global variation

Chapter 99 Arrival

Chapter 99 Arrival
The elevator behind him rumbled, but no one paid attention to it. At this moment, everyone finally stood on the same front, and the guns were fired.

At this time, the attack of the infected was obviously weakened, and the speed of advancement was much slower.

The dozens of corpses piled up on the ground were more or less intimidating after all.


The elevator behind us beeped.

I was startled and looked back.

Next to me were a few recruits who had just come up, and they couldn't help but look back.

The elevator door opened slowly amidst a long beep.

I suddenly had an ominous premonition, I always felt that something strange would come out of this elevator.


Before his thoughts stabilized, there were several sharp screams from the elevator. This time, almost everyone looked sideways immediately, and many people pointed their guns at the elevator door.

There were already three or four figures rushing out of the elevator, and a recruit next to me was about to shoot, but someone shouted, "Wait, don't shoot."

Those figures stumbled and were covered in blood. However, even though they resembled the infected person somewhat, they were not the infected person. Instead of attacking us, they fell directly to the ground, and some even The rolling belts crawled close to the floor-to-ceiling glass, and some directly leaned on the ground and trembled uncontrollably.

At this time, among those few people, I saw a guy with dull eyes and a terrified expression. The man's hands were hooked like eagle claws, as if he was trying to grasp something, but he couldn't.He sat on the ground blankly, accepting the eyes of almost all of us, but he didn't look at us at all, but stared at the inside of the emergency elevator.

"Zhang Ziyang!" I couldn't help but stepped forward, supported him, and asked, "What's wrong with you? What happened?!"

"Dead...all dead, all dead..." Zhang Ziyang murmured.

I looked back at Mo Ge, who seemed to be on the verge of falling, and seemed to be still struggling, walked forward slowly, and said, "The recruits who escaped are all dead, aren't they?"

"They're all dead... Outside, they're already surrounded by infected people... Ah!" Beside Zhang Ziyang, another recruit who escaped hissed, "They're all dead, they're all dead!"

"Go to the side and rest." Mo Ge said, then turned his head and said sharply to me, "Break the switch of the emergency elevator."

I immediately took the order, turned around and fired, and smashed the switch of the emergency elevator a few meters away with one shot. The screen of the genetic verification system made an electronic sound, followed by a broken explosion.

The gang of beasts below should have been unable to come up.

However, the emergency elevator was broken, which means that the last elevator that can carry people in this building has also been destroyed. Even if we want to go, we can only walk through narrow and cramped corridors.Invisibly, we seem to have trapped ourselves in the base.And our battle has already become a last stand.Thinking of this, I couldn't help but straighten up, turned around and aimed at the center of the infected group and fired two more shots.

At this time, I suddenly felt very painful. I felt like a person trapped in a cave without oxygen. I wanted to give hope to others and tell them that the rescue team would arrive soon, but I had to overcome the inner weakness of my heart. A lot of fear, because maybe only I know that the rescue team will never come.

The story says that often the only one who cannot be saved in the end is people like me.

I didn't dare to continue thinking about it, so I hurriedly restrained my mind—after all, Lin Wan and Mo Ge were still with me—I reached out to catch Mo Ge's palm, and at this moment she almost fell down again: "You really don't want to rest ?”

"No, absolutely not...fall down." Mo Ge gritted his teeth and actually removed the sniper rifle on his back.

"No!" I wanted to stop her.

She ignored me, her hands trembling, but she still picked up the gun and aimed with bated breath.

I noticed that she kept squinting her eyes, and I knew that she could not see clearly. The concentrated liquid we injected was diffused to the whole body through the blood. The amount of supply has something to do with it. I don't know what the status of a person with a very high synchronization rate is. In short, when I lose blood, my physical fitness will drop significantly. And Mo Ge has already lost too much blood at this moment, so the eagle eye ability will naturally be affected. Great obstacles, coupled with physical weakness, made matters worse.


Mo Ge pulled the trigger, and I saw that the head of an infected person who had been shot several times but still survived at the front immediately shattered and fell to the ground, but Mo Ge was hit by the recoil of the sniper rifle and quickly retreated. , I quickly reached out to support her so that she would not fall in embarrassment.

"You are overdrawn. If you continue like this, your body will definitely not be able to bear it. You must rest." Before I had time to dissuade you again, this time, Lin Wan who was at the side spoke first.

"Don't worry about it," Mo Ge said coldly, "The laboratory below you is more dangerous than here, I advise you to go back to the laboratory."

"I can't go back." Lin Wan lowered her eyebrows, and after a while, she simply replaced the magazine, took a step forward, and shot at the group of infected people. The shooting method seemed aimless, purely for venting , I saw it in my eyes, and when I thought of the research room that was already in ruins and black and gray, I couldn't help but feel an indescribable sadness in my heart.

"What happened to the laboratory?" Mo Ge saw something and turned to ask me.

"Destroyed." I took a deep breath and slowly spit out two words.

The infected people on the opposite side have stopped, our defense line has finally been stabilized, and everyone has begun to move forward.

Seeing that victory is in sight, we are about to eliminate all infected people on the third floor.

However, everything is far from that simple. Just as our defense line gradually widened a few meters, suddenly, the glass on the upper floor burst with a loud noise, and several figures galloped down from the corridors on the fifth and sixth floors.

"Oops!" Mo Ge exclaimed with a side face.

"What happened?!" I asked, glaring.

"There is a group of garrison troops trying to lure the group of mutant wingmen to the upper echelons to destroy them with a high-heat laser defense system. Now it seems...they have failed." Mo Ge gritted his teeth and said, "Get ready to fight!"

I hissed to issue an order instead of Mo Ge: "Change formation, get ready to fight, and attack the Winged Man!"

In the center of the team, several veterans quickly turned their guns and aimed at the several black shadows that swooped down from the upper floors, but the speed of those black shadows was too fast for us to shoot in the future. The crack on the glass rushed in. The impact was so powerful that the glass shards scattered. I couldn't control that much. I took the lead in aiming at the pile of glass shards that rushed towards me and fired two shots. These two shots were almost in front of me. There was a bang, and I even felt a ringing in my ears, and I had to step back quickly, and Mo Ge, who had been relying on me all the time, finally couldn't stand still at this moment and fell down.

However, with my two shots, I managed to knock down the first winged man who rushed up without thinking, and the two shadows behind me had to retreat sharply because of the impact of these two shots, and glide to the ground. After walking several meters, he managed to stabilize his figure.

I saw all this when I fell to the ground, and the soldiers beside me had already used the deadlock I broke to launch a counterattack against the Winged Men. The first three Winged Men who charged down were killed immediately.

However, the crisis is far from resolved, and more Wingmen poured down from above.

I can't even believe that there are so many infected people in this base.

They surrounded the mutant Winged Man with muskets in his hands and "armored" behind him, forming a circle and falling slowly. The formation was like an angel descending on the world.

It seemed to be a ritual, a bloody and terrifying ritual.

These ugly Winged Men were not chaotic at all, faithful to their position.

I couldn't help but glance at the soldiers around me.

They were all stunned by the sight.

The ring was not messed up at all, and it fell down a little bit.

Could it be that this guy is really the angel who judges the world?Are the so-called angels not as beautiful as we think?

I forcibly restrained my thoughts and raised my pistol, but the winged people in the air were faster than me. The mutant winged people in the middle of the ring suddenly made a move with both hands, and the winged people on the outermost circle quickly broke out of the group, forming a group. The bow-shaped horizontal team swooped down again towards the window on the third floor.

(End of this chapter)

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