood fused together, giving him a strange feeling. This guy's body looked like a Frankenstein at the moment. It is suspected that he nailed the steel plate himself, and he is already a living test subject of immortality.

The swordsman stepped on the fallen metal door and approached step by step. The researcher under the metal door had been crushed into meat paste. As he stepped on it, blood and minced flesh continued to squeeze out from both sides of the metal door. , I, who is used to the bloody battlefield, even feel that the sensory stimulation is too strong at this moment, which makes my stomach feel uncomfortable. The researcher beside me, Zhu Qing, has already held a gun in one hand and covered her mouth with the other, as if I was forcing myself not to cry out or throw up.

Fear and nausea can both make a person want to throw up, and now, it's both.

The swordsman's movements were still slow and unhurried.

"Li Jin, how are you?!" Lin Wan asked again.

"Almost, I'm okay..." Li Jin said, suddenly turned sideways, pressed one hand between his trouser legs, pulled out a throwing knife, and threw it straight at the swordsman, before I could react , the flying knife was accurately inserted into the swordsman's leg, the swordsman trembled all over, and his whole body unexpectedly knelt down slowly. The body has slipped and fell to the ground.

"Beautiful..." Only then did I understand that Li Jin pressed the electric current in his hand into the special flying knife, which could temporarily stop the slow-moving swordsman——I couldn't help but admire.

"Help me hold him..." Li Jin continued to operate the computer and shouted loudly.

I aimed at the swordsman's head and pulled the trigger.

The swordsman didn't dodge or dodge, the bullet immediately exploded on top of his head, and a thick liquid scattered in all directions. To my surprise, his head seemed to be filled with neither blood nor brain tissue at all. , but a pile of turquoise liquid with black and red blood streaks, is this a further mutation? !

However, thinking too much at this time seems to be of no benefit to the battle situation. I aimed at the swordsman's head and shot again, and there was another muffled sound, and the thick liquid seemed to be gushing like a spring.

But at this time, the swordsman seemed to have recovered and even woke up from the paralyzing electric shock. Although he was shot twice in the head and two holes the size of ping-pong balls were blown out, he still stood up slowly and took a step forward. In front of him, he raised the "long sword" in his hand, and stabbed us with a sword.We stood in front of Li Jin, and it was not right to retreat, or not to retreat. The swordsman's sword pierced straight at Lin Wan. I quickly stepped aside, knocked Lin Wan aside, and raised my hand. Block, although the bone sword is quite powerful, but it is a forward piercing force after all, my bottom-up block made the bone sword immediately deviate from the original "track", and only lightly lifted my shoulder .

The bone sword is extremely sharp, even if I pick it lightly, my shoulders feel cold for a while.

However, taking this opportunity, I shot another shot at the swordsman's stomach. The explosion of the shot shocked me back a few steps. Due to the short distance, the swordsman was also thrown away by the explosion. Going out, it hit the metal wall outside Lin Wan's hidden room, the metal gun was deformed immediately, and the button controlling the metal door of the room let out a long and shrill beep, as if it had been smashed.

The swordsman's abdomen was opened wide, and the green, black, and red liquid was already flowing out. There were no internal organs in his body. From the big hole in his abdomen, I seemed to be able to see the blood soaked in thick liquid. Ribs in thick slime.

With such a body, even if I blow him up completely, he still seems to be able to continue to move.

That guy stood up, dragged his body and walked forward again, moving even a little faster than before, raised his sword with his backhand, and swept down again, we want to protect Li Jin while fighting this guy, It really bound my hands and feet, I could only dodge this sword, but the bone sword was chopping on the ground in front of me, and I even saw a wisp of metal sparks flying up.

(End of this chapter)

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