farmer's daughter

Chapter 240 1 Family Don't Say 2 Family Chapters

Chapter 240

Chapter 340

Jiang Jingming just likes to see this girl, she is very sophisticated in speaking and doing things.This is obviously because he wants his elder sister and elder brother-in-law to help manage the farm, but he doesn't say it.This girl, if only her own daughter!No, what if my daughter had to marry.If only this was my own daughter-in-law!

Thinking of this, Jiang Jingming sighed again.How could my son be worthy of this girl?In the past, it was okay to say that she was the only one who was smart, but her family background was not very good, but now, she is the eldest brother of the eldest son, and the wife of the princess.There is also the senior brother of Young Master Hou Men.By the way, that man who looks extremely mighty is also her third senior brother, and I don't know what his background is.At best, I am just a rich man, so I am not worthy of others.well!Forget it, it's good to have a good relationship.It can be regarded as a blessing to the children and grandchildren, and finally she is married to her cousin, isn't it?

Jiang Jingming thought so.nodded and said:
"Brother Shen, Xue'er is really afraid that she won't be able to handle these things. I don't know how her elder brother-in-law is? But the people here have been treated by me for two days, and it seems that they will be better. If you have time, you should come and see." It is."

Shen Sanzhu nodded and said:
"Well, to be honest, I don't know much about it. But we will try our best to do it. If we don't understand, we will bother Brother Jiang at that time. Please give us your advice."

Jiang Jingming laughed again and said:

"We're all one family, so we don't talk about each other. We won't go today. We'll set off early tomorrow morning, and we'll go see where those fields are. Today I'll welcome everyone, and tonight we'll go to Gaosheng Restaurant for dinner."

Shen Sanzhu hurriedly waved his hands and said:
"Then no need. Brother Jiang, a large group of us will cause you trouble. Just let them cook and eat at home. As the elder brother said, we will be a family in the future. Don't talk about those things Yes. It’s more comfortable to eat at home.”

Jiang Jingming laughed loudly and said:
"Okay! Then don't pay attention to those things. But when you come to Fucheng, let's go out and walk around. Mr. Liang, you are still familiar with this Fucheng, right? Your wife's natal home seems not far away. Do you want to go and have a look? ?”

Liang Sheng got up and said:

"Yes, my wife's house is on the west side of the city. We are planning to visit it. I was just thinking of telling you that we are planning to go this afternoon and come here tomorrow."

Jiang Jingming nodded and said:
"Okay, then I'll take you there in a carriage. It's still a bit far to the west of the city."

Just as he was talking, several people came in from the courtyard gate, and at a glance, it was Mrs. Jiang.Mrs. Jiang came with a girl, a woman and a housekeeper.Jiang Jingming hurriedly went up to meet him and said:

"How did you come?"

With the help of the girl, Mrs. Jiang took off her cloak, nodded and smiled with everyone in the room:

"You too. It's just you two here. I'm afraid the family hasn't made any arrangements. I heard that the in-laws are here, so I can't entertain you well. I rushed here early this morning. I'm afraid that you two won't be together The futons are not arranged well."

Everyone came forward to greet each other one after another. As soon as Mrs. Jiang saw Liang Shuang, she pulled Liang Shuang in front of her and said:
"Shuang'er, it's just in time for you to come. Originally, I was planning to move here. Later, his father said that this place will be used by you young couples. Just in time, Xue'er came to measure the dimensions, and you also come to see these houses .Which arrangement suits your liking. It’s better for you to see for yourself.”

Liang Shuang blushed with shame.softly said:

"Aunt Jiang, I shouldn't have come. Others will say that we are not polite, but, but."

Xue Jianjian Shuang was so ashamed that she was speechless, she leaned forward and imitated:
"Aunt Jiang, I shouldn't have come here. Others will say that we don't know how to be polite. However, my little cousin is so annoying. I have to come and see how to plan and arrange. Only in the future can I live comfortably."

After Xuejian finished her studies, she deliberately made very shy movements, but her eyes were smiling mischievously.It made everyone in the room laugh.Liang Shuang was already shy of being teased by Xue Jian, so she stomped her foot in embarrassment and reached out to hit Xue Jian.Xuejian immediately hid behind Jiang Youpeng.Liang Shuang could only stare at her.

No family can live without women, no, once Mrs. Jiang came, she made arrangements from left to right, even though there were only two or three servants, they arranged everything in an orderly manner.Xuejian also had to admire the mistress of this big family for being really capable.

As soon as Mrs. Jiang arrived, everyone sat down and talked for a while, and Liang Shengyue took Hu Yue'e away.The carriage driven by Shen Sanzhu took them there. Liang Shengyue originally wanted to take all the boys of the Liang family away, but Liang Junlei said he would stay with his sister.And the youngest, Liang Junlin, also refused to go, saying that he wanted to be with Xue Jian.So only Liang Junxiao and Liang Junzhen followed Liang Shengyue.Mrs. Jiang is also familiar with this prefecture.Turning around, he said:

"Come on, the two girls are coming back to Fucheng for the first time. I'll take you out for a walk. You three boys also go out with us. It's not the New Year's day. Let's do some New Year's goods by the way."

Xue Jian first agreed, she wanted to see how different the prefecture and the town would be, and yesterday she just passed by in the carriage for a while.It's not worth watching.Standing up, but pressing the purse on his body, he said immediately:

"Wait a minute, Uncle Jiang, I won't be able to pay you all the money for that land at once, but I guarantee that I will pay you in less than half a year. I will pay you 4000 taels first, and I will give you the rest in a year."

While talking about Xuejian, he took out the money he was carrying and handed it to Jiang Jingming.Jiang Jingming opened it and saw that it was worth [-] yuan. He paused for a moment and said:

"Xue'er, will your father leave it to you to carry?"

Xue Jian nodded, patted her purse and said:
"Yes, there are more than 1000 points here, but I also want to buy some New Year's goods, so I will pay you four thousand first. Don't worry, Uncle Jiang, this thief will not steal from children. They all think that children are At most, the purse can be filled with candy. Besides, my father said, I am the head of our family."

Mrs. Jiang burst out laughing, and said:

"Hey, we are the little head of the family. We really have become a family. Okay, Auntie will take you to buy new year's goods today. You guys follow us and help us carry things later."

As he spoke, he raised his finger and pointed to Jiang Youpeng and others who were standing aside and laughing secretly.Jiang Jingming smiled and said:
"Okay, you take the children out to play and have a look. We have to go to the farm tomorrow, and we don't have much time. Wait a minute and send all the New Year's goods you ordered to Gaosheng Restaurant. Go say hello, let's have dinner over there tonight."

Liang Shuang stepped forward and said:

"No, my aunt has just arrived, and I haven't sat down yet. It's very tiring to ride in a carriage. We all knew it after sitting in it yesterday."

Mrs. Jiang laughed and said:

"Look, master, let me say that my daughter's family loves others. Seeing our son is very happy, and he wants to go out for a walk. My daughter-in-law loves me so much."

Turning to Liang Shuang, he said:

"Don't worry, I'm more experienced than you guys. I was sleeping in the car when I came here. I've slept for more than half a day, so I can just take a walk and relax. Let's go. I'm refreshed now."

(End of this chapter)

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