farmer's daughter

Chapter 148 What happened last time is still fresh in my memory

Chapter 148 What happened last time is still fresh in my memory

Chapter 140 Eighth
Seeing Liu Yan's appearance, the people around burst into laughter.

If you want to talk about why Shen Laowu can stay in this Shenjia Village after sneaking around, one is because of his father's favor, and the other is that he can still know his face because of it.

Previously, he wanted to extort some money, because the recent events of the old Shen's family had become a joke in Shen's village, and the old Shen couldn't hold his head up in the village.Shen Laowu was thinking about how for the sake of face, Old Shen had to comfort himself, but he didn't know that an old man with a white beard running around was so powerful!The most important thing is that this old man is still from the old Shen family!

So when he saw Liu Yan being kicked away, Shen Laowu ran away without even bothering to pull his wife ashore.He ran directly to the side of the road opposite the pond, and saw old man Mo flying back into the pit to see what he was doing.He didn't seem to care about himself.Then he slowly retracted, picked up a piece of bamboo piled up on the other side and stretched it into the pond, asked Liu Yan to pull it, and finally pulled Liu Yan up.Then the couple didn't dare to say a harsh word.He left in a hurry.It also made the people in Shenjia Village who were watching the excitement burst out laughing.

Only Cheng Qiang said anxiously with red eyes:

"Third uncle, what should I do with this? Can it be used if it is deflated?"

Xue Jian shook his head and continued:
"It can't be used anymore, it will leak air."

Cheng Qiang repeatedly said:
"It's all because I didn't like it, so the thieves just sat on it. What should I do?"

"It's okay, put it aside for now. It will be useful later."

Xue Jian said indifferently.He lowered his head again to look at the grandfather and second uncle who were connecting the curve.This time, the second uncle was instructed by Xue Jian in advance, and he learned this thing seriously, and he might eat by pointing at it in the future.It's a craft.

Xuejian roughly checked it visually, and watched carefully from the side. Among the young people who heard what grandpa said, there was the big dog's father that mother had mentioned, who was said to be younger than father, and there was another who The person who laughed at Mimi, I heard from Xiaocao, that person is the youngest son of the patriarch's grandfather.Usually treat people very well.

Although the purpose of setting up the construction team is to make everyone rich, but Xuejian is worried that the second uncle, the seventh grandpa, and the village chief's grandfather will take care of people and get those lazy or scheming people into the construction team.In this case, the original intention of Xuejian would not be achieved.

However, through these two days of observation, Xue Jian still felt that most of the people in Shenjia Village were hard-working people.This would reassure Xue Jian a little bit, but after a long time to see people's hearts, we have to look again.

On the contrary, Old Man Mo's actions frightened many people. Although everyone stayed here to watch the fun, the atmosphere was obviously not as natural as before.Everyone didn't dare to speak loudly, and they didn't dare to move around. They just quietly looked at the people who were still rushing to do things in the foundation pit.

At noon, the people watching went back.Shen Sanzhu helped the old head Shen to stay for the patriarch to eat, and the patriarch also took advantage of the situation to stay.In the morning, a house hadn't been paved yet, so everyone hurried to do things again after eating.At the end of the day, the pipes of the two houses were laid.But because the pipes and the newly laid pipes are placed in the open air, a vigil will be held at night.So Shen Sanzhu and his second brother built a temporary shed outside for night watch.

Of course, at night, old man Mo took Xuejian to the mountain again.This time I changed the place, on the edge of a cliff in the forest.It just so happens that there is a big rock here, which is very flat, and it has become a place for Xuejian to practice.

After nearly ten days of meditating, Xuejian has initially felt some heat in the pubic region, but it is only a little hot, and Xuejian even feels that she has practiced wrongly.Why didn't I realize that the kind of heat that Master said would rush to all parts of the body.Xuejian has asked Master twice.Old man Mo just stared and said:

"The most taboo thing about practicing kung fu is to rush for success. Why are you in a hurry. Take your time."

This day, Xuejian just sat quietly for a while, and moved around uncomfortably.It seems that he endured it for a while, and then moved left and right, his expression was also very tangled.Old man Mo, who had seen Xuejian twice, finally moved, stretched out his hand and tapped Xuejian's acupuncture points, and said:
"What's the matter with you? Have you become obsessed before you practice? I have said again and again, you must calm down when you meditate, and you can't think about anything else."

Xuejian blushed and lowered her head and said:

"Master, I don't feel well in my stomach. I'm afraid I'll pull it into my pants again."

Old man Mo was startled, opened Xuejian's acupuncture points and said:

"What did you eat today?"

Xue Jian whispered:
"I didn't eat anything, I just felt uncomfortable in my stomach, it was very hot. It seems to be the dantian you mentioned."

Old man Mo jumped over, and stretched out his hand to feel Xue Jian's pulse. Seeing Xue Jian bowed his head, old man Mo said with concentration:
"Do as I say, meditate, calm down, and I'll check."

Xue Jian sat cross-legged, and sat up quietly as Master instructed.After a while, I felt that Dantian was hot again.Xue Jian frowned.Old man Mo felt the pulse, and naturally felt the change in Xue Jian.After a while, old man Mo said happily:

"Okay, okay, okay, girl Xue, you are stronger than your senior brothers, this is not about diarrhea. This is because you have achieved a little success. Dantian is full of energy, and slowly learn to understand what the master told you How to condense energy into strength, take your time, and you have to meditate for me every day. Starting tomorrow, I will do one more thing, that is, run."

Xue Jian opened his eyes and said happily:

"Really? Master, have I really developed my inner strength? Is this heat the inner strength?"

"You are not considered internal strength, it can only be a little bit of heat, take your time. Your second senior brother is considered a talent for martial arts, but he only had this kind of heat after he started practicing for half a year, but he didn't have it." Have eaten that fruit. I am afraid that you owe your strength to it."

Xue Jian nodded with a smile, it's not just about having diarrhea, the memory of the last time is still fresh.I used to think that the so-called inner strength was a lie. I meditated with the master, that is, I wanted to have a quiet time every day, but I didn’t expect it to be possible. In modern times, I have never heard of inner strength.

But really, Xuejian will feel more confident when practicing.

The next day, the rooster crowed twice, and Xue Jian was called by the master.He took two ugly cloth sandbags and asked Xue Jian to tie them on his legs.Then run again.Anyone who has seen the TV and movies of Shaolin Temple practice before knows this.Xue accepted it at first sight, and went for a run in a large open space on the other side of the foundation early in the morning.He even quarreled with Shen Sanzhu and Shen Erzhu.

Knowing that Xue Jian was practicing kung fu, the two brothers smiled and lay down again, they still had to be busy during the day.Or lie down again.Now that Xuejian is running here, someone is watching.Also sleep at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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