farmer's daughter

Chapter 241 Miss Liu Who Killed Halfway

Chapter 241 Miss Liu Who Killed Halfway

Chapter 240 The Ms. Liu Who Killed Halfway

Liang Shuang didn't want to be teased again, so she blushed and said:

"But grandma said it when I came out. It's against the etiquette for me to come here to see when I'm married. If I go out again, I will be told by others. Brother Peng has to take an exam. I'd better not go."

Mrs. Jiang embraced Liang Shuang and said:

"Silly boy, you always think about us, but I know that when I was a girl, I really wanted to go out and have a look. Let's go, it doesn't matter if my mother-in-law is with you, and your natal uncle is with you. Besides, as long as I You don’t think she’s a mother-in-law, and you’re afraid of others talking about it? Peng’er’s entrance examination has nothing to do with this. He counts as much as he studies, and I don’t force him to earn my life back. You two will live in the future, and you won’t think of him. It’s fine if you don’t have the ability. Our family can still support you.”

It wouldn't be good for Liang Shuang to refuse any longer, and besides, she really wanted to follow her to see. She had never traveled far since she was a child, and this was the furthest place she had traveled.Turning to look at Jiang Youpeng standing beside him, Jiang Youpeng was also looking at her.The two looked at each other and lowered their heads in shame.

Now that Liang Shuang is fine, let's set off.Xue Jian followed Madam Jiang with great interest.Mrs. Jiang also held out her hand to hold Xuejian, Liang Shuang held Mrs. Jiang's arm on the other side, and Jiang Youpeng and the boys followed behind.From time to time, Jun Lin stepped forward to talk to Xue Jian.Mrs. Jiang's girl and mother-in-law also followed behind, and the group set off in a mighty way.

Jiang Jingming personally drove the group of people to the busiest street in a carriage, and then he drove to Gaosheng Restaurant, where he waited. If Shen Sanzhu turned back, he would also pass by here.It's better to stop him then.

Madam Jiang said to the two children as she walked:

"This street is called Guangsheng Street. This street is the busiest in Fucheng. It mainly sells ready-made clothes, jewelry, and fabrics. The street across this street sells pastries, snacks, tea shops, etc. Anyway, I am tired from walking here. Just come here and rest."

Mrs. Jiang introduced the two girls while walking. She was very satisfied with Liang Shuang and Xuejian's performance. These two girls came to this place for the first time, and they didn't look around all the way because they came back for the first time. Follow her directions to look at various places.Mrs. Jiang couldn't help secretly praising the Liang family's upbringing!Although it is a farming family, this girl can see the upbringing of that family as soon as she goes out.

Madam Jiang seemed to be familiar with the way, so she brought Xuejian and Liang Shuang to the first shop on the street.Xuejian took a look, and the signboard said Ruyi Pavilion.When I went in, it was a shop selling jewelry.

There is a waiter in front of the store who warmly greets everyone to enter the store.After Mrs. Jiang came in, another mistress came forward and said:

"Madam is here, please take a look, Madam, is there anything you like?"

Madam Jiang waved her hand and said:
"I want to go upstairs to see the new styles coming out this time."

The little one immediately became more respectful, bent slightly and said:

"Madam please, upstairs please, this time there are really new arrivals upstairs. The multi-colored beads that just came back from the south yesterday, and the most fashionable headgear that came back from the capital at the moment. Madam please, miss please, gentlemen please .”

Xiaoer greeted her one by one, Liang Shuang and Jiang Youpeng supported Mrs. Jiang from left to right and walked in front, Liang Junlei stretched out his hand to hold Xuejian, it seemed that he was worried that the little cousin's small arms and legs would fall upstairs .Xue Jian also obediently took Brother Lei's hand and went upstairs.

Upstairs, there are a circle of counters against the walls. There is a brocade box opened in front of the first counter, and a waiter came up to greet him and said:

"Madam, please. Here is a set of headgear, and here are some matching jewelry."

Mrs. Jiang led a few people directly to the set of headgear, and Xue Jian also saw that the set of headgear displayed on the cabinet was indeed very beautiful, including rubies, emeralds, pure gold, and sterling silver. There are emeralds.Everything.Dazzling to see.

Madam Jiang walked directly to a set of pure gold headgear, looked back at Liang Shuang, shook her head and said:

"Although this gold one looks dazzling, it's a bit old-fashioned for Shuang'er. Xue'er, help your cousin choose a set. I'm going to give it to her as a New Year's gift."

Xue Jian rushed forward to have a look and said:

"Wow, it's so beautiful, Sister Shuang, what do you like yourself?"

Liang Shuang smiled and said:
"Yes, it's really beautiful, but, Auntie, Liang Shuang doesn't need such an expensive thing."

"Use it, use it. Sister Shuang, what do you think of this?"

Jiang Youpeng, who was following behind, pointed directly at a set of ruby ​​headgear and said with a smile:

"Look, this set seems to be the same as your round eyes. Every bead is round. It must look good if you use it."

The set of rubies is really beautiful, each gem is very round, and the ruby ​​on the hairpin seems to be shining everywhere you look.There are also small rubies hanging from the small tassels on the hairpin.Xuejian liked it very much.

The waiter in the shop immediately stepped forward and said:
"The guest officer has good eyesight. This set of hair masks was brought back yesterday and was only exhibited today. This year's latest style in the capital, each prefecture has only one set. This girl must look even more beautiful with this hair mask. .”

Mrs. Jiang stepped forward with a smile and said:
"Well, Youpeng has a good eye. This set is really good for Shuang'er. How about we buy this set and use it when you get married? The color is also festive. I like it too. Shuang'er, me, it is Without a daughter, I will have you in the future. Mother will dress you up well."

Liang Shuang blushed with embarrassment.Jiang Youpeng was also dumbfounded at Liang Shuang's shy look.But unexpectedly, a voice came from behind:
"Xiao Er, wrap up that set of ruby ​​buns for me. I want it. Send it to Mr. Liu's house."

Xue, who was laughing happily, saw that the group of people stopped talking all of a sudden, turned her head and looked over, and saw a twenty-eight-year-old lady standing not far behind Mrs. Jiang, but she looked black. Thin, if she didn't dress like a lady from a wealthy family, otherwise, Xue Jian would have thought she was a woman who worked all day like the eldest sister.

Mrs. Jiang even looked over, and if she heard what she said correctly, she was sent to Mrs. Liu's house in the government office, that is Mrs. Liu's daughter.Mrs. Liu's daughter is the same age as the lady who said she would be rationed to her son Youpeng last time?But the picture that was sent to see was not like this.

Madam Jiang was still thinking.That Xiao Er is a little bit worried:
"Miss Liu, there is only one set of hairstyles, this lady is the first to take a fancy to it."

Mrs. Jiang heard the words and continued:

"I'm really sorry miss. We want this set of hair."

Miss Liu raised her eyebrows, stared and shouted:
"Xiaoer, you are not following the rules in Ruyi Pavilion. Isn't there a first-come-first-served one? They looked here first, but I said they wanted it first. They only looked at it but didn't say they wanted it. I said it first. They just said they wanted it."

This is indeed the case when I think about it carefully.Mrs. Jiang was also speechless, her family was only discussing this topic, and did not directly say that she wanted it.But it is not a kind act of this young lady to snap up the goods halfway.

(End of this chapter)

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