Chapter 159

Chapter 150 Nine
Fortunately, the person who came to be a cook is still an honest person. Although he was stunned when he saw that the things he made were pork belly and pig intestines, he still did exactly what Xue Jian said.Know how to ask questions if you don't understand.

After washing the pork belly and pig intestines.And cut the ingredients according to Xuejian's requirements. One is that Xuejian's method is indeed something I have never seen before.The second is that the boss just sits there and watches, and he must be serious about how he does things.This is one of my chances.

Therefore, a serious teaching and a serious learning, the cooperation is really fast.

An hour later, Murong Xing heard a scent wafting, which he had never smelled before, and he swallowed when he smelled it.I want to eat.Murong Xing walked over, Xue Jian had just directed the cook to put things on the plate, Murong Xing quickly picked up a piece and ate it, Xue Jian saw it, and hurriedly shouted:
"Thief, didn't you say it was shit? Still stealing it?"

Murong Xing was eating delicious food, and he felt disgusted hearing these words. He gave Xue Jian a glance, turned around and shouted:

"Brother Zhao, it's really delicious."

He even took out a plate of hot fat intestines just out of the pot.Boss Zhao looked at the plate of delicious dishes.Xue Jian ignored them, and instructed the cook to add seasoning to another dish, which was braised fatty sausage.

Xue Jian made a total of four different sausage dishes, and made several dishes with pork belly.Then he pointed to the pig's head in another basket and said:

"I don't have time to do this. But I can write down the detailed method."

Boss Zhao ignored her, because he was immersed in the delicious food, not only he was eating, but he also called several chefs in the kitchen to eat.At first no one believed it was made from unwanted pig offal.Later, everyone always thought that as long as these dishes are released, they will attract many customers.

After hiccupping, Boss Zhao looked at Xue Jian with a smile and said:
"Miss Shen, you are really good! I bought all these dishes, so you can't teach others how to cook them. Of course, you can still cook them at home. Should I give you the silver ticket? Uncle takes care of it?"

Liang Shengyue said:

"It has nothing to do with me. She is the master of our Xue'er family. I don't need me to manage some money. My father discusses everything with her. You can discuss the business yourself. I just eat what she made and think it's delicious. , and it has something to do with you. That's why I asked her to recommend this to you."

Boss Zhao also realized that this girl is capable, and she came because Liang Shengyue told her to sell it.

Boss Zhao smiled and said:

"In this way, there are eight dishes in total, Xiao Wu, have you learned from Miss Shen? Can you make them independently?"

The chef nodded and said:

"Boss, I've written it all down. I'll go to the market to buy a set later and try to make it again. It should be fine."

Boss Zhao nodded. This young man is also an honest person, and he knows it too.Boss Zhao said to Xue Jian again:
"If you can, please write me the key points of each dish. I'm not only making it in this town, but I'm also going to Fucheng. In this way, look at these eight dishes, and I'll give you each recipe 200 taels, and that one, how many dishes can you make? You have written all the recipes clearly, and now tell the chef again. Let him remember it. I will also count 200 taels for each dish. "

Xuejian blushed a little and said:
"Boss Zhao, this is just one or two kinds of ingredients, so you don't need to give so much."

Murong Xing was also full on the side, and it was really good. At first it looked unappealing, but after eating this taste, it was really delicious, and it was good to eat and drink.After hearing Xue Jian's words, he laughed and said:
"Hey, it's the first time I've seen someone complain about too much money."

Xue Jian gave him a blank look, and said to Boss Zhao:
"How about this, the pig intestines are one kind, the pork belly is one kind, and the pig's head is one kind. Just follow the price you said. To be honest, these dishes are not bad, but they are difficult to prepare. Those who go to the hall of elegance. Those who are sophisticated will look down on them."

What flashed in Boss Zhao's eyes was not only joy, but also appreciation!This girl is really nice!Can accomplish great things too!

Xue Jian continued:
"But I have a small request, can I make it?"

Boss Zhao said straightforwardly:
"please say."

Snow said:
"This thing is worthless in the vegetable market now, but as long as you go to buy it, the price will definitely increase. I will be a villain first. I have a relative who sells butcher, and his family background is also very good." No. So I will be a villain first, and I told him to put away all the butchers in the market. Then you can just buy from him, okay? To be honest, I would give him a few hundred taels of silver. He is good at making money by himself. There is a saying: It is better to teach a man how to fish than to give a man a fish. So please forgive me for my villainous behavior, and see if this can be done?"

Boss Zhao was stunned for a moment, he really didn't expect Xuejian to really be a villain this time.But looking back, Xue Jian gave him a thousand pieces of silver.Just wanting to help a relative, this girl's idea is really rare, it's not bad to help people like this, if you give money directly, it may really hurt others!
Boss Zhao patted the table and said:

"It's better to teach a man to fish than to teach a man to fish! Well said! Okay, I will do as you said. I will do this business with him exclusively. You will let him come to me later, and every day he receives everything. Just bring it to me, instead of going through the front door, tell him to come to the back kitchen."

Xue Jian bowed down and thanked Boss Zhao earnestly.Then he brought up the pen and paper that Boss Zhao asked someone to prepare, listed the recipes of the pork head meat one by one, and wrote down some key points of today's dishes and handed it to Boss Zhao. On one side, he praised:
"Shengyue, you really deserve to be a girl from your family, this word is beautifully written!"

Liang Sheng sighed more and said:
"This child, it's a pity that I don't need a female officer!"

Liang Shengyue sighed in one sentence, making Boss Zhao sit up straight.From this comment, it can be seen that the more Liang Sheng values ​​this child, the more he knows that this child is really not a treasure!
Xue Jian pointed to the pig's head and told the chef in detail, the chef is respectful to Xue Jian now, anyone who comes to see a big man respectful to a little girl will find it funny.But the chefs who were also in the kitchen cast envious eyes from afar. For a chef who knows a new dish, he can ask the boss to raise his net worth.But now it's all given to this humble Sanchu.I really underestimated this little girl before.

This time Xue Jian got several hundred taels of silver again.When walking with my uncle, a tail followed.It turned out that my uncle leaked out that Xuejian's family was repairing a new-style house.After talking about it, Murong Xing was so interested that he insisted on going to see it.

(End of this chapter)

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