farmer's daughter

Chapter 173 So I Lost

Chapter 173 So I Lost
Chapter 170 Three So I Lost
Jiang Jingming is a straightforward person. As soon as he sat down, he directly stated his intentions:
"Uncle Liang, I don't know if you can discuss what you said last time. How is that machine sold?"

Liang Zhongqiu looked at Xuejian without any trace, and Xuejian was still drinking her water seriously as if she hadn't heard it.Liang Zhongqiu replied with a smile:

"It's okay, we've discussed it, I'll sell you this set of things, including the drawings of this thing, but we have one condition, that is, no matter how much you sell this machine, you have to put a mark on each one. Let's go, I'll take you to see. The place that I didn't let you see that day. That's the key place."

Liang Zhongqiu is also the kind of person who just does what he says.So he took Jiang Jingming and Jiang Youpeng to the place where the threshing machine was placed. When passing by the firewood house, Liang Zhongqiu frowned and shouted:
"Shuang'er, there is a lot of straw scattered here, let's tidy it up."

Liang Zhongqiu didn't know what happened before.Liang Shuang responded softly in the kitchen, but she came out without following.Jiang Youpeng, who was following behind, also blushed.Quietly glanced over to the kitchen.There was no sign of the girl.A little disappointed, but still quickly followed.

Liang Zhongqiu brought Jiang Jingming here, opened the oilcloth, then unloaded the wooden box, pointed to the two gears that were meshing together and said:
"This is the key to this thing. Take your hand back, stand a little farther away, and I will show you how this part moves."

Liang Zhongqiu stood at the place where his feet collapsed, stepped on it lightly twice, and the two gears began to rotate with each other.

"Okay! You're so smart! Uncle Liang, it's hard for you to come up with this solution. Okay!"

Liang Zhongqiu stood down and pointed to a mark on the two gears:

"This is the imprint I want you to make. With this imprint, it means that this thing came out of you, and others can't counterfeit it. Of course, it's sold to you, and I have nothing to do with other people's counterfeiting, but this matter Some people disagree. It’s just that the owner who came up with this thing disagrees, saying that she doesn’t want others to make fake things to ruin her reputation.”

Hearing this, Jiang Jingming was stunned and asked:

"Uncle Liang, didn't you come up with this?"

Liang Zhongqiu laughed and said:
"I have been a veteran farmer for decades, if I could think of it, I would have thought of it a long time ago. This kind of thing can only be thought of by new farmers who can't stand the pain."

Xue Jian looked at her grandfather helplessly, how could she say that about her granddaughter's grandfather.It's not for being lazy, but for speeding up!save time.


Xuejian called coquettishly.Liang Zhongqiu turned his head to look at Xuejian, pointed at Xuejian and laughed:

"Look, I'm not happy to say that she is lazy."

Jiang Jingming looked at Xue Jian in surprise.Finger Xue Jian said in surprise:

"Uncle Liang, you said it was. She thought it up?"

Liang Zhongqiu nodded and said with a smile:
"That's right! She likes to think about it when she has nothing to do. She saw that we were too tired when we were threshing millet. She saw the cart wheel drawn by an ox, and then came up with this thing. In addition, we all came up with some ideas, I just made this machine. After trying it out, it’s really powerful! No, she said she thought it up, so you have to do what she said. You have to do what she said for the mark on it. Do it. If the person you find can’t do it well, then let our people do it.”

Jiang Jingming looked Xue Jian up and down, sighed and said:

"I always thought that such a labor-saving thing was something you always thought of, but I didn't expect it to be a little girl doll. Alas, Uncle Liang, it seems that we have lived in vain for decades."

Liang Zhongqiu nodded and smiled:
"This child is very good. Originally, my younger son had already told me about her, so I couldn't tell the truth about her. It doesn't matter that you are here, so I told you the truth. I didn't tell you last time. We also want to protect Focus on this child. Mr. Jiang. Not only this thing, she also thought of a big, big thing. I promise, you have never thought of it, you have never seen it. Let me tell you, it is hope Through you, let us promote that thing. Once you stomp your feet, you can tremble three times in our town. Therefore, if you can get your support, most of the poor in our two villages can be saved. !"

Jiang Jingming gave a curious oh, and said:
"What kind of thing can make people in both villages rich?"

Xue Jian smiled lightly and said:
"Uncle Jiang, it's not like he can make a fortune. As long as they can get some stable income and help their family get rid of poverty, it's not bad. After the first step, are you afraid of the second step? It's hard to talk about it. , I have to let you take a look. How about, Uncle Jiang go and take a look with us?"

Jiang Jingming glanced at Xue Jian meaningfully.Is this a child who is only six years old?Speak in an orderly manner and are not afraid of strangers.No wonder Mr. Liang and Uncle Liang love it.Jiang Jingming nodded and said:
"Okay, we can go and have a look, but what about this machine?"

Xue Jian looked at her grandfather and said:
"Uncle Jiang, this business is yours. If you have real and reliable people, you can send us to learn how to do it. Of course, it's better if some of them can forge. We promise that we will not hold back any teaching .As for the price, I have a new idea. Let’s not say how much it costs. In the future, you will give us 50 taels of silver for every machine you sell. If you sell more, I will get more.”

Jiang Jingming was taken aback for a while and then laughed and said:

"Little girl, are you not afraid that I will sell you twelve taels for one tael?"

Xue Jian smiled.Seriously:

"Don't be afraid. First, you don't look like that kind of person. Second, you know that you are not that kind of person based on what you just asked. When it comes to business, letter is the best! We all still want to do business with Uncle Jiang. With the second business, you won’t worry about things you don’t need to worry about.”

"Okay! Ha good! Uncle Liang, I believe it, this kid's mind is really not simple! Good faith is the best! Just say this to you, son, I did this business uncle. It's not 50 taels, It’s 100 taels! You Peng, go to Grandma Liang for a pen and paper to write the contract.”

Xuejian clapped her hands happily and jumped up, and smiled at her grandpa:
"Look, grandpa, you lost. I said that Uncle Jiang would give me 100 taels if he thought I was cute. You still don't believe me. You lost, and you are not allowed to drink tonight."

Liang Zhongqiu laughed and said:
"Okay, okay, you won. Don't drink if you don't want to drink tonight!"

Jiang Jingming said in astonishment:

"What? Uncle Liang? Are you still betting on me?"

Liang Zhongqiu smiled bitterly and said:

"Master Jiang, don't be angry. This child is a child. Look, you can't hold back! On the way back, I guess you are here to talk about this business. I meant to set a price and sell everything to you. It's over. Xueer said no, saying that you are a very good person. Doing business with you can't be done just once, but several times. She said that trust is the basic business experience. In order to reflect trust, she came up with this pricing method , I said to order 50 taels. After thinking about it, she said, Mr. Jiang will like smart people very much. So I guess you will like her, and you will add [-]. I didn’t expect her to agree. I bet No drinking tonight. So I lost."

(End of this chapter)

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