farmer's daughter

Chapter 155 Doing Good Deeds Must Leave a Reputation

Chapter 155 Doing Good Deeds Must Leave a Reputation

Chapter 150 Five
Liang Shengyue didn't have much to say to these old men, he got up and looked at what Xue Jian was busy with and frowned and said:

"Xue'er, you are getting more and more courageous. Do you dare to cook and eat this?"

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"Uncle, why are you like Uncle? You can ask Uncle, he said the same thing last time, but now his eyes light up when he sees this thing!"

Liang Sheng said nothing more, just shook his head and turned around to look at the repair room.He didn't see the shop at home last time, so he went back to experience this new way of building a house.Walking to the gate of the courtyard, Liang Sheng turned his head and shouted:

"Chengye, let's go, come with me to have a look, they are going to lay wooden planks today, let's go and see how this new style of house is done."

Chengye responded, put down the bucket for fetching water, told Xuejian and left with Liang Shengyue.Patriarch Shen couldn't sit still anymore, and wanted to see how the planks were made today.With a wink, the two old men also got up and went to have a look.

They are all out.Xue Jiancai asked:

"Sister Cao'er, who are those two old men?"

Yue Yin immediately interjected:
"Xue'er, don't you know them? They are the elders of the clan."

After saying that, he stretched his neck to look again, turned his head and gave a soft pooh and said:

"Because I'm the elder of the clan, follow the head of the clan, and eat at whatever family has something to do. They still come to eat when their business is over. Just watch. When our house is repaired, they might come to try to live in it." They will agree to whatever they say. They all respect them as clan elders."

Xuejian frowned, thinking about her own home, her father was away for many years, and her mother was sick in bed when she came back, and now she said that she would take care of her grandfather and grandma.If these thick-skinned old people are also recruited, it will not go well.

The floor was officially laid today, and Liang Zhongqiu and Liang Shenggao were considered masters, and they started laying the floor together with those who had learned how to make forest boards.Of course, before laying the floor, it is better to test whether there will be air leakage according to Xue Jian's method.The people who watched the excitement every day finally understood what these pipes were used for, and they started talking about it in an uproar.Everyone followed suit.

Although I heard that this thing can be used as a kang, but when I got here, seeing a few people busy there, the patriarch and two patriarchs couldn't help but want to try it in the pit to see if it really can generate heat .Several children of the Shen family stepped forward to help several old people down the pit, and one by one went to the pipe to touch it, and it was indeed hot.Liang Zhongqiu laughed loudly and said:

"You have to be careful, this thing can really burn your hands."

The patriarch also tried the tail on purpose, and it was also hot.If the walls are built well, the room will be completely warm.That must be much more comfortable than lying on the kang.Excitement flashed in the patriarch's eyes.He turned to look at old Mr. Shen.

"Changyong. You will be blessed to live in such a place in the future."

The two clan elders on one side also responded quickly:
"Yes, yes. It's good for us to come and chat with you if there's nothing to do in the future."

Old Shen did not agree this time.It wasn't because he knew how to refuse, but because he himself was still not sure what his future would be like. First, the third child and Xue Jian came back and said that they would provide for the old couple.Now it seems.The third family is getting rich.Although it is definitely not a problem to provide for oneself in the old age, but I am afraid it is just a dream.The son agreed, but the daughter-in-law hasn't come back yet.And the daughter-in-law is like that, but my husband and wife have never cared about it; I am still uneasy.How could he casually agree to the clan elder.

The two patriarchs were shut down by old Mr. Shen, and turned their heads with uneasy expressions.The patriarch also pretended not to hear it. For the patriarch, he felt uncomfortable.In this village, everything has always come first to my own family, but I didn't expect that this time, Shen Lao San, who was silent, would take the lead.Of course, he looked down on the terrain where the house was built, let alone at the end of the village, and it was too close to the mountain.Anyone who has been here for decades knows that it is dangerous to get too close to this mountain.There are big things on that mountain.

But in this new-style house, you don't have to respect yourself first.At first I thought they were doing something.I didn't expect it to be a really good thing.But this envy can't be uttered, the patriarch is very upset.Walking around in the pit, I didn't hear Shen Sanzhu say a word of flattery, but heard all the villagers' praise of Shen Sanzhu's new house, and the patriarch felt even worse!

Both Shen Sanzhu and Shen Erzhu were listening carefully to Liang Zhongqiu's words, learning to install the planks, no one noticed that the patriarch's expression was wrong, and no one cared about the patriarch's mood.The patriarch's face darkened, and he was even more upset, beckoning to the people of the two villages to help him into the pit.After standing on the edge of the pit, he looked back at the people who were still excitedly busy in the pit.Leaning heavily on crutches, he turned and left, and no one paid attention to his departure.Everyone is excitedly discussing this new house.

The head of the Shen family went home on his own.The elders of the two clans still had the cheek to stay, because they heard that the dishes of the owner's family were for the festival.I still want to stay and try it.

Sure enough, when it was time for lunch, when Xue Jian's new dishes were served, those workers rushed to grab them. Everyone had eaten the day before and knew it was a good thing, but luckily they made more of it today.Xuejian still stayed some, and then found out that the patriarch hadn't come, Xuejian didn't know why he didn't come, only saw two clan elders, Xuejian took a big bowl and filled it with today's meat dishes.Then put it in a basket, and just about to leave the kitchen door, I thought for a while and pulled the corner of my mouth.

Deliberately walked to the table of the village chief who was having the most fun, and put on a sweet smile in front of several old people and said:

"Grandpa, where is the patriarch's grandfather's house? I don't think he's here, so I want to send him some food, but I can't find his house. You know I've never been out before."

The old men who were stretching out their chopsticks all turned their heads when they heard this, and the village chief grinned and said:
"Yo, Xue'er is really thoughtful."

Old Shen also nodded and said:
"Xue'er is right, Cheng Qiang, you and Xue'er go to deliver some food to the patriarch's house."

Chengye, who was sitting with Chengqiang, hurriedly stood up and said:
"I'll go, come, Xue'er, carry it for me."

From Xuejian's point of view, going to Chengye is better than going to Chengqiang.Chengye is now the star of hope in Shenjia Village.If the patriarch didn't come to eat, there might be something wrong.If Chengye sent it, he wouldn't lose face.So Xuejian took it seriously and handed it to Chengye, but Old Shen was not willing to let this long-faced grandson do such a thing, and was about to lower his face to speak, but Liang Shengyue, who was sitting under him, understood Knowing what Xuejian meant, he hurriedly said:

"Well, it's fine to go to Chengye. Greet the patriarch's grandfather well and see if he's not feeling well. You should be older and speak clearly. If there's nothing wrong, let's ask the patriarch's grandfather to come over for dinner at night!"

(End of this chapter)

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