farmer's daughter

Chapter 196 All good things are given to my junior sister

Chapter 196 All good things are given to my junior sister
Chapter 190

After saying that, he lowered his head and gnawed the fruit, but the fruit turned into water as soon as it reached his mouth, and flowed directly into his stomach. It was originally cold and slid down his throat, but when it reached his stomach, it was hot and snowy. His face turned red when he saw it, and the old man Mo stretched out his hand to pat Xuejian's chest with a happy face, and then floated down to pat Xuejian's back continuously, saying in a deep voice:

"Remember the book I gave you, sit down, press the first page of the book to meditate, meditate!"

From her master and senior brother, Xue Jian knew that if she didn't meditate, her body might be damaged.So he seriously followed what Master said, and Murong Xing also put away his joking smile, and stood outside the door seriously to protect Master.The master said that as long as a stick of incense is needed, the junior sister can absorb the fruit.It's a pity that there is only one fruit on the tree, if there is a second one, it will be eaten by myself.hey-hey.

Xue Jian didn't know what good things it was, but Murong Xing did.This is an optimal energy supplement for those who practice martial arts.With this, the junior sister will have internal strength in the future, and she will be able to get twice the result with half the effort when practicing martial arts.

Sure enough, after a stick of incense, Xue Jian no longer felt the heat rolling in her stomach.Instead, it turned into streams of heat and flowed to every part of the body, making people feel so comfortable!
As soon as old man Mo finished his work, Xue Jian opened his eyes, feeling full of energy, and suddenly thought that Master and Senior Brother were still wearing wet clothes, and it was winter.Xuejian turned her head and said anxiously:

"Master, go and change your clothes now."

"What to change, look, it's all done."

"No, I still have to change it. The dew made it a little dirty. I'm going to invite guests today. Didn't I prepare new clothes for you? Go change it."

When Xue Jian acted coquettishly, what Mo Zicheng couldn't bear the most was Xue Jian acting coquettishly, so he immediately said:

"Okay, okay, let's change."

Because she was sweating just now, Xue Jian also changed her clothes, and couldn't help but feel a little annoyed that she didn't think about making a shower. Although there are toilets for every room, there is still no running water.Yes, this thing should work.

Don't need to think too much, the outside is busy with people coming and going, although everyone knows that Xuejian is still a child, and there is not much work for her to do, but the overall plan is still Xuejian, no, Hu will come Knocking on the door, I thought Xue Jian hadn't woken up yet.

"Hurry up, Xue'er, your grandpa said that the weather is very good today, and there will be a lot of sun. He said that we should just put the table in the yard to eat instead of putting it in the house. Everyone just sit in the house." How about chatting and eating in the sun in the yard?"

"Okay. I can't see the weather. Grandpa said that if there is a sun, there will be a big sun. That's it. I'll come right away. Auntie, Auntie, come in first and help me fasten this button. "

Mrs. Hu pushed the door open and went in, without realizing that there were two people in the room just now.After buttoning Xue'er's clothes, Hu praised:
"Xue'er, your dress is so beautiful!"

"Of course, I drew it myself and asked my mother to make it for us. I, sister Cao'er, and sister Wei'er all have it."

"Well, our Xueer is capable!"

Xue Jian followed Mrs. Hu to the front yard, and the people working in the front yard were running around in a hurry, shouting here and there.Xuejian immediately felt the feeling of eating wine at her grandmother's house when she was a child in her previous life. That's it. Everyone is busy and no one teaches, but everyone knows what to do.

After breakfast at dawn.The tables and stools in the front yard are all cleared away.The table was borrowed by Shen Sanzhu, Shen Erzhu and some helpers from various houses in the village for temporary use.Fortunately, the yard of Xuejian's house is big, so it's no problem to set up ten tables. The kitchen in the west wing is very hot now, and the small yard next to the well outside the kitchen is now the place where the chef works.There is a stove here.Everything is going on in an orderly manner.

The children of the Shen family also put on new clothes, and Mrs. Zhang led them to play in the corridor from the front yard to the back yard.Several young scholars from the Liang family were also sitting in the main room, waiting to help receive guests.

Just after the hour of the hour, two large carriages drove into Shenjia Village, and visitors didn't need to get out of the carriage to ask, as they could see the smoke formed by the soaring heat of Shenjia from a distance.The carriage drove straight to Xue Jian's house, because Cheng Qiang was the watchman.Early Xuejian and his parents were standing at the door waiting. As soon as the carriage stopped, Xuejian recognized it as the Jiang family's carriage.It seems that Master Jiang sincerely apologized and came here early in the morning.

When the curtain of the carriage opened, it was Jiang Youpeng who got out of the carriage first. Turning around, he helped Jiang Jingming get out of the carriage, and Jiang Jingming turned around and helped down a middle-aged woman. She looked younger than the eldest aunt, mainly because she was not well dressed. Same.This woman must be Madam Jiang.She turned around and took down another round-clothed child from the car, who looked to be ten years old, and this seemed to be Jiang Youpeng's younger brother.

Jiang Jingming got off the carriage, took a step back and looked at the gate of Xuejian's house, and praised repeatedly:
"Good! That's great! Miss Xuejian, the last time I visited this house, there was no such a gate, but now I see this gate is really good! Solemn yet majestic, majestic without being ostentatious. It's just right!"

Xue Jian went forward to greet Jiang Jingming and saluted Jiang Jingming, saying:

"I met Uncle Jiang, and I almost didn't invite you. Do you think this gate is good? I designed it. My grandfather said to make a carved beam. I thought we were still in the country, and it was done too well." It’s not good to be gorgeous. That’s it, simple and practical!”

"You don't need to invite, Uncle Jiang will come too. By the way, come here, Ma'am, this is the little girl Xuejian I often mention, but she is a smart child. You are not asking what business I do with her, you will come later You'll know when you go in. Girl, this is my wife."

"Xue saw Aunt Jiang, please sit inside, the wind is a bit strong at the door."

Xue Jian brought Jiang's family into the door, and introduced them to her parents one by one.Shen Sanzhu met Jiang Jingming.But in front of this Mr. Jiang, he was still somewhat restrained.Liang Chengfang was better than Shen Sanzhu this time.One is because after a bout of life and death, I can see it openly, and the other is that these days because I have to manage the affairs of those embroidery team members, Xue Jian has given me some courage.Instead, he graciously led Mrs. Jiang inside, and Mrs. Hu also stood up.Xue Jian was busy introducing the eldest aunt to Mrs. Jiang again.As soon as the in-laws met each other, Mrs. Jiang had a certainty in her heart. It seemed that the faces of the Liang family were not bad.Treat people with enthusiasm.

(End of this chapter)

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