farmer's daughter

Chapter 238 The Ins and Outs

Chapter 238 The Ins and Outs
Chapter 230 Eight Ins and Outs

Now, seeing this here, Xue Jian was a little surprised, but also a little excited, and asked in a trembling voice:

"Senior brother, do you know the origin of this thing?"

Qiu Yuan looked at Xue Jian with some doubts.Xue Jian looked up at her senior brother, but couldn't control her excitement, she raised the dagger in her hand and said:
"This, this thing, makes me feel like I recognize it."

When Qiu Yuan heard this, he pinched Xue Jian's two small arms with his hands like a vise, looked at Xue Jian with wide eyes and said:
"Look again, do you really recognize this thing?"

Xuejian heard the little senior brother talk about this senior brother's background a while ago. The third senior brother Qiu Yuan was originally a descendant of a general and a son of a family of generals, but because his father caused controversy in a war that year, he died in battle. , Most of the men in the family died in battle, and the people in the court said that they deliberately defeated the army.In the end, I didn't get any credit and my house was ransacked.The third brother is a posthumous child.He was born in a nunnery after his mother was confiscated and expelled from the clan.

His mother was not well.After repeated blows, his body was even more worn down.Later, it was the nuns who helped bring the third senior brother to the age of six, but his mother couldn't drag him any longer.Died in that nunnery.The hostess of the nunnery is an old friend of the master, and it is impossible for a man to grow up in the nunnery.So I handed over the third brother to the master, and became the master's closed disciple at that time.

Seeing how excited the third senior brother was, Xue Jian nodded solemnly.He looked up again at the eldest brother and the princess.The third senior brother stretched out his hand to hold Xue Jian in his arms, and rushed out of the room.I don't know how he escaped, but he escaped into a yard in the backyard in a few strokes.Gently put down Xuejian, then walked around and gently brought Xuejian into a room.squatted down and said:
"Tell me, how do you know this?"

Xue Jian was very excited, wondering whether there are modern people wearing clothes in this era.Is it the third senior brother who is suffering?But seeing that those decades of modern life were not in vain, Xue maintained a sobriety despite being excited.Looking at the third senior brother seriously, he said:

"Tell me first, the origin of this dagger."

The third senior brother completely ignored the coldness of the ground, put Xue Jian on a chair beside him, sat in front of Xue Jian, looked at Xue Jian seriously and said:
"This thing was passed down from my grandfather to my father, my father gave it to my mother, and my mother gave it to me before she died. It is said that a friend of my grandfather left it before he died after saving his life. In a word, anyone who recognizes this thing and tells the name of this thing is asked to give him a box of things. Now, that box of things is not in my hands, and they confiscated it when they ransacked the house. The box is I have never seen Yuan Shi Bian, nor have I visited it. I just keep this thing as a legacy left by my parents. So, little junior sister, can you name this thing? "

Xue Jian shuddered, and then looked at the things in her hand, it seemed that the person who wore it before her was no longer there.Could it be that my classmate is also terrible.But do you recognize this thing or not?
Xue Jian pondered for a long time, then said softly:

"Third brother, people, some experiences cannot be explained clearly to others. I don't know if you understand clearly. I know the origin of this thing, but I can't tell it. You can't tell others that I know. The name of this thing, The title of the book is the Three-Edged Dagger. Some people call it Three Knives and Six Eyes. It means that once the knife goes down, there will be three more knife edges and six blood channels."

"You know it, you really know it!"

Qiu Yuan jumped up, excited like a child.said:
"My mother told me that the person who recognized this thing was the benefactor of my enemy family. If there was no owner of this thing, my grandfather would have died back then, let alone my father and me. It's a pity that this benefactor was too injured at the time. Heavy, after saving my grandfather, he died. Only one box and this thing remained. Later, our house was raided. Both my grandfather and my father were killed in battle, and no more news remained .But I didn’t expect to find a benefactor in my life. It’s just that the box was taken away by the house raider. I will try my best to get it back in the future.”

Qiu Yuan pushed Xue Jian down and sat down, while he knelt down and kowtowed seriously, Xue Jian hurriedly jumped off the chair in shock, pulled up the third senior brother, and hurriedly said:
"Senior brother, what are you doing? I'm your junior sister, why are you still kowtowing?"

Qiu Yuan stood up, hugged Junior Sister to a chair and sat down, then squatted in front of Xuemian and said:
"Junior sister, this is the words left by our ancestors. Those who recognize this thing are the benefactors of our family. From then on, junior sister is Qiu Yuan's benefactor! Therefore, it is normal to kowtow to the benefactor. Now sit down, Junior sister, I don’t know what is the relationship between you and the benefactor who rescued my grandfather back then, but benefactor said, if you know this thing, give this to him, and give him the box. It's half finished, and I'll go find that box later, but others can't open it, because we've tried to open it, but there's no way. Junior sister, I'll find it for you."

Xue Jian nodded and said:

"It doesn't matter whether you find it or not. I know something when I see this dagger. Third senior brother, how many people know about this dagger? I can't tell others that I recognize this dagger. No one can say it, not even the master." Say, unless it's me."

Qiu Yuan nodded, and said:

"Okay, I swear not to tell. The only ones who know about this dagger are me and my mother. My mother is dead. Now I am the only one who knows. Brothers and others only think it is my father and mother's relics. I don't know his origin. Mother made me swear, unless in front of people who know this thing, I can't tell the origin of it."

Xue Jian sighed and said:

"Okay, let's go out. Keep this in mind. From now on, I'm just your little sister, not a benefactor, just someone who recognizes this thing. According to what you said, the benefactor of your enemy family has long since died .”

Qiu Yuan stood up, he had his own plans in mind for identifying Xue Jian's identity, it wasn't that he would deny Xue Jian if he didn't recognize him.Qiu Yuan took Xue Jian back to the east wing room in the front yard, where the princess and senior brother were still drinking tea in fashion.It seems that they have been waiting for them to come back.No one asked where they were going or what they were doing.

Qiu Yuan just stepped forward to add some hot water for everyone.But Lian Quchen could tell that there was something extra in Qiu Yuan's eyes when he looked at Xue Jian.

Since then, Xue Jian has had another senior brother who is absolutely obedient.There is one more senior brother who wholeheartedly takes care of and helps her!

 I received a monthly ticket from a book friend two days ago, thank you very much!Because I have been busy for the past two days, I almost stopped updating, and I am finally free today. In order to express my gratitude to the book friends and my apology for being late in the previous two days, I will add an update today.thanks for your support!Welcome to collect, welcome to invest, welcome to subscribe!
(End of this chapter)

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