Chapter 195
Chapter 190 Five

Tomorrow is Xue Jian's birthday, and it is also the day when Shen Sanzhu's family moves.Liang Zhongqiu drove the carriage back and forth several times in one afternoon.I brought all the family members here, and I agreed to live here tonight. Anyway, there is floor heating, and it won’t be cold if I sleep in a room. Besides, Xue Jian prepared a lot of quilts for the house, and I thought of it. When a carriage of new quilts came back, an old woman in the village stepped forward to touch them enviously and said:

"I've never put on a new quilt in my life. Look at the Shen family. There are probably more quilts in this cart than half of our village combined. They are all new. Blessed is his Aunt Wang!"

That afternoon, Xue Jian and Shen Sanzhu were in front of their house, and they called the village chief to help them deliver the rice and white noodles from the rice grain shop according to the original agreement, and each family delivered them according to their population.Just when the deliveries were about to start, Fu Wangshan also came with an ox cart, and the cart brought eight and a half pork, Xue Jian said with a smile:
"Brother Fu is here just in time. You come to help us cut the meat. We will pay by the head, one catty per person. You need to be more accurate with the knife."

Fu Wangshan smiled shyly, but responded generously:

"No problem, I'm right here, I'll draw as much as you want."

Fu Wangshan put a door panel on the bench set up by Shen Sanzhu, then carried half of the meat from the bullock cart and put it on the table. Needless to say, first clean up the bones, etc. Fu Wangshan knew that these people Fat meat is what I want, I don't like these bones.

The village chief called for someone, and Liang Junlei took the initiative to come up and write the bill, recording the number of people in each family, who came to collect it, and how much they received, for fear of missing it.Shen Chengye, who also came back from leave, helped his third uncle weigh the rice, and Liang Shuang and Yue Yun helped to weigh the noodles. Originally, Liang Junxiao and Liang Junzhen were the ones who were weighing the noodles, but before they started weighing the family, the two made themselves 'White flour' scholar.It made everyone laugh and had to step aside, only to realize that this flour is not so easy to clean up.Liang Shuang and Yue Yun worked in the kitchen, so it's not easy to do this.Xue Jian and my uncle are responsible for cleaning up the house and getting enough things.

What Xue Jian's family did made the Shen family village boil!Every family, men, women, old and young, as long as they can move, are here to see this great event of giving everyone rice, dough, and meat!This is the first in the whole village.Those older people came up and said some congratulations and blessings with their hands clasped together.Everyone is smiling.There was only one person standing far away with a dark face.This man is the patriarch.

The patriarch is unhappy, really unhappy!I didn't ask him to preside over such a show of face, but the village chief!Such an embarrassing thing, I didn't give him filial piety first, but followed the order that the little girl said, from the beginning of the village to the end of the village!In the morning, this little girl and her father came to invite her to dinner tomorrow, but she didn't send something to her family first, so so much rice, noodles and meat were all separated like this.The patriarch is very upset!
Xuejian didn't care whether he was happy or not, anyway, someone came to get things from their house.Like everyone else, no one wants more or less, and Xuejian said loudly while sending it:

"Originally, we said that we would invite everyone to have a meal, but after thinking about it, it is better to send it to everyone like this, so that everyone can eat it whenever they want. We usually thank everyone for the repair of our house. It is okay to give it to everyone. I have caused some trouble, and several aunts and aunts have sent food to our house. Thank you very much. Tomorrow, uncles, uncles, and brothers who helped us repair the house will also come to our house for a meal. I would like to offer a toast to everyone, for your hard work in building our house!"

A few old men were smoking cigarettes, sitting around Old Shen, watching the bustle here, and hearing Xue Jian's words, they all said to Old Shen:
"You still know how to teach children. Look at your grandson taking the first place in the exam, and your granddaughter is so good at speaking and handling things. You can enjoy the blessings. Look at us. Alas, there is no comparison."

"That's right, look at what my brother is wearing now, it can't be compared with before, so he is a master."

Old Mr. Shen smiled and didn't speak, the smoke from his mouth covered his old face, he couldn't see clearly what was in his eyes, and he didn't know what he was still thinking about.

After sending it out all afternoon, it finally arrived, and everyone got it.Even Shen Laowu and his wife at the head of the village had a share, and Shen Laowu had the audacity to accept it.But when he got the things and left, he smiled meaningfully!

The floor stove was also set up. After a rough calculation, there will be about ten tables tomorrow. Fortunately, Mr. Zhao said it when he talked about it with Mr. Zhao.The chef will give it to him, and he will send two chefs to help.Sure enough, before the rice noodles were delivered, the chef came. After a little discussion, the two started to prepare. It was the chef who had learned from Xuejian and another chef who came. Both of them know that this little girl is not to be offended, and I heard that this person has a new dish in hand, and I hope that I can learn some by then, so I must work hard to prepare this banquet so that the host will not worry. .

Xuejian also identified two people who would help them, namely, the Lan family and the Chen family, and also invited Aunt Dachun and the patriarch's third daughter-in-law to help.At that time, the two sisters of the Liang family and sister Yueyun will be enough to serve the dishes.The eldest aunt has to help greet the guests, because the mother is not yet fully recovered, Yueyin and Xiaocao are running errands.Grandma still looked at the little ones.The one who accompanied the guests was of course my uncle. No matter who came, my uncle would not lose face if he accompanied him.

On the 28th of Dongyue, this day is Xuejian's birthday. She slept late last night and woke up early today. When Xuejian was still in a daze, a cold object was placed on her hand, which immediately stimulated Xuejian. Gotta wake up.Looking intently at the thing in his hand, it was a cold fruit with drops of water.Looking up at old man Mo standing in front of him, Xue Jian looked at his hands with some doubts.

Old man Mo laughed and said:
"Silly girl, eat this quickly. Eat it while it's still cold! Don't you want a birthday present? I found it for you after I stayed in the mountains last night. Eat it!"

Old Mo stuck out his head behind him,
"Master, it's wrong for you to do this. All good things are only given to junior sisters! I want to tell some senior brothers!"

Old man Mo just slapped back without looking back, and Murong Xing jumped away in an instant. Only when he jumped away, did Xue Jian realize that both of them were wet.There are also some leaves and grass leaves.Xue Jian stood up and said anxiously:

"Master, did you take your brother up the mountain? It's so cold, you're all wet, go and change your clothes."

"Hurry up, we'll change it after you eat it. Don't worry, your little senior brother has thick skin, so he won't be cold!"

Xue Jian looked at Master, guessing that this must be something good, her eyes were a little hot, she choked up and said:
"Thank you master, thank you brother!"

(End of this chapter)

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