farmer's daughter

Chapter 198 The officers and soldiers are here

Chapter 198 The officers and soldiers are here
Chapter 190 Eight Officers and Soldiers Are Coming

Taking the two wives around the backyard, Mrs. Du said to Hong Fu:

"I still want to move to Fucheng. In fact, looking at this, living in such a yard is very good."

Hong Fu also sighed:
"Yeah, those high-end courtyards don't have such small courtyards, and they look very comfortable."

Several people turned around and came out, just in time to see Boss Zhao and the third son Zhao also arrived.The third son of Zhao also brought his wife, but he also brought a special guest, that is, the little sister of their family, the lady who is a monkey, a girl who is only eight or nine years old, and wants to see what the third brother said The little girl who helped her make that picture was introduced by Mr. Zhao San, and she was a little surprised to see that she was only six years old. Oh, no, today is Xiao Xuejian who is seven years old.I can't believe this is by the hands of Xue Jian.

But this little girl has a very good temper, and soon became friends with Xue Jian and Liang Xia, because she also likes being a female celebrity very much, but after seeing Liang Xia's female celebrity, she was really amazed.After seeing Xuejian's clothes, she also liked it very much. She thought it was made by Xuejian herself. Unexpectedly, when Xuejian told her that she could only sew a hole and not embroider, she still refused to believe it.

At noon, Catcher Hong also came, two people from Shen Erzhu's Yue's family also came, and Mr. Tian from Shen Chengye also came. Everyone sat in the room, and the female family members were brought to the west chamber by Xue Jian. Fortunately, Aunt Hong was in a room that was temporarily used for receiving guests, otherwise Xuejian really didn't know how to chat with these unfamiliar people.

These people came to chat with them, but some people came looking for work everywhere. One was Xue Jian's aunt's family and two aunts' families. After meeting each other, everyone helped find them. Go do what suits you.We didn't sit together until we ate.Xiaocao finally found a chance to ask her aunt about Yueya'er.I learned that Yue Ya'er is fine now.Xiaocao felt relieved a lot.

Everyone in the village is watching how lively it is here. There have never been such a large number of carriages in the village, but today there are several here. Some children rumored that Mr. Jiang's family also came.Many people do not believe it.Everyone in Shen Dazhu's family wanted to go, but they either had broken hands or broken feet, and they couldn't move any of them.Shen Dazhu didn't show up either, he quietly closed the door and didn't go out, just listening to Hong's scolding in the room.

When the banquet was about to start, the patriarch, elders, village head and other old people arrived.As soon as these people arrived, they wanted to sit in the main room, but unexpectedly the main room was full.It seems that they are all nobles, all wearing brocade robes.Shen Sanzhu also stepped forward to introduce to the patriarch:
"This is Mr. Jiang from the town. This is Mr. Zhao San, the owner of Jixiang Restaurant. This is Mr. Jia, the owner of Hongfubuzhuang. This is Boss Hong. This is Mr. Tian, ​​Mr. Chengye."

After this introduction, the clan elders behind them all looked at each other in blank dismay, when will the Shen family be able to invite such a person.It's okay to invite this Hong Butou, because everyone knows that this person has a good relationship with San Zhu.And Mr. Jiang has always been a person of another level in everyone's mind.Why are you sitting here.

Although these people are in this village relying on their elders to sell their elders, they still dare not act presumptuously in front of Mr. Jiang.So they all cupped their hands and prepared to sit at another table in the main room.Instead, Master Jiang stood up and said with a smile:

"How can I let the elders sit next to me? I won't be able to eat later. Brother Zhao, brother Jia, let's sit at this table."

Jiang Jingming stood up and retreated to sit at a table next to him.Third Young Master Zhao and Boss Jia also said repeatedly:
"Right, right!"

Then they got up and gave up the table in the middle of the main room together.The patriarch didn't refuse any more. In his opinion, he was the one who should sit in the top eight.

So several old men sat at a table, accompanied by Old Shen and Liang Zhongqiu.And at this table, Liang Shengyue and Shen Sanzhu were sitting with him.Liang Shenggao and Liang Shengbei have been helping all the time, and when they came over to greet everyone during the meal, they sat in the yard with the workers, and Zhang also took the children to sit at a table, and stayed behind. A table for the cook.That's fine too.

Everyone sat down, and it was agreed that Liang Shengyue would make a speech.Liang Shengyue also stood up, raised his glass and said:

"Today is a good day for the relocation of my brother-in-law Shen's house, and it is also my little niece's seventh birthday. My brother-in-law is honest and usually doesn't talk too much. Today, I will thank everyone for coming on behalf of my brother-in-law. My brother-in-law must not be easy Ah, let’s not talk about the old things. Now life is easier. Looking at the big yard of the new house, I am also happy for my sister. My sister can also stand up. The future will be better and better. Please today Everyone eat and drink well..."

"It's not good, it's not good, Third Uncle, Xue'er, a lot of officials are here, it doesn't look like they're here for a drink."

Before Liang Shengyue finished speaking, he heard Cheng Qiang yelling as he ran in.

Liang Shengyue, Liang Zhongqiu and others put down their cups.Get up and stand up.Shen Sanzhu and Hong Butou also stood up, seeing Hong Butou frowning, it seemed that he didn't know what was going on.Xuejian ran out from the West Wing, and saw that everyone in the yard stood up one after another.Xuejian calmly said:

"Sit down, Dad, let's go and have a look."

Xuejian walked quickly to the gate of the courtyard. Before reaching the gate, she heard a large number of horseshoes, and then someone shouted loudly:
"It's this house, surround it, and no one is allowed to come out."

Shen Sanzhu frowned and walked out, he didn't offend anyone.Xue Jian was also thinking, could it be the prefect?I'm afraid this is the only person who will be offended recently.

As soon as Shen Sanzhu and Xuejian walked to the door, they saw officers and soldiers outside, and those on horseback were exhausted, not to mention those soldiers who ran with their feet.Everyone smelled the aroma of food coming from the yard, and they were so hungry that they swallowed their saliva.

"My lord, what's the matter? What are you doing to surround my house?"

One of them, who looked very mighty, stiffened the horse in his hand, put away his whip and said:
"who are you?"

"I am the owner of this house, and my name is Shen Sanzhu."

"Come on, take it!"

A few soldiers ran out and ran towards Shen Sanzhu.Xue Jian pulled her father back, stood in front and said loudly:

"Why are you arresting my father? My father is a servant in the yamen, and he has done nothing wrong. Why are you arresting him?"

"Officer? Are you from the yamen?"

Hong Botou, who was standing at the door, also stood up and said:

"Yes, he is our servant in this town. I am the head catcher in this town. His daughter was born today and he just built a new house. He invited us to drink, but I don't know why the adults want to take him."

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(End of this chapter)

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