farmer's daughter

Chapter 172 I Don't Want to Sell Sister Shuang

Chapter 172 I Don't Want to Sell Sister Shuang

Chapter 170 II I Don't Want to Sell Sister Shuang
Liang's second child rushed to catch the letter, and it was indeed because there was someone at home.It was Jiang Jingming and his son who came back.Jiang Jingming's son Jiang Youpeng is also 17 years old this year.He is a little older than Jun Lei of the Liang family, and he is also a classmate with Jun Lei.I was asked by my father to ask for leave today and came here with my father. I heard that this is Mr. Liang's home.Presumably his father wanted to bring him to meet Mr. Liang in private.He also followed his father.

Unexpectedly, his father came to discuss business. Jiang Youpeng had to smile wryly when he heard about it. His father seemed to want him to learn something.Thinking about it, my father has worked hard all his life, and he is 17 years old.It's time to help my father share.So he sat down with his father calmly and waited for Mr. Liang's father.

The father and son waited for a long time, and saw a person who was said to be Mr. Liang's mother brought back tea.The father and son drank a full pot of tea. They haven't come back yet. I heard that they went to another village on the other side of the mountain. Jiang Youpeng never knew that there were villages in these mountains.I thought that Mr. Liang's home was remote enough, but I didn't expect there to be a village dozens of miles away.

After waiting for a long time, I drank too much tea and felt like going to the toilet.However, the owner of this family has not seen one, and he does not know where the toilet is.Jiang Youpeng was a little restless.Jiang Jingming felt his son's restlessness, and stared at him with a glance.He picked up his teacup and took another sip quietly.Jiang Youpeng felt a little uncomfortable, and said softly:
"Father, I want to find a toilet."

Only then did Jiang Jingming understand what his son was going to do, and with a puff, he spewed out a mouthful of tea, and looked at his flushed son with a big laugh.Smiling and pointing:

"Go out and go left to the end."

Jiang Youpeng hurriedly stood up and went out.Walking in the direction my father said, I did see a small thatched cottage in front of me.Jiang Youpeng confirmed the direction, bowed his head and hurried forward, but he didn't want someone to come out of the other room on one side.The two collided.Although Jiang Youpeng is a scholar, but because of his father's insistence to let him participate in some labor, he has grown a strong body.It was Liang Shuang who collided with him, because Liang Shuang was holding a large bundle of straw, and with the straw blocking her sight, she didn't see Jiang Youpeng coming.

Of course, Jiang Youpeng didn't fall, it was Liang Shuang who fell, not only a person fell, but also a large bundle of straw.Fortunately, the man fell on the straw, but he was not injured, but Liang Shuang, who was lifted up by Jiang Youpeng, also had straw on his head and clothes stuck to it.

Liang Shuang got up blushing with shame, hurriedly cleaned up the straw on her body, and gave Jiang Youpeng a gift.softly said:

"I'm sorry, Mr. Jiang, I accidentally bumped into you."

Jiang Youpeng smiled awkwardly and said:
"No, no, no, I'm the one who should say I'm sorry. I walked with my head down and didn't notice Miss Liang."

And Chengwen and Yuewei happened to come out of the underfloor heating room over there.Yuewei was looking for an adult, so Chengwen led her younger sister out to look for her, and happened to see Liang Shuang, Yuewei ran over crookedly, and was about to step forward to hold Liang Shuang's hand.But he saw the straw on Liang Shuang's head.Wow and burst into tears.

Now Jiang Youpeng is even more embarrassed.This child, no one told her and no one beat her, why did she cry as soon as she came here.Of course, Yuewei's cry successfully lured Zhang Shi out of the kitchen. Zhang Shi didn't even look at the scene, so he came over and coaxed Yuewei in his arms:

"Yo, what's the matter with my little Wei'er? Did brother bully you?"

Chengwen blushed anxiously, and hurriedly shouted:

"Grandma, I don't."

Yuewei raised her finger and pointed at Liang Shuang, she cried while closing her eyes and said:
"I don't want it, I don't want to sell Sister Shuang."

Zhang Shi wondered:
"Who is going to sell Sister Shuang?"

Yuewei didn't say anything, just burst into tears.It was Chengwen who looked up at Sister Shuang, then laughed and said:

"Grandma, I understand, little sister, don't cry, it's not that you want to sell Sister Shuang. Sister Shuang just hung a straw in her hair when she hugged the straw. It's not a straw planted to sell the child."

Only then did Mrs. Zhang look up at Liang Shuang, and found that Liang Shuang really had a straw sticking out of her head.Looking at the grass scattered on the ground, Zhang couldn't help laughing, patted Wei'er in his arms and said:
"No, no, Wei'er, look, my sister is hugging the straw, and the straw is scattered. Besides, there is a grandma, our family is not happy to sell children!"

Only then did Liang Shuang and Jiang Youpeng know what the little girl was crying about. Liang Shuang immediately reached out to pick off the straw from her head. She didn't want to pull it, but pulled away the tied strands of blue hair, and her hair fell loose in a flash. Come, hang down like a black waterfall.Jiang Youpeng, who was standing on the side, was dumbfounded.

Liang Shuang also felt Jiang Youpeng's eyes, blushed even more and rushed into the opposite kitchen.Zhang knew what was going on, pretended not to see it, and continued coaxing the child.It was not easy to explain Xiao Wei'er, knowing that she would not be finished until she sold Sister Shuang.

Liang Shuang ran away, and Jiang Youpeng also felt that he had lost his composure and lowered his head.Turned around and went straight to the toilet.

Jiang Youpeng went back to the house again. Just as he was about to sit down, he heard the sound of a carriage coming from the gate of the courtyard. Jiang Youpeng got up with his father and went out to meet the people who got out of the carriage in the courtyard.It was Liang Zhongqiu who came back with Xue Jian.

"Hahaha, Mr. Jiang, sorry for the long wait. I went to Shenjia Village. My little daughter's house is being repaired. We have been there every day recently. We want to rush to repair the house before the year so that their family can be reunited." Chinese New Year. The distance between these two villages is a bit far, so you have to wait for a long time."

Before Liang Zhongqiu got out of the carriage, the voice came first.The continuous apology, the carriage came, and they bowed their hands again and again.Uncle Liang carried Xue Jian down.Xuejian also ran two steps forward and stood beside her grandpa.After saluting Master Jiang, he quietly stood behind Grandpa.

Mr. Jiang didn't care too much about seeing Xue Jian. He had something to talk about when he came this time, so he and Liang Zhongqiu sat back in the room. After the two of them sat down, Mr. Jiang called his son behind him and said :
"You Peng. Come here to greet Grandpa Liang. This is your husband's father! He is the head of the Liang family village and the head of the Liang family."

Turning around, he said to Liang Zhongqiu:

"Uncle Liang, I made you laugh. This is my eldest son, and he is Mr. Liang's student now. Today I will take him out for a walk to see the world."

Liang Zhongqiu looked Jiang Youpeng up and down, laughed and said:
"But he is a handsome young man. If you can come to my house, you are a guest. Just sit and sit, don't talk about seeing the world, what can you see in this house. We are the countryside."

Xue Jian didn't pay much attention to it, anyway, because she was still young, when grandpa asked the guests to sit down, she sat down first and drank the tea that grandma brought back again, and she happened to be thirsty.

(End of this chapter)

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