farmer's daughter

Chapter 157 The Strange Cousin

Chapter 157 The Strange Cousin
Chapter 150 VII The Strange Cousin
Xue Jian also looked at the man whom Liang Xia called her cousin with a strange expression.She didn't know what was going on with this man, how could he call her sister.On the other hand, Liang Zhongqiu, who was sitting on the side, laughed a few times, waved his hand and said:
"Okay, okay. Are you done with your business?"

Liang Xia took another look at her cousin who was stuck there.replied:
"Well, but when we go back later, we will go to get some goods from Aunt Hong. We have taken two sets of large-scale embroidery and went back to do it."

Liang Zhongqiu nodded.Xuejian didn't care about that Uncle Wangshan any more, but looked at the meat stall, and saw at a glance that there were still two pig heads and a pile of pork belly and intestines.Of course, Wang Shan saw Xue Jian's expression, and his first move was to turn around hurriedly, put the things on the ground in a back basket, and hand them over.Still blushing, stammering:
"Here, this is for you."

Xuejian was a little hesitant, seeing her grandpa nodding and smiling, she accepted it anyway.Originally, I wanted this when I came here, but it was not in vain.Xuejian put down her things and said seriously:
"Grandpa, did you tell him?"

Liang Zhongqiu shook his head and said:

"I haven't said it yet. I've been talking to him about other things since I came here, and I haven't had time to talk to him yet."

Xue Jian looked at it and said:
"Then you talk to him."

Cousin Wangshan looked at Xuejian suspiciously, and then at Liang Zhongqiu, a little worried that his business might be ruined.Is it because of my presumptuousness yesterday?

Liang Zhongqiu thought about it and said:
"Wangshan, it's like this. We found you a business to do, and see if you do well. After you do well, your income may double."

Liang Zhongqiu pulled him over and said carefully:
"It's the pig's head, pig's stomach and pig's intestines. You put up a sign saying that you want to buy this thing. A pig's head costs ten coppers, and a set of pig's belly and pig's intestines costs twelve coppers. But there is one thing that will be handed over to you. The cook, you have to sign a contract with them, that is, they can only sell it to you. If you sell it to someone else, it will be regarded as a breach of contract, and they will have to pay you 50 taels of silver. As for who to collect these things from, we will You can find someone to collect it for you. You can raise the price. A pig’s head costs [-] coppers, and a set of this thing costs [-] coppers. If it’s less than this money, you won’t sell it. If you mess with something you can’t sell, just come to us. I will definitely sell it to you. Do you understand?"

Wang Shan was not happy when he heard it, but instead frowned and said:

"Uncle, I know you want to help me build a home. But isn't this hurting you? What do you use this thing for?"

Liang Zhongqiu said with a slightly gratified smile:
"Don't worry, I will tell you how to do it, and you will do it. I promise that I will not let you and me suffer. Also, you should be more distracted by yourself, and don't tell others everything. This is what we are looking for for you. , you just wait for good things to find you."

Only then did Wang Shan nod his head. He has always obeyed this uncle's words the most, and this is something that is good for him.How can I not do it.Besides, I have been doing business in this market for two years. Although I am not harmful to others, at least I know how to guard against others.

Seeing it, Xue smiled and said:
"Well, I'll take these away first. I'll take them today to help you lay down future business. Don't worry, someone will come to you asking for things tomorrow at the most, so you'd better say this today. Let it out. Can you write?" Liang Zhongqiu raised his hand and said:
"Yes, his father used to be a scholar, but he was seriously ill, which made their mother and son fall into such a situation."

Seeing Xue nodded, she turned her head and said:
"Grandpa, why don't you help him here today, and you will be the buyer once, buy everything at the price you said, and make a rule that you will only buy goods here in the future. Sister Xia and I first Go back to my uncle, and I will handle the affairs over there. Finally, the matter here is over, how about you come to us again?"

Liang Zhongqiu nodded, still Xue Jian was thoughtful.

So Liang Xia picked up the pannier, and Xue Jian followed.Liang Zhongqiu was still sitting there, and after whispering a few words to Wangshan, that Wangshan went to the stall owners who were selling meat together, and everyone chatted in low voices, and everyone happily handed over their things to Wangshan. Come to the booth.Liang Zhongqiu wrote down the numbers and names one by one, and then wrote down a contract. He called all the people who had handed it over together and read the contract. Everyone nodded happily and signed and stamped their fingerprints. , and one or two asked what they were used for, and Liang Zhongqiu also said:
"We found a way to make this food, so we sold it in restaurants. But we will only get it from Wangshan in the future, so we have this contract. If you have any opinions, it doesn't matter. I will take it today, but you don't need to sign it. , I won’t accept yours from now on.”

The two of them smiled shyly and said:

"Where is it? If you want to sign it, you have to sign it. How much of it has become money, but you can only lose it in your hands."

Liang Zhongqiu said nothing, just smiled.Received all the ones on the market together in a short while.Liang Zhongqiu didn't expect so much, he frowned, what should we do?But thinking about what Xue Jian said, let's accept it first.Then he called a bullock cart directly, loaded everything up and pulled it away.

It is said that Xue Jian and Liang Xia came to my uncle's residence, because it was agreed yesterday, and my uncle went home after the morning class and waited.Seeing Xuejian coming, she got up and asked a few questions. Xuejian had prepared everything, and Liang Shengyue took her to another street. There are many restaurants, inns and teahouses on this street.In other words, this street has the largest floating population.

On the way, Liang Shengyue said:

"Xue'er, the boss I'm taking you to meet is Zhao, the largest Zhao family in this town. Their business has spread all over the state capital, and it is said that they also have one in the capital. Their family has a backstage, and someone in the capital is an official as a guarantee. , and the people in the business house mainly provide money to the people in the other house. The boss is still young, so he can be regarded as a friend of mine. I believe he will give you a chance. With your intelligence, you should be fine."

Xue Jian smiled lightly.didn't say anything.Xuejian carried a small bamboo basket, and Liang Shengyue also carried a large bamboo basket. Although it felt inconsistent with his husband's image, Liang Shengyue did a good job and didn't care at all.

When the two of them came to the door of a magnificent restaurant, Liang Shengyue put down his things and asked Xue Jian to wait.The waiter greeted him and stood up, calling:

"Hey, Mr. Liang is here. Our boss happens to be here today. Would you like me to report back to him?"

It seems that Liang Shengyue still has a lot of face with this friend.Liang Sheng nodded calmly, and the little girl turned around with a smug smile and went upstairs. After a while, two men in brocade robes came down, one of whom looked more like Liang Sheng, about twenty One looks younger, probably only fourteen or fifteen years old.But seeing that both of them are members of wealthy families, their dress and demeanor cannot be pretended.

(End of this chapter)

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