farmer's daughter

Chapter 129 Let Her Enjoy 1

Chapter 129 Let Her Enjoy It Too

Chapter 120 IX Let Her Enjoy It Too

Old man Mo has a kind of curiosity about novel things, so no matter what the Liang family refuses, he is always helping, but mainly following the places where there are pipes.This is a new thing.He had to see for himself what floor heating was.

Because the pipes that have been made before, just need to be connected and installed, and there are many people in the Liang family, and the installation will be completed in a room in a short time.

Liang Shengbei lit a fire in the stove over there, added some wet firewood to it, and then closed the fire door.The fire went out, but the smoke in it went away with the pipe.Xuejian view interface by interface.Finally, a trace of smoke was felt at one interface.Xuejian called:
"Grandpa Niu. There is an air leak here!"

The old cow came to check and marked it.After further investigation, a total of two places with air leaks were found.Anyway, there were still many tubes, so I changed the tubes and tried again.Not this time.After the pipes are installed, the pre-prepared stones are installed between the pipes, and the stones are used to support the large wooden squares.The planks will be bound to this later.I was busy until the end of Shenshi before I finished installing the wooden squares.Liang Zhongqiu looked at the sky and asked Liang Shengyue to take the children who were studying and leave first.It was too late, and they left the ox cart for them to drive away.

But Liang Shengbei's interest remained undiminished, and he insisted on laying this out on the same day.Old Mo also booed.Old man Mo didn't know what he had said to Liang Shengbei, and he even made it clear that Liang Shengbei would let him sleep in this room tonight.This made Xue Jian very speechless.

Liang Zhongqiu looked at the scene and nodded.So Liang Zhongqiu and Liang Shenggao ordered the floor by hand.Ask Liang Shengbei to pass the plank.After watching the cooperation of the three, old man Mo couldn't help but play second fiddle again.He stretched out and picked up an armful of wooden boards and flew into the house. He kept waving with one hand, and the wooden boards were laid out smoothly and neatly, just waiting for Liang Zhongqiu and others to nail them down. Nailed.

That speed made everyone stunned.In just two or three ups and downs, all the boards in that house were put away.Then there will be one more person who makes the nails, and Liang Shengbei also joins the people who make the nails.In this way, the nailing of three people is indeed much faster.And old man Mo has already started to go on the plank to try it out.Xuejian and Chengwen also followed old man Mo to walk on the wooden board. Old man Mo and Chengwen walked lively, but Xuejian looked carefully and said:

"Grandpa, I found a problem. The edges of these wooden boards are a bit sharp. When building this kind of house in the future, the edges of the wooden boards should be polished to make them smoother and smoother. This will make it easier to clean up."

Liang Zhongqiu also stretched out his hand to wipe it, nodded and said:

"Well, Sheng Gao, go and get the planer. Plane the edge lightly."

Liang Shenggao nodded and left.After a while I brought a planer, and Liang Zhongqiu went to plan it one by one in person.Sure enough, it is much better, and there is no such rough edge at first glance.much better.

By the time Zhang called for dinner, there was still a row of nails left.Of course, planing is slower.Everyone finished their meal, except for Liang Shuang and Liang Xia who went to wash the dishes, everyone else stood in that room, even Xiao Yuewei didn't clamor to sleep tonight, but clamored to see the new house.

Xue Jian took her younger siblings to play in the wooden room, and sat down on the ground, Xiao Yuewei even rolled over.Giggled.

Finally, after cleaning the room, everyone sat on the floor of the room.Liang Shengbei went to light the fire to try it out.Xuejian and Chengwen were lying on the pipe at the entrance, and after a while Chengwen called out:
"It's warm. It's hot in here!"

Yuewei also hurriedly rolled over.Feeling it there, he giggled:
"Grandma, come here. It's hot in here!"

Old man Mo was not afraid of being told that he was old, so he lay down on the end of the pipe, patted the board anxiously, and murmured:

"Why don't you come? Why don't you come?"

Suddenly, old man Mo soared into the air and landed again, saying:
"It's getting hot here too."

Mrs. Chen also found a place to sit for a while, feeling it and said:

"I said you are still vying for this kind of bed or that kind of bed. I think it's okay to just sleep on it. The whole room has become a kang, and it's warm wherever you sleep, and it's not hot."

Zhang also nodded and said:

"It's just people walking around. There's a lot of dust. Or it's just like this, you can sleep with the quilt on and not worry about the child falling off the kang."


The whole family stays in this room and feels the warmth of the floor.Suddenly, someone knocked on the door outside.Liang Shenggao stood up and went out to meet him.When I opened the door, I saw that Shen Sanzhu had come back, but Shen Sanzhu didn't look very well.There are still wounds on the face.Liang Shenggao hurriedly pulled him in and said:
"Three pillars, what's the matter with you?"

"Brother, it's nothing. When I went to catch the thief, I fell from the cliff and got a little scratch. Because it's close to Shenjia Village, I went back there first. Seventh Uncle gave me medicine, so I came back late."

Chengwen stretched his head out to have a look, saw that it was his father, and immediately shouted:

"Father! Come on, we are heating the floor!"

Shen Sanzhu said in surprise:


Liang Shenggao said while closing the door:

"Well, I tried to make the second room today, it's okay, I just finished it, and now everyone is trying it in that room."

Saying that Shen Sanzhu also walked into the room, Mrs. Zhang saw the wound on Shen Sanzhu's face, stood up and said:

"Yo, what's the matter?"

Shen Sanzhu said:

"I fell and scratched a bit. Mother, don't worry."

"Hey, it's true that this room is really heated as soon as you walk in."

Chen stood up and said:
"Come on, Xiaocao, give me a lantern, and I'll carry your mother on my back, so she can enjoy it too. This is what her daughter came up with."

Liang Shuang also stood up and said:

"I'll go too, I'll bring Wu'er over here."

Shen Sanzhu smiled and said:
"Second sister-in-law, let me go."

"No, you just came back, you sit down, Xia'er, go get some water for your little uncle to wash."

After a while, Mrs. Chen carried Liang Chengfang on her back, and Liang Shuang came over with Wu'er in her arms.

Mrs. Hu stepped forward to catch Liang Chengfang and put her down gently. Because she could not move for several months, Liang Chengfang was thin and pale.put her down.Xue Jian and Cheng Wen leaned together.Xuejian asked:
"Mom, do you feel warm?"

Liang Chengfang smiled and said:

"Yes, it's very warm. It's the end of autumn. It was a bit cold at night, but the room is very warm!"

Chen immediately said:
"Little sister, make this room first, and make your new home like this in the future. Before your house is built, you and Wu Er will move here to sleep. You are not in good health, and you are even more afraid of the cold in winter. Your second brother and I are strong. Don’t refuse me! I’m going to be angry!”

Seeing that Liang Chengfang was going to refuse, Mrs. Chen immediately stopped talking.Xuejian also stepped forward and said:
"Mother, you stay here first, so neither you nor your brother can catch cold. Besides, we can still play in this room during the day. My sisters can also embroider in this room. Tomorrow, we will first clean up the rooms of grandma, aunt, and the others. It has been changed. Now it is only a few iron pipes, as long as we can make enough for one house, we will change one house. It won’t take long.”

(End of this chapter)

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