farmer's daughter

Chapter 248 Confused, completely confused!

Chapter 248 Confused, completely confused!

Chapter 240 I'm confused, I'm completely confused!
Xuejian was riding in a carriage with Mrs. Jiang and Liang Shuang, and Shen Sanzhu was driving the carriage, and she was going to pick up Liang Shengyue and his wife at Hu's natal home, which happened just right.Going to the farm will pass through them.There was a man sitting in the other carriage, and Jiang Jingming drove the carriage, because only he knew how to get there.The last two carriages were full, and it was only at the end of the morning that they rushed to the ground.

The carriage stopped outside a courtyard door, which was still tightly closed.After getting off the carriage, Jiang Jingming said:

"The gate of this courtyard is usually closed, because there are no residents, and I am afraid that some children will go in to play. In the future, you can tidy up and live here. Xue'er, come here, look, stand here, your eyes can see Everything you see is yours."

Here is a plain, no need to ask, Xue Jian also knows that these lands must be good lands.Looking around, Yimapingchuan.Xue Jian's heart was beating fast.It's so big and wide, it's all its own land.Even if I am a landlord!In this society, having land and having a wide land represents your status!With this piece of land, Xuejian is no longer a little peasant girl, but a real landlord!
Regarding the purchase of this piece of land, when Jiang Jingming went to find Shen Sanzhu when he was applying for the title deed, Shen Sanzhu said without hesitation:
"Of course it's in Xue'er's name. It was bought with the money Xue'er earned. When Xue'er gets married in the future, this is also her dowry!"

Jiang Jingming admired Shen Sanzhu's decision quite a lot.Because Shen Sanzhu himself is a farmer, he knew that owning such a wide land would be a different position.Moreover, Shen Sanzhu has two sons, but he didn't take advantage of his daughter because he wanted to leave his son's family property.Such a father is absolutely unique in this era.

Similarly, a person who has earned such a large family business at such a young age may never see this child again!

As soon as everyone stood up, a few people walked up the opposite field ridge, and the leader was a middle-aged farmer in his forties.Jiang Jingming whispered to Xue Jian:

"This person is another farmer. Now that farmer has lost, most people listen to him. If he doesn't do it, other people will follow him. Then your land here will be destroyed. Something went wrong."

As soon as Jiang Jingming's words fell, Xuejian's eyes darkened.Is this a bully thing?Now I'm afraid I will bully the master even more, because the master is so small.I'm afraid he didn't pay attention to it.

Xue Jian nodded slightly, and stood quietly beside Jiang Jingming.Did not speak.Jiang Jingming looked at Xuejian again, but he couldn't tell what was going on with this child. No matter what, he would help her to sort it out when he came.

The visitor walked straight up to Jiang Jingming, because he had seen Jiang Jingming the day before yesterday, and thought that Jiang Jingming was the new head of the house, he clasped his fists and said hello, but there was no sign of sincere salute.road:

"Master, I am Pang Dahu, and I am now the head of these tenants in this village. The master has changed, so we have to come and recognize the master."

Jiang Jingming frowned slightly, this man named Pang Hu obviously came to demonstrate.Just wanted to speak.Xue Jian took a step forward, looked up at the giant tiger, and said calmly:
"According to your age, I should call you Uncle Pang Da. Hello, Uncle Pang Da. My name is Shen Xuejian, and I am the new owner of this Zhuangzi. This is my uncle."

Xuejian is a small person, but his momentum is not inferior!Quietly going there, you have to attract the attention of others.And facing this strange big man is not stage fright at all.It was very appropriate to deal with it.

That Pang Dahu was a little confused for a moment, why is it a little girl?Such a small home?Pang Panghu didn't know how to interface for a while.Some thoughts that were prepared in advance were disrupted at once.This child, how to talk to her?There is a large group of adults standing here, who knows if this child can count?

Pang Dahu scratched his hair with his hand, then turned to look at the four or five strong men following behind him.The few people also looked at each other, and everyone didn't know what to say.But Xuejian asked calmly:
"Uncle Pang Da, you just said that you are the head of the farm here, that's just right. I just asked you something I don't understand. The 840 mu of land in this farm is now mine. I don't know if there are any tenants here How many houses? How many strong laborers are there in total?"

Of course, Pang Huo knew about this most basic data, so he immediately replied:

"Just ask me about this. We now have 43 tenant tenants here, with a total of 210 people. Maybe one family is leaving, and I know the master's house if I want to come, but there are not too many laborers. If life is not good, health will not be good. Now there are 65 to [-] strong laborers. The rest are old people and children. So today I was originally here to talk to the owner about the next year’s grain.”

Pang Panghu said what he wanted by the way, and wanted to give Xuejian a big blow when they met for the first time.But Xuejian is a child now, and children behave like children. If you don’t believe me, after hearing Pang Panghu’s words, Xuejian stretched out his fingers to count, and he still muttered:
"800 over 65 mu of land, counting 66 strong laborers, one person has to complete more than 100 mu of land, but has to support more than [-] people who cannot work."

Xue Jian read aloud there, completely pretending that no one was alone to settle accounts.After a while, Xue Jian exclaimed in surprise:

"Oh, Uncle Dafa, you strong laborers are so powerful. You can plant more than ten acres of land by yourself!"

Turning around, he whispered to Jiang Jingming in a whisper that everyone could hear:
"Uncle, I know why the last owner sold this piece of land. I can't afford it. Think about it, how well can a person plant more than ten acres of land? I'm afraid it can only be done sloppy. This It’s completely for the master’s family. This master’s family has withheld the rent and has to hand in the public grain. I’m afraid there is not much left. I remember it was said in the official document. The tenant’s master’s family has the right to replace it. Uncle, I don’t really understand, I’m not very good at calculation, how about you help me figure out how much labor I need to plant my land. Only in this way can I get something and earn something, otherwise I will spend money What do you buy land for? We’ll come back next year. It’s easy to change tenants. Everyone in my grandfather’s village can be tenants. It’s easy for people we know to settle accounts. We need more grain and less grain. It doesn't matter, the important thing is to plant the land well. I have to see the harvest before I can talk about the crops, right? Uncle, do you think that's the case?"

This is totally a child asking a grown-up what to do.wrong!This is all about how she will solve this problem, telling her uncle, that is, telling everyone!As for what exactly it is, it depends on the minds of the listeners. Everyone's standpoint is different, and their thoughts after hearing these words are different.

That Pang Dahu was completely dumbfounded.How do you answer this?Although the owner is a child, she didn't say these words to herself, she was asking others, if it wasn't for herself, but the meaning in those words was dealing with her own group of people .Bewildered, all bewildered!
(End of this chapter)

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