Chapter 98

As soon as the elevator door opened a small gap, the group of people began to squeeze in.

Still the same, more savage than wild beasts, more ferocious than beasts.

I didn't want to look at them any more. Looking back, I found that the group of infected people lying on the ground had started to move, and the guy I pushed out just now had disappeared into the crowd again.

I clenched my fists angrily, and fired continuously at the infected people on the ground until the magazine was empty.

The flesh and blood of the seven or eight infected people is not enough to express my resentment.

The crowd began to erupt in screams, and the group of people fought with themselves. They had already used everything to squeeze into the elevator.

Before the infected came over, they kicked and trampled several comrades down by themselves. Those who were injured and trampled were eventually dragged to a safe place by the veterans to sit down.

I feel my hands, my teeth chattering.

Finally, the tragedy of the group of recruits happened.

Just at the moment when the elevator door was about to close, someone accidentally slipped and fell down, right between the elevator door and the corridor, with his head inside the elevator but his body outside.

I can see clearly, that guy is Wu Lun.

He frantically wanted to pull his head back from the elevator, but the elevator had already started, and his head was stuck in the elevator door, and his body couldn't move at all due to the surging crowd.

I instinctively wanted to go up and help him.

At this time, I didn't even think about who he was or what he did just now.

But my movements were too slow after all. When two veterans and I rushed into the crowd to help him pull out his head, the elevator had already descended, and Wu Lun's limbs were pulled out crazily, and the back of his neck was bleeding It spewed out, and in an instant, it was pulled off by the elevator.

"Ah!" Immediately, the crowd exploded again, screaming one after another.

I knelt and sat on the spot, looking at the headless thing on the ground, I felt an indescribable feeling in my heart, what is this?retribution?It deserves it, or is it just a kind of sadness?

I can't tell.

The noise from all sides resounded again, getting closer and closer, the infected had already broken through the semi-circular defense line surrounded by veterans, outflanking and killing from both sides of the corridor.

I gritted my teeth, stood up, and returned to the ranks of veterans with Lin Wan and the others. I was going to use this place as my base to fight to the death with these bastards. Those who use their lives to protect are just a bunch of irrational beasts.

I looked around, and every veteran had a different kind of anger on his face. I believe that they were unwilling to protect a group of guys who slaughtered their comrades-in-arms, but they understood rationally that they had nothing to do. choose.

The veteran with the trampled arm still sits there, dying, and we don't even know if he will come back to life.No one has time to care about him, but everyone has to care about the group of real traitors who caused him to be disabled or even about to die.

The soldiers who fled near the semicircular line of defense also began to gather towards the charge, and the entire corridor was full of their bodies. It didn't take long for us to form a group, but there were only about [-] of us in total, and there were more than a dozen people in the middle. burdensome.

I was also covered in wounds. When I attacked the guy who stabbed Mo Ge just now, I used force, and the blood was already gushing out of my body again. I felt that I was very weak and might faint at any time, but I still kept my spirits up.

Mo Ge stood beside me, her face was even paler than Lin Wan at this time.

"You're trying to be brave again..." In order to divert attention and support me to continue fighting, I said to Mo Ge.

"Take care of yourself." She responded coldly.

"No way, I've saved you so many times, and you still treat me like this?" I was deliberately cynical, I'm not a person with this kind of character, and when I said such things, I suddenly felt that I was a bit nondescript.

Mo Ge said, "I didn't ask you to save me."

"Not enough friends." I retorted.

"Friend..." Unexpectedly, my words actually caused Mo Ge to fall into a moment of contemplation, but this moment of contemplation was quickly interrupted by the enemy's charge. In an instant, dozens of guns were fired together - I have never felt such a battle, and at this moment, I actually felt less nervous.

Explosive pistols, submachine guns, sniper rifles, and all kinds of bullets fired at the infected people who rushed up the two corridors at the same time.The group of infected people went on and on, gathering more and more.

"Where the hell did they get in?!" I hissed as I fired.

"Low-level circuit terminal." Mo Ge replied—exactly the same as Lin Wan's estimate, "I have sent at least four teams down to stop it, but these guys are still rushing into the base, and there is a meat grinder underneath. It is a melting pot, no matter how many people throw it into it, they will all sink in it now, turning into a pile of rotten meat.

"How many infected people have come..." I said angrily.

"I don't know, the infected people in the entire city of Z should have been mobilized, hehe... Interesting?" This time it was a man who spoke, I turned my head and found that the person standing on the other side of me was actually Yitian .


"Don't worry, I'm not here to run away, I'm here to kill!" Yi Tian smiled coldly, took a step forward, and started shooting crazily at several infected people in Pieto.

My bullet ran out again, and the spare magazine that Lin Wan secretly stuffed into me was gone.

I gritted my teeth, feeling a little at a loss. At this moment, Mo Ge, who was beside me, suddenly tilted his body, staggered, and almost fell down.

I quickly supported Mo Ge.

At this time, no one was pushing Mo Ge, she obviously couldn't support her body anymore.

The moment I held onto Mo Ge, Mo Ge did not try to be brave again, but took out two magazines from his arms, handed them to me, and said in a low voice: "The last two magazines, you use... I, I can't see it." Qing, not sure..."

"You have lost too much blood, no, you have to go to the side to rest..." I wanted to help Mo Ge leave the crowd, but Mo Ge pushed my hand away and said, "No, I am the commander, I am leaving, The morale of the army will be confused, I will pretend...pretend nothing happened. It's up to you, they won't care if I shoot or not, as long as I long as I stand..." She stood upright When I got up, I felt an indescribable feeling in my heart, but I couldn't persuade Mo Ge at all. In desperation, I quickly loaded the magazine, took a step forward, and tried to get as close to Mo Ge as possible, so that even if she couldn't stand still, she wouldn't be able to stand still. You can have someone to rely on so that you will not fall down.

"Thank you..." I fired several times, and Mo Ge beside me suddenly spoke in a low voice.

I was taken aback, Mo Ge actually said such a thing to me? !Such an officer who raised his gun to his forehead without blinking an eye actually said these two words to me. I don't know whether to say I should be flattered or trembling.

"'s okay..." I stammered.

"Concentrate...We still have a chance to win..." Mo Ge said tremblingly, "You have already tried to contact Zhang Chu... He was suddenly transferred to the Life Fortress to report on his work. I don't know why, but...he should be there soon I'll come over soon, tell them what you and Lin Wan said... hurry up, I don't have the strength to speak anymore..."

I immediately understood, and said loudly: "Listen, everyone, I just came up from the research room. Just now, Lin Wan and I have contacted Commander Zhang Chu through the communication terminal of the research room. They will come to rescue soon. , as long as we hold the base for one more minute, we will have one more hope of surviving!"

"What you said is true?" At this time, it was someone from the group of guys behind me who wanted to escape who responded to me.

"Of course!" I said loudly, "Don't you want to escape? This has nothing to do with you."

"Escape..." Amidst the random gunshots, I seemed to feel that the people behind me had begun to whisper.

"Commander Zhang Chu promised to arrive within half an hour." At this moment, Lin Wan also said suddenly.

"Half an hour..."

Our "trick" seems to be working at this moment. Some people in the crowd behind us seem to have begun to regain their senses, and the veterans around us are stepping forward step by step, starting to push to the sides little by little. We are almost shrinking The team at one point gradually spread out to both sides.

"Fuck! Why are you running away? There are reinforcements coming. Why did you say it earlier? Do it!" At this moment, suddenly, someone behind us shouted, and a recruit rushed out of the crowd, holding a submachine gun, and joined the crowd one step at a time. Into the ranks of veterans, began to shoot wildly at the enemy.

He took the most critical step, and more and more recruits began to join the ranks of veterans. All of a sudden, it seemed that no one cared about the elevator door that was about to open behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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