farmer's daughter

Chapter 197 guests are coming

Chapter 197 guests are coming
Chapter 190 VII The Guests Are Here

After welcoming the group of people into the main room, Mrs. Jiang was stunned as soon as she entered.The large gust of hot air rushing towards him made the room feel warm.When I first came out, I was worried that my youngest son would be cold in the countryside, so I dressed him thickly and put a cape on him. Now it seems that in such a house, the child does not need to wear so much.

Liang Zhongqiu and Liang Shengyue were also standing in the room with the boys of the Liang family, and meeting each other was naturally a gesture of courtesy.Madam Jiang's expression became more and more easy-going.This time I saw all the members of the Liang family, and the men seemed pretty handsome, so I hurried to apologize that day, and because it was getting late, I was in a hurry to go home again.I only saw the two elders of the Liang family and this Mr. Liang.

Mrs. Jiang was quite grand, seeing Liang Zhongqiu and Liang Shengyue, she also stepped forward and saluted:
"Apologize again to Uncle Liang and Mr. Liang. I was wrong, please forgive me!"

"Oh, my mother-in-law, we don't talk about each other when we're in this family. Why are you talking about those things? Come on. Sit down and drink tea."

Liang Zhongqiu hurriedly helped her up, and said repeatedly, Jiang Shi followed the trend and got up, Jiang Youpeng on the side looked happy in his heart, as long as his mother passed this test, it will be better in the future.

Liang Shuang came in with a tea tray behind Hu, blushing, but still generously brought out the teacups on the tray one by one.Invite the guests to tea.Seeing Liang Shuang coming, Liang Zhongqiu got up and said:

"Come here, Shuang'er. This is your Uncle Jiang, and this is your Aunt Jiang."

Liang Shuang put the tea away, walked upright in front of Jiang Jingming and Mrs. Jiang, and saluted:

"Liang Shuang met Uncle Jiang and Aunt Jiang."

"Hehe, get up."

Jiang Jingming said repeatedly while supporting him.Mrs. Jiang's Mrs. Du stretched out her hand to lift Liang Shuang and looked her up and down. Although Liang Shuang was only a little over 14 years old, she was as tall as Du Shi when she stood up. She had fair skin, a small red face, and a pair of big eyes unique to the Liang family. She is a beautiful and clever girl. No wonder the son and the master agree with this girl. It seems really good.It's rare to be born in this farm family and have such good skin, Du Shi has to admit that she also likes this girl.

Mrs. Du hurriedly took off a pair of gold bracelets from her wrists and put them on Liang Shuang's wrists, saying:

"This one, this is my dowry, and I have carried it for nearly 20 years. I originally wanted to make a dowry for my daughter, but I am not blessed to have a daughter. Now you are my future daughter-in-law. This is the first time I see you , even as a meeting gift for you."

Liang Shuang's ears turned red.He couldn't refuse, so he accepted it with Liang Zhongqiu's consent.

The younger brother Jiang Youcheng who was following Jiang Youpeng moved his body impatiently, pulled his brother's sleeve and whispered:
"Brother, it's too hot, mother put on too many clothes for me."

Jiang Youpeng turned around and took off the cloak for his younger brother, and also took off the big cotton coat outside. Liang Shuang took the clothes with a red face and said:

"There is floor heating in this house, which makes it much warmer. It is because the surrounding houses have floor heating, so the yard will be warmer, and it is okay to wear less clothes."

Jiang Youpeng handed the clothes to Liang Shuang, but Jiang Youcheng looked around and said:
"Floor heating, what is floor heating? This room is really warm. Dad, can we also build this kind of room?"

Jiang Jingming smiled and said:
"Yes, of course, ma'am, do you think this kind of house is very comfortable for winter use, let me tell you. This kind of house is the business I want to cooperate with this little girl. This girl is young, don't be so small After looking at her, she came up with this thing. Last time I came here, I looked around, why don't you follow the little girl to look around?"

Before Mrs. Du replied, Cheng Qiang shouted outside the room:

"The carriage is here again, there are guests, Xue'er came out to take a look."

Xue Jian smiled and said:
"Aunt Jiang, sit down first. I'll take you to visit our new home later. I'll go to the door to see."

Xue Jian went to the door with her parents again, and as soon as she went out, a carriage stopped, and it was Hong Fu and her husband, Boss Jia, who got out of the car.As soon as Xuejian saw Hongfu, she rushed forward and hugged her, shouting:

"Aunt Hong, we are waiting for you. I met Uncle Jia."

"Yo, this girl only knows Aunt Hong, just give me a word, not even courtesy. This girl is really good!"

Boss Jia joked about Xue Jian, who stuck out her tongue.Hong Fu patted Xue Jian, but looked at Liang Chengfang and said:

"Sister Cheng Fang, you've lost a lot of weight!"

Liang Chengfang also said with red eyes:

"Sister Hong, come in, it's cold outside. I'm getting better. I can get up and walk around in the past half month. It's getting better and better. Thank you for taking care of our family."

"We didn't take care of you, but you took care of us."

The two good sisters haven't seen each other for a long time, and I completely forgot that there are two husbands who haven't been introduced yet.Of course Xue Jian acted as the introducer, and Shen Sanzhu also expressed his deep gratitude to Boss Jia.After some courtesies, everyone entered the main room, and when they saw Master Jiang and Mrs. Jiang sitting there, they saluted again.Boss Jia did not expect to invite Boss Jiang and his family.They are old acquaintances, and they have something to talk about.Simply Xue Jian took Mrs. Jiang and Hong Fu to the backyard to visit this house of his own.Only Xuejian and Liang Shuang were with her. Xuejian asked her mother to sit down for a while. Standing for too long was not good for her newly grown waist.Hong Fu asked her to sit down again and again before going to the backyard with Xue Jian.

The two ladies sighed repeatedly after a visit, and kept seeing novel things.The furnishings in each of these rooms are not common, but they are simple and practical.The floor of each room is very comfortable to step on.Xue Jian said, there are guests today, and I usually live in such a house, so I don't need to wear thick-soled shoes at home.Just wear comfortable shoes.

Hongfu is full of praise for the bedding designed by Xuejian, even the clothes on Xuejian have been praised and praised by her, and she also wants Xuejian to sell her the drawings, and she also makes some ready-made clothes for sale.

Xuejian also briefly explained the principle of this house to them, and said that the purpose of cooperating with Mr. Jiang is to spread this method of repairing the house.Not to mention Hong Fu, who is in business, even Du Shi, who has never been in business, can see that this is a good deal.He couldn't help but repeatedly praised Xue Jian for being smart.

What Du Shi likes most is that each room has a small changing room, which is actually a bathroom.There is also a space for taking a shower, which is really nice.Du Shi repeatedly said:

"My house will be built like this in the future."

Xue Jian smiled and said:
"Aunt Jiang, you don't have to worry. When my second uncle's house is finished, I will go to Fucheng to make your newly bought yard first. Uncle Jiang said that the yard in Fucheng is used as a signboard. At the same time, You will also replace all the floors in this way, but I am afraid that this year will not work, and it will be the next year."

"I want it too. I don't just want this floor heating house, I also want this kind of bedding. You have to plan for me with these patterns and so on. Not only do I need to use them, but I also want to sell them!"

Hong Fu also hastily stated his position.

Xue Jian was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile:

"Of course. But I'll sort it out for you after I finish my work."

(End of this chapter)

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