farmer's daughter

Chapter 156 You Should Call Her Niece Snow

Chapter 156 You Should Call Her Niece Snow

Chapter 150 Six You Should Call Her Niece Snow
Chengye nodded and went out with the basket in hand.He had never seen so many twisted intestines.Xuejian also jumped out the door after him.Others also heard the conversation, especially the patriarch's son said loudly:
"Xue'er is really good, walk slowly, don't fall."

Xue Jian secretly laughed and earned a lot of likes!This has also achieved the purpose of Xue Jian, who has done a good deed to leave a name.

After dinner, because Liang Sheng wanted to go back to town, Liang Zhongqiu drove him back, Xue Jian thought about going back, so that he could go to the street with his grandfather again tomorrow.On the way back, Liang Shengyue kept smiling and looking at Xuejian, who thought there was something dirty on her face.After wiping his face with his hand, he saw that the smile on his uncle's face grew stronger.

Xue Jianbai glanced at my uncle, pouted and asked:
"Uncle, what are you laughing at?"

Liang Zhongqiu looked back at the two, and continued driving without saying a word.Liang Sheng looked at Xue Jian and smiled softly:

"You little girl, you are still a little narrow-minded. I believe you can understand why the patriarch didn't come. Why? Let the whole village know when you deliver the order. Hehe, you deliberately let the newly promoted Tongsheng to send it off?"

Seeing that Xue Jian's face was slightly red, she knew that this little trick of hers couldn't hide from this little uncle's eyes, but thinking about it, she didn't do anything wrong.Seeing a stalk in her neck, Xue said in a low voice:
"I'm doing the right thing! Then he's selling out the old, thinking that the whole village should take his ideas as their meaning and focus on him? If he co-authors what he doesn't have, he can't let others have it? It depends on us. His family built a new-style house, so he was jealous? Could it be that he wants me to build one for him? Or do you want me to hand over this technology to him? No way! I respect him not because he is the patriarch, but because of his Put on a beard! A person in his decades is so narrow-minded, it's no wonder that Shenjia Village can't develop!"

Liang Zhongqiu heard a low cough in the front, and Xuejian stuck out his tongue mischievously.I believe that grandpa will know what is going on with the patriarch after hearing what he said.

Liang Sheng reached out and tapped Xue Jian's forehead.Look like you can't help it.Then he said:
"Hey, Xue'er, don't you always want to sell money for new things? The pig intestines and belly you made can also be sold for money. If you put them in a restaurant, it will really attract people. Come for business."

Xuejian was startled when he heard that, yes.I only think about this stuff, it's a waste if these people don't eat it, let everyone try it, these people haven't eaten it, and those rich people haven't eaten it.People of all ages are, as long as they have money, the more others dare not try to eat, the more they want to eat something new!
After Xue Jian figured it out, her eyes glowed, and she jumped up, just in time for a pothole in the road, and the car bumped a bit, if Liang Shengyue didn't hold Xue Jian, Xue Jian would not just fall and eat shit.Guaranteed to fall nose red and swollen.Just like that, Xuejian's mouth fell to the uncle's feet, and Xuejian got up like a puppy, which made Liang Shengyue laugh even more.

"You get so excited when you hear about money. Xue'er, why is your clever mind only filled with money?"

Xuejian got up and patted the ashes off her body, glared at her uncle and said:

"You don't like money. I heard from my grandma. I'm going to marry you this year, and I plan to make some more money to hold the best wedding for my uncle and give my aunt the best new house." Well. Looks like forget it, my uncle doesn't like money!"

After Liang Sheng heard it, he said repeatedly:
"Don't, don't. Look, uncle, how much I cooperate with you. So, first tell me how you want to organize a wedding for me?"

Xuejian turned her head proudly.He snorted and pretended not to hear.

"Come on, come on, dear Xue'er, I just didn't make fun of you. What I said is true. You sold the recipe for this dish today. I promise to sell it for a good price. I've already thought about it for you. I recognize it. The owner of a restaurant in this town, how about I introduce you? Is it okay for my uncle to apologize?"

Xue Jian rolled her eyes and said with a smile:

"Okay, I can barely see your sincerity, I forgive you. But you have to tell me, what kind of boss is it? Who is it? Is the restaurant big? If the restaurant is big, I can give him a few more in the future." What about Cai Fangzi. Oh, how is it so easy to make money? This solves my brother-in-law's marriage. I'm so smart!"

Liang Sheng looked at Xuejian's deliberately arrogant look.I couldn't help it, and laughed out loud.

They made an appointment to meet in the town the next day, and the first thing Xuejian did after returning to Liang's house was to tease the younger brother.Chengwen didn't come back, saying that he wanted to stay with his father.I will come back to Liang's house tomorrow.But Xue Jian fell in love with teasing the younger brother Cheng Wu after discovering that the younger brother would turn over and talk two days ago.

Early the next morning, Xue Jian went to town with her grandfather Liang Xia.Xuejian still has a task to go to town this time, which is to buy some medicines.This is bought according to the order written by the master, and it is for the treatment of my mother, who can't get up by herself now.With crutches, I can walk for a while.

Today is also a fair, so Xuejian went to Hongfu's store first.Hong Fu has already started to get busy, but when she sees Xue Jian and Liang Xia coming, she asks Xiao Er to take her place, but she comes to greet Xue Jian.

"My darling! You came just in time! I picked up two big items yesterday, so don't worry, I'm not in a hurry. Is your mother better? How far has the house been repaired?"

"Aunt Hong, my mother can sit on her back for a while. I came here today to help her buy medicine. The house has been under construction for a few days."

Hong Fu nodded repeatedly and said:
"That's good! That's good! Xue'er, the Chinese New Year is not far away here, can you help me draw some Chinese New Year pictures?"

Xue Jian thought about it, yes, there is still more than a month before the Chinese New Year.So he nodded and laughed: "Okay, Chinese New Year is almost here, so fast!"

Liang Xia smiled and said:
"Yeah, it's the Chinese New Year, Xueer's birthday is coming."

"Huh? When is my birthday?"

Xue Jian asked casually, and Hong Fu laughed:

"What a silly girl, you don't even remember your own birthday?"

Liang Xia stretched out her arms to hug Xue and saw:

"Aunt Hong, Xue'er doesn't remember a lot of things since she was beaten last time. She didn't remember who we were when she first came to our house."

Seeing that Hong Fu's eyes were red, Xue Jian hurriedly said:
"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this, we still have to go to the vegetable market, Aunt Hong, we will pick up things later, you just pack it up. I will send you the painting in two days."

The two sisters went to the vegetable market after they came out of the Hongfu shop, and made an appointment with Liang Zhongqiu to wait at the butcher's shop.When Xue saw the two arrived, Liang Zhongqiu also arrived, and he went to buy iron embryos.But it looked like he was talking to that butcher nephew.Look at the boy's face is red.Seeing Xuejian blushed even more, and stammered greeting:
"Sister Xuexue!"

Liang Xia stared, opened her mouth and said:
"Cousin Wangshan, you should call her Niece Xue!"

(End of this chapter)

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