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Chapter 97 The Insane Recruits

Chapter 97 The Insane Recruits
When we just stepped into the corridor on the third floor, the soldiers on the left and right sides had already formed a semi-circular arc, shooting towards one side of the corridor while pushing forward.

The corpses of the infected in the corridor were piled up like a mountain, but they continued to press forward without any intention of retreating. This wave after wave of charges crushed the soldiers so that they could not move forward at all.

Lin Wan's grenade has been thrown out, and there are not many bullets left in my pistol. Li Jin's lightning bullet can only temporarily immobilize the opponent, but it cannot kill him. Under the cover of the group of veterans, I can rush to the corridor on the other side of the corridor. The plan is very simple. I must first go to the accommodation area on the sixth floor and get all the spare weapons from my room before I can give it a go. , Fight to the end with these damn infected people.

And just after we entered the assault port on the third floor, we were staggered by the turbulent crowd.

It turned out that at this time, many recruits were about to escape from the charge, but a group of veterans covered in blood had already blocked in front of the charge. In the team of veterans, I saw Mo Ge, Mo Geben He was already injured, and he was stunned by Lin Wan's wasp anesthesia needle for a while, so his condition was obviously extremely bad.

At this time, the wound on her head seemed to be split open again, and her normal face was stained red with blood. With a gun in her hand, she pointed at the guy in the lead and shouted loudly, "No one is allowed to leave!"

"Why! Why don't you let us live."

The leading man hissed loudly.

"I know better than you what's going on outside, I won't let you take this group of people to die!" Mo Ge said loudly.

I couldn't help but stopped.

I found out that the guy who confronted Mo Ge was actually Wu Lun, and Zhang Ziyang was standing beside Wu Lun, and there were dozens of recruits—there were no more than a hundred recruits who came to the base of the rebel organization this time. More than half wanted to escape.I don't know if the guys who went upstairs with me to get weapons and I covered them are also mixed in with this group of people now.

I only hesitated for a moment, but the way I came from was suddenly blocked by infected people who suddenly surrounded me.

Directly in front of us, two veterans have been torn apart by seven or eight infected people rushing forward.

I, Lin Wan, Zhu Qing, and Li Jin also had to stop, and I started to take out my pistol and prepare to fight.But the group of recruits beside us, who were obviously armed, didn't step forward to fight, instead they began to squeeze hard one by one into the elevator at the charge entrance.

Someone was tapping the elevator switch button.

Someone was pushing and shoving the bloody veterans who were dying to protect them.

Someone frantically squeezed into the elevator that was only opened a small crack.

Mo Ge probably couldn't bear it anymore, and fired several warning shots into the air. However, the shots were far from deterring the crowd swallowed by fear, and they still pushed forward.

The seven or eight infected people are getting closer and closer, I know that I have no choice, if they don't fight, we must fight!
I took a step forward and didn't care how bad my marksmanship was. I shot the guy in the head from a distance of tens of meters. Unexpectedly, this shot directly beat the infected person to the brains. Cracked, turned over and fell to the ground.

Beside me, Li Jin also came sideways to me, and fired several shots from left to right, and those infected people suddenly convulsed to the end and twitched.

This was the best opportunity to attack, but the recruits took this opportunity as the best time to escape.

The elevator door was fully opened, and they began to squeeze into the elevator regardless of the elevator's load-bearing capacity.

The group of veterans who were already wounded had to pay attention to the infected who came raiding from all directions, and at the same time blocked the recruits who were rushing into the elevator, and they were in a mess for a while.

The recruits were already frantic in order to escape, and the leaders took out their weapons, but they didn't shoot at the infected, but pointed at the veterans who blocked them.


With a gunshot, the right arm of a veteran flew out. The man screamed, fell to the ground and rolled wildly, and completely ignored the crowd on the elevator, and stomped hard on his body. .

Mo Ge obviously couldn't hold back any longer, stepped forward, grabbed the recruit, put a gun to the guy's forehead, and said loudly, "Do you know what you're doing?!"

The man didn't answer at all, with a flash of light in his hand, he pulled out a sharp knife and stabbed at Mo Ge's abdomen.

These veterans really trusted their comrades too much, and Mo Ge did the same. She wanted to dodge, but it was already a step too late. Although her body had retreated, the sharp blade still pierced into her left abdomen.

I see all of this.

When we first came here, those veterans pointed guns at us to monitor our entry and exit. I have even become accustomed to trusting my comrades-in-arms and fighting against the enemy.And these guys who have just entered the battlefield, these guys who are pampered in schools, companies, and major enterprises, are the truly terrifying existences. Their indifference and selfishness have already reached the point where it cannot be added.

The knife in Mo Ge brought my anger to a fixed point. While the group of infected people were still unable to move on the ground, I turned around and kicked the guy who made the knife on the wrist.

The man staggered, and immediately fell to the ground with Mo Ge's bloody dagger in his hand.

I immediately picked up the dagger, stepped forward, and picked up the guy's collar. The guy obviously wanted to resist, but I didn't give him any chance to resist, and kicked him to the pile of lying down. The infected person on the ground, that guy is not very capable, and he is not my opponent at all.

I held up my gun and snapped at the man, "Stand up! Go kill those things!"

The man seemed to have just come to his senses and struggled to stand up. When he saw that there were infected people only a few meters away from him, he was so frightened that he wanted to turn around and run away. I gritted my teeth and aimed at the man's Not far from the foot is a gun.

The man was unable to stand still due to the blast.

I shouted again: "Go and kill those beasts! Otherwise..."

I gritted my teeth.

I don't want to kill my comrades-in-arms, even if they made a mistake, even if they are a bunch of beasts, but at this moment, I can't do it.

"Otherwise, what about you? Otherwise, what about you?! You kill, you kill him!" Behind me, a loud clamor suddenly came.

Immediately afterwards, there was a gunshot, and I felt a sharp burning pain in my left arm. At the same time, a burst of white smoke rose from the ground next to me.

Fortunately, the shouting guy didn't have good marksmanship and didn't hit me. The bullet just passed me by, otherwise my hand would have been useless.

Looking back, I saw the guy who had just shot standing in the middle of the crowd—a group of people had already taken the elevator down, and they were waiting for a second chance to escape.

Those veterans seem to have given up on stopping these irrational young people.

I don't know what the veterans think, if I were Mo Ge, I'm afraid, at this time I have ordered the soldiers to shoot and kill all the recruits - they have no reason to say, this moment is even closer The infected are even scarier.

I gritted my teeth and raised my gun, aiming at the arrogant guy in the crowd who shot bullets at me. Only then did I realize that that guy was actually Wu Lun.

I bared my teeth, afraid that I would pull the trigger in the next second.

If this shot is fired, not only he will die, but everyone around him will be affected—these people are all focused on escaping at this time, and they are all crowded in the direction of the elevator, and they don't pay attention to me at all.

Seeing me raising my gun, Wu Lun sneered and shouted again: "Shoot, shoot, you have the guts to kill us all! Come on! You traitor!"

My hands are shaking.

My sanity is also being eroded a little bit.

"Wait!" At this moment, Mo Ge suddenly grabbed my wrist, "Don't worry about them, let them go, let them die!"

I looked at Mo Ge in amazement, she was clutching the wound on her abdomen, the wound didn't seem to be deep, but for her who was already covered in wounds, it was worse.


"It's okay." She remained calm, "We...will not shoot at our comrades... Do you understand, there are still many recruits left in the base, we can't create turmoil anymore, we can't at this time Shoot recruits, understand?!"

I took a deep breath and bit my lips tightly. At that moment, my mood cannot be described in words.

At this moment, the elevator rumbled—the recruits had their second chance to escape, and the crowd surged again, and they began to push and trample each other again...

(End of this chapter)

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