Chapter 239

Chapter 230 Nine
Xue Jian sat down with the two senior brothers and the princess and seriously talked about running the shelter.The princess first said:

"Xue'er, I'm sorry, I originally sent someone back to arrange the house first, but because of some old people, I couldn't do it alone. They were going to ask my grandfather for instructions, so they only got a reply two days ago, and they started to tidy up the house. It might take another two days to get the house sorted out."

The princess looked helpless.It seemed a little embarrassing.Xue Jian smiled and said:

"It's nothing. It's not a trivial matter. We just prepare the house first. Although the house is in your name, your grandfather must have helped you manage it before. Those people must be your grandfather's people. They naturally You have to ask your grandfather. Although you are the master, they may think that you are still young and have no serious affairs. I am afraid that you will be cheated. That's why you need to confirm. This is normal. Fortunately, your grandfather did not stop you. it is good."

The princess held Xue Jian's hand in surprise and smiled:

"How did you know? It's just like what you said. They thought someone else had lied to me, so they asked my grandfather. Grandpa said that I was with Brother Chen, and no one would be able to fool me. That was my The house under my name. So I can be the master. Xueer is so smart, she guessed everything."

Xuejian Kuanghan ah.This is normal isn't it?Just think about it.But no matter what, it seems that the elder brother still has the heart of this old prince.Trust him so much.

Xuejian said again:

"But Miss Princess, we can only prepare the room and some basic facilities here first. If we really want to do this, I suggest that Miss Princess should report to the emperor and your grandfather first. One is for For our own reputation, the second is to get some protection. What we want to protect is a vulnerable group. If we can’t protect them and gather them together, it will only hurt them more!”

The third senior brother nodded and said:
"Yes, Xue'er is right. Although our family is also from the army, I have never experienced that feeling. My mother made me swear that the descendants of the Qiu family will not join the army for generations! But I know some people like this Life is not easy now, if the sister-in-law really wants to do this, it is really a great kindness! It is not easy for you to come forward, and those people come from different places, it may not be easy for you women to manage, so leave it to me I happen to have no serious business to do. Please rest assured, my sister-in-law and junior sister, I will take good care of this shelter."

Xue Jian hurriedly waved his hands and said:

"Don't have anything to do with me, I won't participate in it. This proposal was made by me, but I'm doing it as a teacher's wife."

Qiu Yuan also understood.The little junior sister doesn't want to have anything to do with this matter.Everyone discussed again, and a human voice came from outside the door, Xue Jian said with a smile:
"It seems that the people who went shopping have returned."

Standing up to see, it was everyone who came back.Even Jiang Jingming came back together.The strangest thing is that Murong Xing, who originally left with the princess yesterday, came back with Jiang Jingming today, and he seemed to be having a good chat.Jiang Jingming went straight into the east chamber to greet the prince and princess.He also had a face-to-face meeting with Qiu Yuan.Xue Er focused on introducing Jiang Jingming to Qiu Yuan, and explained that Qiu Yuan would arrange someone to be in charge of the floor heating pipe in the future.And the installation and maintenance business in Qingyang Mansion is Jiang Jingming.In the future, the two will deal with each other.

Because of the special identities of the prince and princess, it is impossible to come out for a long time.That Rufeng is still waiting with them in the other courtyard, and I don't know if she has anyone else to contact.So after everyone said hello, the princess and the prince took Murong Xing away.Qiu Yuan also exchanged a few words with Jiang Jingming, and after leaving a contact address, he followed to find the elder brother.

The next thing Xuejian has to do is wait for news from the princess.Because only when this side is paved and the iron pipes are made, can we dare to receive more business and install them for more people.And whether so many pipes can be made depends on whether the princess's plan can be implemented.Anyway, this matter was left to Qiu Yuan to take care of.All that is left for Xue Jian is to wait.

The matter of coming to Fucheng is considered to be completed.In addition to seeing this third senior brother, there was an unexpected harvest, that is, knowing that besides myself, other modern people have been to this world.Just bad luck.Did not survive.

Jiang Jingming came back, and after everyone sat down and drank some hot tea, Jiang Jingming and Jiang Youpeng led the Liang family, Xuejian and others to visit the new Jiang Mansion.Along the way, Xuejian prepared a pen to draw some marks on the paper.Record yourself.Go back and help Sister Shuang and the others to design some special plans.For example, Sister Shuang quietly mentioned that there seemed to be no place to undress in that bedroom.That is to say, there is no independent bathroom like the one Xuejian designed for her bedroom.There are still some places where it is more economical to plan how to install the pipeline.

Hu Yue'e and Liang Shuang did not participate in the visit, and Liang Junzhen was also left behind to help cook.Enter the four courtyards and look at each one.After reading it, it was noon.Everyone is hungry.Going back to the front yard, the hot food is so fragrant.

Mr. Liang was present during the dinner, so naturally he couldn't speak, and everyone quickly finished eating.Sitting together again, Jiang Jingming said:
"Xue'er, I will leave this house to you to plan. You can plan it as you like. Then I told you about the place that day. Do you want to go and have a look? I just went to deal with it the day before yesterday. Dispute between the tenant farmers. The reason why the original owner wanted to sell the land, I think, was calculated by those servants. There are hundreds of acres of land, and the annual income is only a thousand taels. It’s just that the land in Huishan Town is less than the hundreds of acres, and my income is not only a thousand taels, but tens of thousands.”

"If you want to manage, you have to take care of the head of those tenant farmers. Today I found out the problem of one head. He also used the power of the master to suppress other tenants. Because you are the master, the problem I figured it out. It's up to you to handle it."

Xue Jian smiled and narrowed his eyes and said:
"Uncle Jiang, you know that I don't understand these things, even if I'm the host. I don't know how to grow crops either. I have to ask you and my father. I'll listen to you how the tenants deal with it. My eldest sister My brother-in-law and brother-in-law also grow crops. It just so happens that they have nothing to do now. I think it’s okay for them to come to share my land.”

Jiang Jingming laughed and said:
"Look at this little girl, okay! How about this, let your elder sister and elder brother-in-law be the heads of your tenant farmers, but ah, you won't suffer if they have the ability to subdue those people. Then the current tenant Boss, I will make the decision for you and get rid of the people."

(End of this chapter)

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