farmer's daughter

Chapter 130 I Did One Thing I Hated All My Life

Chapter 130 I Did Something I Hated All My Life
Chapter 130 I Did Something I Hated All My Life
Liang Zhongqiu also said on the side:
"Fang'er, your second sister-in-law is also interested, so you can accept it. Tomorrow, Uncle Niu and I will go to the town to buy some iron. We will continue to fight. There is not much work in the field these two days, and we can all help. Uncle Niu do something."

The old cow also nodded and said:
"Well, the iron will be finished tomorrow, and the pipe will be punched out first. After the pipe is enough for home use, there is no time to make a thresher. But it is true that I will buy some iron tomorrow."

In fact, this was the first time Liang Chengfang saw Uncle Niu.It was also the first time I met Xue Jian's master, old man Mo.Of course, I hear about them every day.

Liang Chengfang smiled and said:

"Then Xue'er will give Grandpa some money."

"Enough, enough! Xue'er gave me money last time, and I still have it now."

Lao Niu hurriedly waved his hands and said, although Liang Chengfang was half lying there, it was the first time seeing his mother, so Lao Niu was still a little nervous.But old man Mo didn't, old man Mo stepped forward and circled around Liang Chengfang, turned to Xue Jian and said:

"This is your mother? The waist you said was broken?"

Xue Jian nodded and said:
"It's been more than three months. My mother can stand now, but she can't walk around, stand up by herself, or sit. Master, can you cure it?"

As soon as Xuejian said it.Old man Mo paused for a moment and said:

"It can be cured, but it will take a few days, and I have to prepare some medicine."

Zhang stood up happily and said:
"Really? That's great. My little girl has suffered this time. Look at this kid, he's almost half a year old. His mother hasn't hugged him for a few days, and he was interrupted in the middle of the month." This waist!"

As she spoke, Zhang's eyes turned red, and her voice choked up.

Old man Mo nodded and didn't say much.Shen Sanzhu also stepped forward and said:

"What medicine do you want, senior?"

Old man Mo looked at him and said:
"You can't find what I want. I'll go up the mountain tomorrow to have a look."

Turning his head to look at Xuejian again, he said:

"Xue girl, come with me. I have to fulfill my responsibility as a master."

The people in the room heard this, so it was not easy to ask again.Xuejian also stood up obediently.After following old man Mo out to the yard, as soon as he came out, he felt that there was still a big difference between the inside of the room and the outside.

Old man Mo stood in the middle of the courtyard dam, looked at Xuejian and said:
"Go get the bag I gave you that day."

Xue Jian let out a cry, then turned around and went to the backyard to get the cloth bag she had hung on the kang head.After running back after a while, old man Mo took the cloth bag, opened it and smelled it:

"Well, there are good things in it. This kind of fruit has not been seen in decades. I ate one for you that day, and you eat two today."

As he spoke, he handed two fruits to Xuejian, who had also eaten it, and knew that it was bitter first and then sweet, so he put it in his mouth without hesitation, but the more he ate it, the more bitter it became.It was not easy for Xue Jian to finish eating two of them, and the bitter look on his face with his mouth open made old man Mo laugh.Old Man Mo nodded and said with a smile:
"Very bitter, isn't it? Hehe, this fruit is good for a boy like you. It can remove some poison in your body and help you regenerate a new body!"

As he said that, old man Mo stretched out his hand to grab Xuejian, got up and made two vertical leaps, then flew out of the courtyard and headed straight for the woods beside the village.When he arrived in the woods, old man Mo fell into a place surrounded by big trees, and with a wave of his hand, he swept out the middle of the place.Put down Xue Jian, and then light a fire on one side.road:

"I have been to this place a few times, but there are no beasts or people. From now on, you will come out by yourself every night. Before you learn Kung Fu, I will bring you here. After you learn it, you will come here by yourself."

"Now sit cross-legged."

Xuejian completely obeyed what old man Mo said, and sat cross-legged really well, and old man Mo also sat behind Xuejian.Shen Sheng said:

"Calm down, think quietly, stick to Yuan Yi."

These few words of Xue Jian are still understandable, that is, you have to sit quietly by yourself, and you can't think wildly.It really began to block other thoughts, concentrate on emptying my mind, and relaxing my body.It's as if there is only one person in this space.After a while, I sat still and settled down.

This surprised old man Mo. To be honest, he is not a person who can calm down. Although he can still sit still when he is practicing, he has never settled down so quickly before.Old man Mo stretched out his hand and tapped Xuejian's body several times. Xuejian only felt that his stomach was extremely hot and uncomfortable.But she also felt that Master was still pointing at her, so Xue Jian had no choice but to endure it.

After a while, Xuejian's head was profusely sweating, and her mouth was bitten so hard that blood came out from the bite. Gradually, she felt that her limbs were heavy, and the pain in her abdomen disappeared.But wave after wave of heat rushed to the heavy limbs.I feel that my limbs are swollen and painful, I can't move even if I want to, and my skin feels tingling and itchy.

Xue Jian bit her lips so that her lips became numb, and she opened her closed eyes suddenly, widening them.But old man Mo didn't stop, he kept turning around Xue Jian's body, pointing at Xue Jian from time to time.

Xuejian felt that she couldn't sit still, couldn't stand the pain anymore, at this moment, she felt two warm currents coming from her shoulders, quickly flowing to her arms.I feel very comfortable!Then the two legs also felt the same way, and the original heaviness and pain disappeared all of a sudden, and even the head that was a little stuffy from the pain suddenly woke up, and the sound of the wind blowing the leaves in the woods was heard all at once. into the ear.Once the limbs are relaxed, the back will not be so tense.At this moment, after a colic in her stomach, Xue Jian farted loudly and long, and then did something she hated all her life, pulling her pants down !

Xuejian's face flushed red.I didn't know what to do in a hurry, so I burst into tears.This is in front of Master, so embarrassing!In particular, this is not a real doll of a certain age, but he is Nei Li who is dozens of years old!There has never been such a thing as pulling pants!
After Xue Jian burst into tears, old man Mo was not comforted but smiled:
"That's right, I forgot to remind you. You need to bring a change of clothes. Haha. Everyone will do this when their meridians are opened, and the accumulation in the body will be discharged. Only then can a new life be restarted."

After laughing happily, he said:

"Don't be sad, your four senior brothers are more embarrassing than you. Your senior brother happened to pass through his meridians while taking a bath, and then pulled him into the tub. The most important thing is that when his body softened, he poured himself into the water and drank a few Drool! He hasn't used the tub since. It's made me happy for years!"

"Your second senior brother was going with his parents to meet the bride who was engaged to be a baby girl. When he saw that the little girl was cute and beautiful, he immediately ran over with joy and pulled her out. Until now, he has no face to meet his fiancée."

Having said that, old man Mo snickered again, recalling those things that made him happy for a long time, he still couldn't help snickering.

(End of this chapter)

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