Chapter 160
Chapter 160
As far as this Murong Xing is concerned, in terms of appearance, he has handsome eyebrows and sharp eyes, and a straight nose.Even when he was fourteen or fifteen years old and hadn't fully grown, he could tell that he would be a handsome guy in the future.Murong Xing pestered Liang Shengyue all the way about the pipe.How to bury pipes in the ground.Xue Jian kept silent and walked silently.

When I arrived at Liang Shengyue's house, I saw Liang Zhongqiu and Wang Shan were there, as well as a large pile of pig intestines and belly.

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"It's just right, grandpa, you can take this cousin Wangshan to Boss Zhao's place right away, directly to the back kitchen. I've made an agreement with Boss Zhao. From now on, this uncle will hand over the things to Boss Zhao directly That is, as for the price, I didn’t talk about it, you can negotiate it yourself.”

Liang Zhongqiu was a little surprised and said:

"Oh, have you done this? I thought it was up to me."

Liang Shengyue introduced Murong Xing, who was following behind, and said that he was Boss Zhao's friend, and he wanted to go with them to see the new building.Then whispered again:
"Father, Xuejian really took care of this matter. In order to lock up this business with Wangshan, Xuejian gave up a lot of money. The third son Zhao originally wanted to give Xuejian a dish of 200 taels, but later Xuejian only I bought 600 taels, and gave up more than 1000 taels.”

Liang Zhongqiu stared at Xuejian for a while, then nodded heavily.road:

"You did a good job, kid! Okay, I'll take Wangshan for a walk right away. We'll go back to the village later."

Liang Zhongqiu is a person who moves as soon as he talks, and immediately took Wang Shan to the back door of Boss Zhao's restaurant, but before he left, that Murong Xing stood up again, flattering Xue Jian and said:
"Do you want to save another portion and make it for dinner at night?"

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"You don't mind it? All right, then ask my cousin to keep two sets."

Turning around and looking at the mountain again:
"Cousin, when our house is being repaired, you still send us the meat the next day. Also, you still send two sets of this. I will count the money to you together."

Wang Shan replied happily.That's how the deal seemed to be done.It's all because of this little girl.

When she went back, Liang Xia saw one more person.Liang Xia was a big girl, she knew she was shy and embarrassed, she quietly sat in the carriage and said nothing, but Murong Xing was not, he sat on the front of the carriage and chatted with Liang Zhongqiu all the way to Liangjia Village.When they arrived at Liang's house and got off the carriage, they couldn't wait to go and see the built house.Liang Chengfang was trying to walk in the yard leaning on crutches.This Murong Xing had never seen such a walking stick before, so he immediately forgot about going to see the house, and went up to circle Liang Chengfang twice regardless of etiquette.

Xuejian became angry when she saw it, stepped forward to protect her mother, put her hands on her hips and said:

"Hey, what's the matter with you? You're like an idiot. You haven't seen anything, have you? Ask politely if you haven't seen anything before!"

Originally thought that Murong Xing was going to scold Xue Jian, but Murong Xing cupped his hands and said:
"Yes, yes, yes, I was wrong. I just think this thing is very good. My uncle can't walk on two legs. It would be better if I could use this. It saves four people carrying it every time I go. .”

After saying this, Xue Jian couldn't help shouting.Liang Chengfang could also see that this was a young man.I thought it was my younger brother's student.Liang Chengfang smiled and said:
"Xue'er, don't be rude, young master. I have a back injury and can't use my strength, so my daughter made this pair of crutches for me to practice walking."

"Your daughter?"

Liang Chengfang didn't look very old, and Murong Xing thought that her daughter might not be too old either.But seeing Liang Chengfang looking at Xuejian tenderly, she suddenly realized:

"Miss Shen is your daughter? Miss Shen, is this your mother?"

"Yeah, what's the matter?"

"Is this what you came up with too?"


"You are really smart!"

The compliment this time is sincere.

"It doesn't matter if my aunt's waist is bad. I'm looking for my master. If I find it, I'll bring him to show you. He can cure it."

Murong Xing said it seriously.Xuejian didn't appreciate it and said:
"Who wants your master to rule. My master will rule!"

"Mother, how long have you been away? Do you want to take a rest first? Where did my master go?"

Xuejian turned her head and said softly to her mother, it seemed that the face changing was aimed at people.

"Master Mo went to your grandfather's place and said he wanted to make a very small iron pipe. He wanted to make an iron pipe."

Snow's complexion changed, and he let out a low growl:
"Hmph, I told him that drinking and smoking are bad for your health, so don't listen. I'll go and see!"

As soon as Xuejian said that, she immediately turned around and rushed to the other side.Seeing that Xue was gone, Liang Chengfang remembered what she had just said, and immediately shouted:

"Oh, Xue'er, it's my mother who made a mistake, don't scold Master!"

Liang Chengfang looked at Xueer's running direction with a remorseful face, blaming herself very much.Master Mo said that Xuejian should not let Xue Jian know about this, and he sold him as soon as he met.Why don't you see Master Mo later?

Murong Xing was stunned when he heard it, what does this mean?The apprentice is in charge of the master?It is unlucky for the master to have such an apprentice.

Just as I was thinking, I heard a familiar voice from a room around the corner:

"Xue'er, can't Master be wrong? Master doesn't want to eat cigarettes, but just wants to make it fun. It's really fun. Oh, my mother!"

I saw an old man jumping out from there. Is this Master Mo Zicheng or someone else!Murong Xing rushed to the front to block the way and shouted:

"Master, why are you here?"

The old man Mo who had just jumped out was about to run out again, when suddenly a person jumped out and stopped him with that yell.wait!Old Man Mo slapped his forehead and lamented:

"God kills me! How did you find it? You can find this kind of place?"

Xue Jian, who was chasing from behind, was also stunned, looked at old man Mo who was covering his face, then at Murong Xing, and said doubtfully:

"You call him Master? Is he your Master?"

Murong Xing stared at old man Mo with a smile on his face, his smile looked fake.

"Master, tell her, are you my master? Although you are not very responsible, you are still my master. Right? Although this master treats us as apprentices, we seriously treat you as a master." Yes. Let me tell you, the three senior brothers have all come out, and everyone is looking for you in various places. It’s just that I didn’t expect you to be found by me!”

Xue Jian took a step forward and said seriously:
"Master, what did you do? Look at Young Master Murong's face, you are gnashing your teeth with hatred."

Mo Zicheng rolled his eyes around, but he didn't look at Xuejian, but said:
"There's nothing to do, I just call them over"

Old man Mo stopped talking here because he suddenly remembered that this disciple is a girl, and some places are not good places for girls, so he can't talk about it.Besides, at that time, he just stripped the four disciples and threw them into a brothel.Hey, isn't this to make each one grow faster?
(End of this chapter)

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