farmer's daughter

Chapter 128 Close relatives are not allowed to marry

Chapter 128 Close relatives are not allowed to marry

Chapter 120 Eight Close Relatives Cannot Marry
The old, the young, and the young were discussing enthusiastically, only Liang Junxiao who was sitting on the side didn't come over.He just quietly looked at the group of people who were discussing enthusiastically.Xue Jian turned around and saw him by chance.Xue Jian said with a smile:
"Brother Xiao, don't you want to come and see? See if you like this bed?"

Xuejian couldn't understand Liang Junxiao's tangled eyes, the more so, the sadder Liang Junxiao felt.Is it really wishful thinking?Xue'er didn't understand herself at all?Isn't that occasional smiling face just for yourself?Didn't he come to the small town specially because he was taking the exam to care about himself?

Liang Junxiao lowered his head.Closing his eyes, he simply stood up and walked out.In the dark night, no one could see the sadness on his face and the pain in his heart!

But Xue Jian was intentionally surprised, what happened to Cousin Xiao?Didn't you say you passed the exam?Are you unhappy because you didn't get No.1 in the exam?
It's not because Xuejian is still young and doesn't understand feelings, Xuejian has a lot of insides.It's because Xue Jian didn't think about these cousins ​​at all. In her opinion, close relatives cannot get married!

If Jun Xiao knew that he was in the wrong line at Xuejian, what would he think?

No matter how much the family discussed it, it was no match for Liang Zhongqiu's words:

"Let's take a look first. We haven't made this kind of thing yet, so we have to try it first. However, Xue'er, your grandpa Niu has already made similar pipes. You can try it on your second uncle's room." Pretend to see if it works. I think the second child will move out of the room tomorrow. Let’s try to start work. As long as Sanzhu returns from Shenjia Village, we can start digging the foundation first. This winter get up."

So everyone discussed how to move and how to proceed with these matters, but these matters were beyond our control.So I took Cao'er back to the backyard to accompany my mother.

Early the next morning, the Liang family started construction. Liang Shengbei and his wife were very similar in temperament. When it came to doing something, they would do it as soon as they said it.The husband and wife didn't sleep much last night, they packed their things overnight, and when everyone woke up early in the morning, both of them were unpacking the cabinets.This made Liang Zhongqiu laugh:
"Are you two in such a hurry? Why didn't you stay up all night last night? It was agreed that everyone will help you move together today."

Liang Shengbei chuckled, but he didn't stop working.After a while, the couple cleaned up the room until only the Kang was left.

Liang Zhongqiu and Liang Shenggao also came in with pickaxes and hoes, and began to smash the kang.After smashing it several times in a row, two stones were knocked off the edge of the kang.Liang Sheng said loudly:
"Look, when we built this kang, the second brother said that the second brother and sister are all martial artists, so we have to make it stronger. So we used all the stones to build this kang, and now it's good, and we can't tear it down!"

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Chen dropped the hoe in her hand and chased after Liang Shengbei, saying:

"Tell me, what am I called Quan Wu Xing!"

Hu and Zhang laughed together.Liang Shengbei still had a shovel in his hand, and ran to the other side of the courtyard dam and said:

"Look, you are called Quan Wu Xing!"

When Chen heard this, she couldn't help laughing and bent over.

Old man Mo and Lao Niutou also stood over to look at the kang, and Lao Niutou nodded and said:

"This kang is so solid that no ten-generation person can sleep well!"

But old man Mo drove people out and said:
"Look how long you guys are going to do this, I can't wait to see what kind of floor warmer it is. My snow girl said she would make it for me. I have to see first, you go out first, I'll come. Wait a while Come again."

Liang Zhongqiu smashed the hammer and said:

"How do you do it?"

Xue Jian said at the door:

"Master! You have to take it easy, the four walls of this room cannot be damaged. We just want to dig underground."

Old man Mo said with a look of disgust:

"Go, go, I've used all my kung fu to smash the kang for you, and you still ask for more."

Liang Zhongqiu also knew that old man Mo had a solution, so he raised his hand and took away the other people in the house, and everyone went to wait in the yard.

Everyone waited for a while, but there was no sound from inside.After a while, old man Mo came out with his face covered in ashes and said:
"That's it!"

Liang Shengbei was the first to go in with some doubts, to see whether it was the kang or the kang, and stood there properly.The people who came in behind him were also surprised and felt that they were cheated.Old man Mo snorted at the door, and saw that the stones on the kang had turned into scattered ashes and collapsed there.It became a pile of ashes!
The two little heads that sprang out from behind Old Man Mo both opened their mouths wide.


Old man Mo raised them one by one and said:
"A lot of gray."

Chengwen and Xuejian were placed in the yard, and they both looked at old man Mo adoringly.Xue Jian stretched out her hands and raised her thumbs to praise Master:

"Master, you are amazing!"

Old man Mo raised his head proudly.But Chengwen said on the sidelines:

"He's not the best, but he's a little bit close."

Old man Mo stared and said:

"What's wrong with me?"

Chengwen shrank behind her sister, but raised her head and said:
"Your strength is not enough, and you are still short of the strength to hum, so you hum in the end. That's why you collapsed."

Xuejian was taken aback for a moment, then laughed until her stomach hurt.Unexpectedly, in my younger brother's eyes, the master's handsome moves are not enough skill, and I can't do it once, and I have to do it again.

Old man Mo was also speechless.I was so angry that I walked back and forth in the yard a few times in a hurry.

It was much easier for Liang Zhongqiu and his sons to do things now. They took out the ashes from the kang and dumped them out, and then began to dig the ground.By noon, the ground of one house had been dug.Under Zhang's call, everyone went to eat.

After the meal, Liang Zhongqiu and Lao Niutou were comparing each other in the room, calculating how to install the pipes.Because Liang Shengbei made a special stove for kang heating at the back of this room, but it was used for kang heating at that time, but it seems a bit high to use it now.The two of them were discussing how to connect this problem.Snow met and said:

"It's higher if it's higher, and it doesn't matter if it's exposed in the house. When the wooden boards are finally installed, make a small wooden frame for it, and you can put something on it to dry."

Liang Zhongqiu also nodded and said:

"Sheng Gao, Sheng Bei, you two just listen to your uncle Niu and help with it. I'll make some boards first."

Liang Shenggao and his brothers beat Lao Niu up.Originally, this pipe was made by Lao Niu, so he knew how to connect it easily. Only old man Mo must have never seen the surprised expression when he saw the pipe moved out by Liang Junlei and the others. this stuff.Don't worry if it's snowing now, if Master, who has traveled north and south, hasn't seen it, then he must have never done it.

(End of this chapter)

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