Chapter 147
Chapter 140 Seven
Cheng Qiang pointed at the woman angrily and scolded, but when he saw blood dripping from the woman's hands, he also shut up. The child didn't know who was right and who was wrong, but felt that the one who got hurt was the one who was hurt. I can stop scolding.

Cheng Qiang stopped talking.Shen Laowu's daughter-in-law sat down on the ground, but shouted:
"Oh, my god, you bully people when you build a new house, and I get hurt just by coming over to see it. You have to pay me! I've lost a lot of blood. I need to mend it! Oops! , Shen Lao Wu, I am so dizzy! Help me!"

Shen Laowu's daughter-in-law, their husband and wife are the rat shit of this Shenjia Village, and they have ruined the reputation of Shenjia Village.Shen Laowu specializes in sneaky things.Don't look at the fact that their husband and wife don't do anything every day, but they have never run out of food, and they still have meat to eat every now and then.So this daughter-in-law, who was called a junkie by the daughters-in-law of Shenjia Village, was good at it every day. When she came here, she had a very enchanting figure, but now she was as fat as a pig.

This woman named Liu Yan has a bad reputation. It is said that she is a prostitute who came out of a brothel, and was later redeemed to go out to be a good man.But he was kicked out by the big house.In this way, I followed this for a few months, followed that for a few months, and finally settled down here in the hands of Shen Laowu.

But the person who broke the bill will do bad things wherever he goes.When they first arrived in Shenjia Village, those bachelors in Shenjia Village were wandering around Shen Laowu's house every day.Of course, serious men would not go there.Then something happened, a single man had no money but wanted it, and ended up fighting with Shen Laowu, and the patriarch said that if Shen Laowu and his wife continued like this, they would be kicked out of Shenjia Village.

In fact, according to what they did, they should have been kicked out long ago.But because Shen Laowu's father was a really good man when he was alive, he helped many people in Shenjia Village, and even saved the life of the patriarch.Just one thing, that he spoils his only son who managed to survive too much.The first four are all dead.This old five will not give grass if he wants flowers, but will try his best to give whatever he wants.He was spoiled so lawlessly that in the end the old man was bitten by a black blind man because he went to cut trees on the mountain to earn money for his son.He died on the mountain, Shen Laowu didn't bring his father back to bury him.Just let his father expose the body on the mountain, and finally the patriarch sent people to go up the mountain to bury him on the spot.Seek a safe place in the land.

Shen Lao Wu spent the favor left by his father in this village.Until now, people in the same village ignored him and his wife.Because I know I can't afford it.Once it sticks, it can't be torn off. Unexpectedly, Shen Laosan just repaired the house, and this woman came to make trouble.

When Liu Yan was still howling there, Mrs. Chen happened to pick up a load of boiling water to drink water for the workers.As soon as she heard what the person next to her said about what was going on, Mrs. Chen was furious, put down the bucket, and came to Liu Yan with a pole in her hand.

"My sister-in-law. Where did you hurt? Who hurt you?"

The only person Liu Yan could talk to in this village was the Hong family. She had learned from the Hong family that this tall and thin aunt of the Shen family could not be offended.He also broke Chengzong's leg.But Liu Yan's money has been tight recently, and since she is bleeding, she is not afraid of Chen's reply:
"Hey, my god, my hand pole hurts so much! You even hurt me when you were building a house. You have to pay me."

Mrs. Chen knocked the pole on the crushed iron pipe, Weng...Waiting for Na Weng's voice to stop, Mrs. Chen said:
"The iron pipe said, you crushed it yourself, that's why it scratched you. It's okay. This is not your place to make trouble. We are still busy here. If you want to cry, you should go away."

There was no tear on Liu Yan's howling face.Hearing this, he was stunned for a moment, even the people watching the excitement around him were also stunned, and then they laughed coquettishly.

Liu Yan howled again with the laughter.

"Shen Lao Wu, you dead man, where did you go? I was bullied and injured. You don't even come to see me. If my mother is bullied to death, I will take revenge even if I am a ghost!"

Mrs. Chen erected the pole, leaned on it with a bang, and said coldly:
"Let me tell you, don't be shameless. Think we are easy to blackmail? You have found the wrong person! Get out of here yourself, or I will pay you the money for this iron pipe. Don't blame me for miscalculating! "

"Oh, daughter-in-law, what's the matter with you? Who beat you? Why is there so much blood, oh, oh, people are fainting. Come, help!"

A thin and small man with mischievous eyebrows jumped out from behind the crowd and rushed to Liu Yan's side.This person is Shen Laowu.

Shen Laowu is not young anymore, and things have not been so easy to steal recently.So if there is a chance to blackmail someone, it must be blackmailed!And it seems that the family is making such a big noise about building a new house, and there will be no shortage of money.I went out for a stroll last night and heard people say that people who work here have enough to eat, and there is meat to eat.He also brought big white steamed buns to the family.If you don't blackmail such a person, who will they blackmail?

The couple also blackmailed people and cooperated very well.We all have experience.As soon as Shen Laowu arrived, Liu Yan pretended to faint, and with the bleeding, she really looked a bit miserable!

But everyone in Shenjia Village knew that this was their trick.No one spoke for them, Chen didn't need to ask, he knew at a glance that these two people were not good people.Picking up the pole again, he tapped the deflated iron pipe lightly, and said in a cold voice:
"Don't shout, don't howl. Let's talk about how to pay for it first. This is not something made by ordinary craftsmen, and you don't need much, just bring it for a tael of silver."

Shen Laowu howled twice pointing at the sky and pointing at the earth, but didn't respond, but heard Chen's words.Shen Laowu was stunned, and gently pinched his wife.Liu Yan immediately woke up with a soft moan, and then went on spitting.Also hit the roll.It is about to roll directly to the dug foundation.

Hearing the quarrel here, Lan Shi and Hu Shi also ran over.Mrs. Wang also came down here with the support of Aunt Shen Qi, seeing the battle, hurriedly stepped forward and said:

"Stop her, this new house foundation can't see blood!"

Originally, everyone was still watching the lively scene.Upon hearing Wang's call.Chen ran two steps sideways, stretching his pole, and was about to stop him.But I saw a kick coming from the side of the house foundation pit, and kicked the splashing willow smoke to a tree by the pond. The branch couldn't bear the weight of the willow smoke, and there were two cracking sounds, and the branch broke .Liu Yan screamed and fell into the pond.

Fortunately, the water over there is shallow, but the silt is deep.After being hit hard, Liu Yan stood up despite being in a hurry.But he still drank two sips of water, and his head, face and body were covered with mud, and his legs were still in the mud and he couldn't pull them out.

(End of this chapter)

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